TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion::In a blog post, the company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion.
Tiktok also didn’t censor the major protests in France like Facebook and Twitter did at the time. i hav downloaded some videos with Tiktok video downloader but after that i have deleted all the data.
A broken tiktok is right twice a day…
As far as I can tell, neither government here has the moral high ground…and I chose the word “government” there for a reason.
It is my understanding from very far away only able to see through Lie-O-Vision that two governments that hate each other because religion are basically taking it out on civilians who just want to live their lives. It’s a tragedy that has basically nothing to do with me yet it does cast my eyes toward my own capitol city with a bit of a suspicious squint.
Though the sympathies of Democrats of all ages had tended to shift toward Palestinians over time, those aged 23-43 had the largest swing in the most recent poll and are the only group where sympathies for Palestinians now outweigh those for Israelis.
there’s an increasing divide between real people and the owner class when it comes to Israel. Our government treats Israel like it has an unlimited budget and can do no wrong because the realpolitik is such that they need a client state in the middle east. Regular, everyday people OTOH are being shown a war of genocide in real time from dozens of different angles and it turns out that watching it happen live invokes vastly different feelings than watching a press conference where Israel and the US congratulate themselves on establishing a daily 4 hour window where they won’t bomb civilians unless they really, really want to. It’s turning out that there actually is a number of innocent lives we’re not willing to trade for one guilty life, and that for a lot of us that number is 1. It’s turning out that we’re smart enough to realize that evacuation warnings on twitter in english are probably aren’t meant for an Arabic-speaking population that lives somewhere where the internet has been cut off and are, therefore, just Israel trying to manage its reputation in the west. We’re also human enough to realize that we wouldn’t accept someone firebombing our entire neighborhood to rubble even if one of our neighbors was evil and they sent an evacuation warning first, and that the basics of decency demand that we don’t ask Palestinians to do so either.
The thing that sunk the Vietnam war in America was embedded journalists. People who have seen war have a hard time defending it. So the war machine adapted: now you only get access to report on the war if your reporting supports the war effort itself (“winning the war”) and the effort to maintain moral authority while waging the war (“winning the hearts and minds”). Thing is, now anyone can broadcast themselves to the entire world at a moment’s notice. It was already hard to limit the reporting capabilities of 5 or 6 news orgs, now everyone you’re trying to have a war with is their own news org. Why do you think they tried to shut down the internet in Gaza almost immediately? Why now are they targeting a platform where anyone can go live and the data is out of the hands of western governments until after it’s already in the eyes and ears of western civilians? They’re trying to stem the flow of information because if we know what’s going one we’re not gonna support it.
Remember! Truth tellers don’t mind being questioned or scrutinized.
Liars are the ones that always rush to silence the opposition and censor everyone they disagree with.
The US doesn’t have any strategic benefit in propping up Israel other than doing so being weirdly important to white voters.
I don’t give a damn about either. They are both scums.
It might be a surprise to Americans that many people think that Israelis are evil bastards.
The entire point of an app like TikTok is to stir stories and headlines so they get more clicks. Everything is for the algorithm.
I don’t think an algorithm is responsible for the fact that most sane people are generally against genocide. People being pro-Palestine in this specific situation is a humanitarian response and should not be causing any amount of concern because it is the morally correct position here.
HOWEVER, the fact that we just witnessed the fucking letter to america go viral on tiktok, wherein a soul crushing amount of people publicly stated they agree with a fucking jihadist manifesto, is cause for a massive amount of concern. Tiktok definitely needs to face consequences for letting that happen. We also can’t excuse the audience for that type of behaviour. Whether it came from a deliberate propaganda campaign, or a sketchy algorithm, or just mass stupidity, audience members need to be better. If you read the letter to america and you think bin laden was right, you’re a moron, and you’re contributing to the problem.
Everyone’s pro-palestine. They’re just fucking people caught in the middle of some retarded bullshit. Every time someone gets killed, that entire family is probably radicalized, and they’re right to be.
Israel has unrelentingly taken the worst possible approach to the problem, having learned nothing from their own experience. They’ve made the worst possible mess of it, which is no surprise considering it was made by a bunch of people trying to make the Bible come true like dipshits.
Maybe it’s not so much they’re “pro-Palestine” but anti-genocide.
when the majority content type dominates the platform
pikachualgorithmThe amount of pro Palestinian support is overwhelming everywhere. Only newspapers and Reddit bots and paid shills are still spreading IDF propaganda. The rest of the world sees israel for the Nazi’s they are.
Which is encouraging. It’s been a relatively silent genocide for decades, and while it’s good to see people waking up, it’s almost too late. Kinda like climate change.
Pretty shitty genocide if the population keeps growing…
It’s grotesque to me people that keep repeating this. The accusations of genocide almost universally relate to after Oct. 7. And population growth over a 60 year stretch does not discredit incitement to genocide or actions taken to attempt genocide.
And ethnic cleansing is still genocide. Palestinians are refugees the world over because of Israel. Some stuck in Egypt, the Sinai desert, some in Europe and others internally displaced stuck in Gaza originating from other places in Israel. It all stems from the 1948 Nakba where Jewish terrorist gangs began a massacre and campaign of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
You mean the less than 1 million Jews in the British Mandate in 1948 who accepted the UN resolution for 2 States and were attacked by the Arabs in the British Mandate and all the neighboring Arab countries? I don’t think you know what ethnic cleansing means. SMH
I think the Israeli government is authoritarian, and their scorched earth tactics against Palestinians are war crimes, but you’re not doing the cause any favors by invoking the Nazis. Criticize their actual behavior.
In a context where we have the lies about the hospitals having tunnels under them, that 40 non-existent babies were beheaded and where some key facts about Oct 7 have somewhat unravelled, how far would you even bother policing the words of people wishing for a liberated Palestinian?
The Israelis and their supporters are also notorious liars and frequently try to claim that Muslims or brown people were responsible for the Holocaust in Europe.
They’ve bombed civilians before and the intelligence they send tend to be garbage according to EU after they looked through the reams of documents the Israelis sent them. As an occupier, Israel behaves like a country at war all the time, they lie, kill and cheat perpetually.
I have never heard of Israelis by trying to blame the Holocaust on Arabs. On the other hand. .
I’ll verify that my Arabic family are wildly antisemitic. They don’t denigrate Jewish individuals, mock their appearance, call them filth or anything in that vein. But they’re not just anti-Zionists either. They believe Jews control the world through a shadow network of conspirators. And when you believe that, it fits right in that they must have manufactured a Holocaust to win sympathy.
I think it all stems from anti-Zionism, though. They see a tiny country holding out against the entire Arab world, with the backing of powerful westerners, and their explanation is that the Israelis must have America and the EU dancing on puppet strings. It’s like when a foe pulls off a stunning victory and their enemies say they must have cut a deal with the devil because how else do you explain it. I don’t believe any of that, though I do find the American military support for Israel totally sus and wrong.
Jews were in high positions in the Arab world and iirc lived well. Much of the blame for the rise in anti-semitism is almost purely down to Zionism. Jews came to be seen as colonial collaboraters with the great powers against that region. In Algeria they literally were - the French were able to create a two-tier colonial society by giving Jewish Algerians who were native to Algeria citizenship and denying Muslims the same by claiming cultural incompatibility. Hence, Jews became a colonial force in that country.
In Iraq, Zionists terrorised the Arab (Iraqi!) Jewish community there by bombing Synagogues and cultural centers and collaborated with Iraqi nationalists to force Iraqi Jews into leaving for Israel.
So there are different experiences here, but almost all is down to colonialism and zionism.
Lol when were these Jews in Iraq bombed and who exactly are the zionists who did the bombing?
Yep great insights. Thank you for adding.
Imagine you walked into the camps and saw the smattering of walking skeletons that were left from the multiple thousands of people who had preceded them into the gas chambers or ovens.
I think it’s hard to really imagine what level of trauma that would cause, and how shocking it would be to see those images.
I think that is the foundation of a powerful bond between the West and Israel, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
I find it extremely troubling that Netanyahu and his cronies have said that the only solution to the issues they are having is to exterminate all Palestinians (assuming that quote is accurate) and I do think that their actions are horrifying and deserve criticism, but that’s the government. I have no issue with the people of Israel. I believe that in part these actions are Bibi covering his own ass for not stopping nor even anticipating a massive attack from a known enemy. I understand his desire to root out Hamas, but there has to be a way to do so with more accuracy and less civilian misery and death.
He has said Hitler didn’t intend to destroy Jews until a Muslim told him to.
His son posts Nazi memes on Facebook (featuring Greenwald).
He is also suspiciously happy that his son married a white Scandinavian woman.
He made racist jokes/comments about north african jews in their military and that white jewish officers must lead them.
Wait what came out about the October 7 attack?
Half the people on the list of deaths Israel put out had Lt and Sgt on their names. So they’re soldiers. And the official number has gone down from over 1400 to 1200.
Jesus Christ, so 600 civilians? And I’m guessing it’s over 10k in Palestine now? I’ll have to look for a source to verify this but if you have one in the meantime that’d be appreciated.
I’m saying half because of the list they put out, but apparently it looks to be 700-800 civilians when counted. The list they originally put out on twitter was an image.
These are all still Israel’s numbers, who are notorious liars. And we also know they were shooting and bombing hostages along with Hamas fighters indiscriminately during the battle.
You can see ‘half’ the image have Lt and Sgt on their names, sometimes in full. https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1722045168382021929
The problem is their behavior and rhetoric towards Palestine resembles a sentiment shared by the OG Nazis
A craven terrorist attack caused a military response that has claimed 11,000 lives to date, with a substantial proportion of those lives being women and children. This is a horrible thing. Hamas and the Israeli government can both go fuck themselves for the misery they have caused.
That said, AFAIK nobody is sending Israeli troops in to round up Palestinians and systematically incinerate them until all Palestinians are dead.
6,000,000 Jews suffered that fate.
The bombing of Dresden took 25,000 German lives. Nobody called that an attempted genocide.
Perspective is important.
The problem is when you mention Nazis to Jews, the first things they’ll think of are Zyklon B, Babi Yar, the piles of children’s shoes at Auschwitz, Mengele, that sort of thing.
And while what’s going on in Israel is terrible, it’s not Mengele terrible, Babi Yar terrible, or Treblinka terrible. So they write you off as just another antisemite, rather than listening to your point.
And yet that was only the very end. The stuff that came before that might as well be a mirror to the way Israel is treating the Palestinians.
No, not really. Nazi Germany lasted from 1933-1945.
From 1933 to 1939, things were mostly non-lethal: boycotting and vandalizing shops, banning Jews from public service or practicing law, harassing Jews, etc. The basic idea was to get Jews to emigrate out of Germany.
The first open ghettos were established in 1939, while the massacres really started in 1941.
If you’re going to compare Gaza to part of Nazi Germany, the best comparison is to the closed ghettos that were established in 1940, like the Warsaw ghetto. The period between the establishment of the closed ghettos and the beginning of the mass killings was way, way shorter than the mass killings. Of the 12 year span of Nazi Germany, the best comparison is to a period that lasted for about a year or so, 7 years in.
Nazi Germany really isn’t a great historical comparison to Israel. Honestly, a better comparison is to the US’s treatment of Native Americans, though it’s still not a perfect analogy. The dream of Israel’s far right isn’t to murder every last Palestinian, it’s manifest destiny; an Israel stretching from the river to the sea even if there’s a few small reservations on it.
You need to look at what’s happening in West Bank.
Netanyahu and his cohorts have explicitly said they believe they need to kill every last Palestinian. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/11/benjamin-netanyahu-amalek-israel-palestine-gaza-saul-samuel-old-testament/
Jesus Christ what a fuckng psycho
I read this, and from what I can tell, he explicitly said they believe they need to kill every last member of Hamas, and a different unrelated person wrote an essay about how they need to kill all Palestinians?
When the Israelis impose a system of racial domination on Palestinians that is objectively worse than Apartheid, I’d say you needn’t bother handwringing about Israelis getting their feelings hurt. Fascists is always an alternative though - they’re politicians have used it themselves.
Netanyahu himself has made racist jokes favouring white Jews over the north african immigrants, so while ‘white supremacist’ also works at that point, you’re back to just saying ‘Nazi’.
Why is it worse rhan apartheid?
Because Jews don’t need Palestinians like White South Africans needed Black people for low wage jobs. So they can genocide them without a thought.
No I meant what evidence do you have that what they are actually doing is worse than apartheid?
Chiefly Nelson Mandela’s own words on the matter and Noam Chomsky’s. Other South Africans. The two-tier colonial system in place and TCM’s recent testimony on what he saw in the occupied territories was enlightening too.
They turned Gaza into a concentration camp.
As Jews, they should absolutely know better.
There are amusement parks, beach resorts and night clubs… there’s a few travel vlogs showing what life was like before the attack on 10/7. I was quite surprised to see what was available there after the years of media.
Not saying it was the coastal beauty it could have been, but they had amenities that you didn’t exactly find at Auschwitz or Bergen…
You’re talking about Gaza or Tel Aviv? I’ve been to Gaza man, 95% of them didn’t have clean water in 2014 and that number didn’t change up until today. Gaza itself was a hellhole.
The resorts and stuff you see are on Jewish territory. They’ve destroyed anything nice Palestinians have.
I’m talking about Gaza. I’ve been there too, once they elected Hamas their fate was sealed. The potential was there before they fucked themselves for generations. Israel left a lot of infrastructure in place When they pulled out.
It wouldn’t have been Tel Aviv, they would never achieve the Tech power of that city but they could have been a real nice vacation spot.
They “elected” Hamas. In an election that was never certified, had more votes total than people living there and there hasn’t been an election since.
But even if they legit did vote for Hamas I wouldn’t blame them. Killing Israelis after all they’ve done is just.
So revenge is cool in your books. Interesting. Let’s see how that works out. Not a strategy id suggest.
In the 20s Gaza was a tourist destination.
Getting downvoted for linking to facts, you have my sympathy my friend…
The comparisons to the Nazis are actually inescapable. I struggle to think of a centrally orchestrated and mechanized system of apartheid/oppression and now genocide that’s more similar.
The Israelis have set up a systematic means of rounding up and murdering people until their entire race is removed from existence?
I hadn’t heard.
…you mean at the military checkpoints where Palestinians routinely disappear? How about the fact that Israel conducts human medical experiments on prisoners. Or the systematic rape of Palestinian women. How about the systematic attacks on Palestinian infrastructure that leaves 95% of Gaza without access to clean water. And that was before this current mess.
Grow the fuck up and open your eyes. Israelis are straight up evil.
The Israeli government is straight up evil, maybe.
The Israeli people have been targets of precise statements from multiple neighbors over the years telling them they would be exterminated as soon as the opportunity arose.
Put yourself in that position and tell me you wouldn’t support a right wing militant government that ran on a platform of hard borders and strong military.
How many wars of aggression have been waged against Israel since its founding? How many terrorist attacks? If the nations surrounding them put down their weapons and accepted them, there would be peace in the region. If the Israelis put down their weapons they would be murdered en masse.
How would you like a populace that came within a hair’s breadth of systematic extermination to react when they move to an area and are immediately painted as liars by neighbors who are Holocaust deniers and express the desire to finish the job?
Also if your argument is strong enough there’s no need to add that last part. It makes you seem weak and devalues any merit in your words, of which there is plenty. Nobody wants to see people getting hurt, but to fail to differentiate between the Israeli government and the Israeli people, and to ignore the situation they are in and the precursor to the establishment of the state of Israel, is a mistake.
They chose for religious reasons to slowly invade and genocide a people in an area that was extremely hostile to them.
Historically Jewish people have been given land in Spain and Italy to found their own nation. Both times they sold it and invaded Israel in history.
I have zero sympathy for them, because historically, they’ve been the invading aggressors to the region because they feel they have some sort of religious right to it, and since I’m anti-theist and believe religion is the root of all evil seeing both sides die in this conflict is kind of desirable to me.
I understand as a fellow atheist, but I would just say try to have some compassion for people as a whole, even if they believe in stupid sky daddys.
Children get indoctrinated into Islam and Judaism and inherit this conflict and its derived suffering from their parents. As an anti-theist, you should be able to see them as victims, rather than see the conflict as something positive.
Godwin’s Law was repealed in 2016.
“Godwin’s Law” only said that the comparison to Nazis becomes inescapable the longer a conversation goes (not the common interpretation “whoever says Nazi first loses”). If I remember right he actually went back later and said it’s perfectly fine to draw the Nazi analogy to fascist states.
The Nazis forced Jews into ghettos. Gaza is a ghetto that Palestinians are forced to live in.
Zionists will not however, directly kill every Palestinian. They will indirectly try to kill every Palestinian by colonizing every last inch of land from the Palestinians. The ones that immigrate away will be too scattered to maintain a coherent ethnicity, and eventually their culture will be erased.
So, while practically speaking they’re not as bad as Nazis, they are as effective as Nazis, if not more so.
I’ve still got plenty of friends who support Israel over here in the states, including basically everyone conservative I know.
Interesting, I actually know a couple conservatives that are anti globalism, which justified their anti Israel stance. However, the conservatives I know that are party aligned due to religious preferences… that’s another story
They’re not “anti-globalism”. They don’t even know what that means. They’re just parroting Alex Jones. I don’t like globalism, but conservatives who go off about globalism are actually just being anti-semitic and using Israel as shorthand for “the Jewish secret ruling class”.
As someone who stands mostly in the middle, I rarely comment on this issue because every second poster calls anyone that has even the mildest sympathy for Israel’s situation a Nazi.
You people are tiresome and it’s honestly not worth ‘debating’ with you.
The English language is great. If your friend was recently kicked out of their house by a Nazi and is arguing with them about it, you can see if things get violent and call out “hey, Nazi debater!” and they will both turn their heads, unsure if you’re talking to them or the other guy. Hilarity will ensue from this small confusion, and all will end well.
That having been said, the Nazi will still conveniently forget all their country’s history, will declare they are the “pure” or “chosen” ones, and proceed to cleanse the ones that don’t fit their world view, including your friend.
An ethno-state is based on race superiority that is committing genocide to expand their lebensraum by dehumanizing their enemies and calling for the indiscriminate slaughter of people of a certain race by locking them all up in a giant concentration camp.
Now where the fuck did I hear they one before? Oh yeah the Nazi’s. It’s almost comical how much israel is a copy of Nazi Germany.
You are correct that I will call every israel sympathizer a Nazi because they are Nazi’s by practically everyx single definition.
Sorry, didn’t read past ‘ethno-state’. Pretty clear where you were going from there. Nice talking with you.
I stand for the people. I support Israel, but not it’s far right government that wants to kill all palestinian people and take their lands, but at the same time, I support Palestine, but not it’s extremist terrorist leaders.
Wars are fought between two or more governments for their own goals and is a competition who cal kill the other side the most (including it’s civilians).
You can support a country without supporting their government, however people sometimes tend to be lazy and just say “fuck Israel” instead of saying “fuck the government of Israel”, or say “fuck Palestine” by being ignorant instead of saying “fuck HAMAS”.
Innocent people should not be vilified for just wanting to live their lives in peace.
Algorithm probably plays a sizeable part in that, but as an older gen Z fella I have become indifferent to both countries of this conflict. Both Israel and Palestine just race with each other who can check the most boxes in the Geneva Convention rules list. Just leave those 2 to sort this mess out for themselves, It’s not like we get a Holy Site bonus effect by owning Jerusalem.
Or just put a stop on this, but this is a naive thinking.
There’s always someone in here to say that both sides are equal.
+20% Monthly Piety and +20% County Conversion Speed
This are the bonus effects for owning it! Makes your dynasty so much more powerful if you then divert from your reign’s religion. But be prepared for an holy war against you if you do so.
(this is ck3 btw)
Both Israel and Palestine just race with each other who can check the most boxes in the Geneva Convention rules list. Just leave those 2 to sort this mess out for themselves
Please educate me then. Narrowed down to this conflict only Israel killed HUGE amounts of civilians but Hamas militants initiated this entire conflict by creating massacres all over Israel.
Of course, I’m not stating that Israel or Palestine is doing the right thing, it’s just sad (and tiring) to see another war where BOTH sides don’t take civilian lives into consideration at all. What’s your disagreement for me being indifferent? I would be a pretty happy person if someone could put a stop on this entire conflict, but this probably won’t ever happen.
“Narrowed down to this conflict only”. There. Thats my explanation. Casting a century of genocide aside and focusing only on this conflict is silly.
Also, you’re operating under the assumption this is a war between Israel and Palestine, but Palestine is not a country Israel decided to be at war with. “Palestine” is what remains of the obstacle to Israel’s legitimacy. I
Your assumption is totally understandable but our debate would need way longer paragraphs since this massacre has numerous amounts of conflicts starting from the 40s.
Yes that’s correct, I was indeed under the assumption that Palestine exists as a country. Thank you for pointing this out.
That’s pretty reductive on the Palestinian side no?
Considering more than half the populous wasn’t even born when Hamas took power.
To be fair to them, it’s not as though the Israel Palestine conflict is black and white. It is pretty well known to be one of the most complex conflicts in human history.
Just about any statement that isn’t very well researched and laboriously constructed is like 95% likely to be reductive to some and offensive to others.
I’m sure someone reads this post as reductive, and I am only tangentially referring to the conflict.
Edit: beyond this comment we see people continuing to try to distill a multigenerational war down to a paragraph. Brilliant. Y’all should start writing history books since y’all have such a firm grasp on it all!
No it’s perfectly simple: Hamas, Kahanites and the like are fascists and ruin it, on both sides, for everyone, with their warmongering.
The only real mistake you can make in this conflict is see it as “Muslims vs. Jews” or “Palestinians vs. Israelis”: It’s decent people all over against assclowns and even entertaining those two “vs.” there is playing right into their hands.
Side note: Did you know the victims of the Hamas attack were largely Smolanim? Hippie Kibbutz kind of people, travelling into Gaza doing good work, just like those next to the West Bank travel into it to help Palestinians with olive harvests to make it less likely they get shot at by Settlers. Netanjahu and his Kahanites couldn’t give less of a fuck about them, which you also see reflected in them ignoring their families, they’re like the #1 critics of the government right now.
I’m definitely guilty of reductionism and offending people with my views. I don’t hold tightly to them, overall. I don’t like the indiscriminate murder of the innocent, but I also think that comparing this recent exchange of pleasantries between Israel and Hamas to Nazi Germany is offensive in and of itself.
Of course, the rhetoric that both sides of this filthy conflict use serves to display the deep hatred that exists ay the core of it.
The conflict itself is really not that complex. It’s yet another example of runaway apartheid. The complexity comes from the global power and military positioning considerations for the US and its western alies. But that’s not really related to the conflict itself, but rather to the bloodthirsty maw of imperialism
the bloodthirsty maw of imperialism
Antisemitic Zionist (yes, that’s a thing) Christians are a pretty big factor, too.
It is pretty well known to be one of the most complex conflicts in human history.
It’s really not. It’s a land grab by a colonist ethno-state that drummed up some bullshit about that land being their destiny when they really came from what is now known as Iraq (and honestly who cares where). They intentionally make the issue “complicated” by putting ethnicity at its center, making even valid criticisms of this colonization punishable as a hate crime. But in the end, it’s not confusing. It’s just a land-grab wrapped in an ethnic/religious skin sort of like a Trojan horse.
I think some citation is necessary for the assertion that the Jewish people were not historically from the Levant region, and have no ancestoral “claims” in Jerusalem and the surrounding territory. I would love to see some anthropology studies or papers on the bronze age Israelites being proto-Asyrian or Persian and not one of the Canaanite tribes.
I’d also like to point out that basically every war ever has been and will probably be a land grab, wrapped up in some rationalized or causative skin. That stretch of land in particular has been conquered over and over again throughout human history, and the inhabitants forcibly immigrated and emigrated during many of these changes of power. Mesopotamia has been birthing empires since humans discovered it and it became a cradle of human civilization.
By your logic, they should share the land. That would also be an acceptable solution as well. Probably better, actually.
How do you feel about that? I’d love it if they could coexist peacefully, wouldn’t you?
I sure would, and that is what I’d argue for. I’d love it if both sides would agree to revert to the '67 borders, or even draw up and negotiate new borders if that is required at this point. Both sides have equal “claim” to the area, and this is a needless pseudo-civil war. Without the US and Israel’s surrounding Arab neighbors pouring money and ideology into it, the original '48 plan may have settled into a workable 2 state solution, but who really knows.
I also know that I have no skin in the game on either side, and honestly my opinion doesn’t matter beyond the fact that the US is allies with Israel as a democracy in the middle east that they can leverage towards favorable geopolitical stability, and which I have little power to effect. I just wanted to ask about what appeared to be dishonest propaganda that tries to conflate Israel with foreign colonizers like England, Portugal, Spain, etc, and erase pretty solidly agreed upon paleo and anthropology. We shouldn’t whitewash in either direction.
Ahh yes, that’s a good take, I forgot that the Gaza Strip area is extremely young compared to the average, but please educate me then. I wasn’t suggesting that the Palestinians deserve this for supporting or voting for Hamas, they have their justified reason.
As I recall Hamas has initiated massacres (and before, also installing military buildings in civil areas and probably some more). Just to not sound biased of course Israel had made its fair share of war crimes like bombing civilian areas where military buildings weren’t even present and bunch more probably.
Of course, it’s absolutely brutal observing this even more so that the Israeli minister didn’t give 2 shits to the Pope’s request (ironic), but what can we do? Can we really put a stop to this without escalating things further and risking creating a bigger conflict than it currently is?
The difference is that for one side the “violations of the Geneva convention” are not being carried out by the duly elected government 🤔
Hmm haven’t heard of it, but I believe in your statement.
Yeah. Like obviously no one thinks that what Hamas is doing is in any way right, but at the same time Palestine has been shrinking. Palestinians have been treated poorly for decades, and they have no recourse.
It’s hardly surprising that an organisation like Hamas would crop up. People are being erased and they want desperately to continue living.
I cannot truthfully say that I wouldn’t lash out in violence if my life was threatened.
I think people’s issue is that you (the west) is funding one side of it.
I’m pretty isolationist too though. Pull the funding to both sides. Let them figure it out themselves (Israel will probably not exist in the end of this scenario).
I think an issue that this event has really highlighted is that governments and the people who live there are not the same thing and often have conflicting beliefs
Israel has Nukes. Desperate people with Nukes is not a situation we want to reach. It’s so much more complicated then people are willing to admit.
Yeah you’re right, another point that I should’ve made an extensive research before making my point.
Israel is at the front of the war on the west, from Syria to Lebanon and Iran. It’s in the west’s interest that they exist and be strong to be a force in the middle east and defend the west from falling to jihadist rule.
TikTok is banned in India so there’s way less anti-muslim sentiment on the platform.
Yes, let’s combat racism with more racism, way to go.
Islam isn’t a race, and Indian Muslims aren’t Arab…they’re Indian, like Pakistanis are Indian and not Arab…
How is this racist? Behavior of BJP mob on Reddit was observable by how r/worldnews looked like depending on time of the day.
Oh so it wasn’t just me who felt that was feeling off in r/worldnews. The comments are horrific at times.
Turns out a lot of very reasonable people actually did leave Reddit over the summer and now the trolls and crazies have an amplified voice.
I’m so glad to see other people mention this because damn that sub has been wild lately.
r/worldnews is some of the most diverse hivemind of -isms and -phobias I’ve seen concentrated in one subreddit. The flavour just depends on the time of day.
55% of Islamophobic tweets originated in India: https://apo.org.au/node/318935
Racism is when you don’t want muslim people to be oppressed and murdered? 🤔