Why is this a thing? I like iMessage but is there a reason people are trying to force their way into the protocol or whatever? Just to show blue or is there something unique to iMessage that no one else has?
iMessage chats are supposedly horribly broken for people participating over SMS. It got so bad in the US that teenagers treat it as a status symbol too.
Adding to this, people in the US in general treat the blue message bubbles as a status symbol.
We’re also apparently the largest userbase of iMessage, whereas the rest of the world has more sense to use third-party apps to talk to family and friends from around the world.
The tech is pretty interesting but the business is sus…It’s kind of like selling fake admissions to a club and calling that a startup.
The push servers are required for beeper Mini, because it acts as a gateway between GCM and ANP.
Beeper Cloud uses Mac Minis, and Beeper posted the software on github so you can self host it.
The two apps work very differently.
To be fair, I would totally believe Apple changed something small for the sole purpose of breaking iMessage interoperability with Android.