Tesla Cybertruck’s stiff structure, sharp design raise safety concerns - experts::The angular design of Tesla’s Cybertruck has safety experts concerned that the electric pickup truck’s stiff stainless-steel exoskeleton could hurt pedestrians and cyclists.
Gonna be real fun to see the crash test rating.
Without crumple zones, all of the kinetic energy goes into the occupants.
Here you go:
Looked convincing at first, but it felt too clean- Then at 7 seconds in, you can watch a white panel clip straight through the door and windshield lol
OTOH it weighs almost 7000lbs (~3100kg) so it’s going to plow through most of everything with its sheer mass.
You’d be surprised how much a concrete pillar holding up an overpass can actually take. They don’t break like in the movies, they are specifically designed to take big truck impacts and not fail. Anybody crashing a Cybertruck at highway speeds into one of those is instantly turned into red colored mashed potatoes.
We have barriers good enough to stop a fully-loaded semi in effectively zero distance.
Anybody crashing a Cybertruck at highway speeds into one of those is instantly turned into red colored mashed potatoes
Why does that sound delicious 😭
Eat the rich?
That was a concern the day it was unveiled years ago
Didn’t expect them to act this stupid. They have no damn solution for this mammoth of a tin box, exerting pressures way above what is needed to obliterate any living thing at speed.
The solution is to only sell them in the USA which has no pedestrian safety standards
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Safety concerns…who would have thought? This cannot be an actual recent concern. Everybody could see the safety issues from the day it was unveiled…
Good thing safety regulation is the reason why we hopefully will not see this monstrosity on EU roads.
It’s not a recent concern, it’s been talked about since the initial reveal
could hurt pedestrians and cyclists
I dare you to convince me that anyone still buying Tesla would not see that as a benefit. That’s going to be the number one selling point of this thing after articles like this make their rounds.
I am a Tesla owner and a cyclist. It’s not a benefit.
Did you buy your Tesla since Elmo when full fash, and would you buy one now if you didn’t have one already?
No and yes. Find me an automotive CEO that’s not a giant POS and we’ll talk. It’s a great car, overall.
How many others run a social media platform catered to fashists?
They all have their own special flavors of trash.
There’s giant POS and the there’s Elon Musk
You have to be a special kind of stupid to think Musk is unique among billionaires.
His only ‘uniqueness’ is the brand that’s attached to his name. If you notice, he behaves exactly like all other celebrity billionaires, such as Trump and Kanye.
Every controversy is just free advertising for their brands.
You’ll notice OP wasn’t comparing billionaires, they were comparing automotive CEOs. So that’s a scarecrow argument. All of the other automotive CEOs have an order of magnitude less wealth than Musk.
He has the wealth of a nation state and owns one of the world’s largest social media sites, a rocket company, a car company, and actively promotes far-right hate speech and meddles in international politics.
At least he isn’t giving out copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
The automotive CEO most similar to Musk is probably Henry Ford, and I’m honestly not sure which one is worse.
So it’s an EV Delorian.
People are going to be pissed when they find out cyclists lose in collisions against any vehicle, not just prototype electric trucks.
Hell, motorcyclists lose, even with 1000lbs of bike.
Something called physics can’t be bypassed. Worrying about making cars less dangerous for pedestrians is a foolish endeavor at this point. I really don’t see it making that much difference when you look at the mass differential.
Deforming plastic bumpers aren’t going to make much difference when they just compress with so little pressure that hard parts of the car are still impacting human bodies.
Good argument for separate infrastructure.
And using it.
There are certain streets in my city that are multi-lane, paired one-ways, they’re major routes with a LOT of traffic.
There are parallel streets that make the same connections, that only see local traffic, people who live on those blocks.
Where do the cyclists like to ride, with the cars doing 25 at most, or with the cars on the 45 mph street where people speed up to 60 at times?
Cyclists (as a group) love to shout about the rules of the road saying they can be there, but so many disregard those same rules when it’s convenient.
Running red lights/stop signs (because it takes effort to start again! Wait, I thought one of the arguments was it’s good exercise?), riding against traffic, (bad in the city, but I think is the better approach for rural areas), etc.
You (the royal “you”) wanna ride a bike? Good for you. I’ll do my best to make the road safe for you, but it’s a two-way street. Work with me, not against me.
And I’ve been a motorcyclist for 30+ years now, dealing with some similar issues (especially that we’re not visible to drivers). People in cars will make mistakes, it’s up to me to ensure they see me, that they know what my intentions are. Most drivers really have no idea what to expect out of a two-wheeler, with or without an engine. That needs to be acknowledged and considered with every interaction.
Edit: aww I offended a bunch of cyclists who do these things, but don’t have the balls to comment because they know this is all true.
Who would buy this piece of crap? Like really?
Shit on me if you must but I actually like the look and features of the car. However I likely wouldn’t buy a Tesla in general
“Hey, I know you’re disappointed by the lack of Autopilot™, but look on the bright side, every Cybertruck comes standard with our patented Child Buster™ technology to cast those little shits into the depths hell where they belong!”
Seriously, having been hit by a fairly rounded Impreza at low speed that still did significant damage, I’m shivering at the thought of what these edges would do to soft tissue and bone in the same conditions. The pressure at the contact points would be dramatically higher.
Yeah cars should definitely not be colliding with people. The results are horrible. Welcome to civilization with cars, where our overall strategy for minimizing the death cars to do pedestrians is based on collision avoidance rather than making car-pedestrian collisions safe.