Old news - she was taking Omega 3 capsules. Omega 3 comes from fish oil, and helps your brain develop, thus enhancing your intelligence and possibly making you more ‘arty’.
The competition refuses to accept photos enhanced by arty fish-oil intelligence.
Ugh. The amateur comedians are here. Keep that on Reddit.
Oh no I just went on Reddit and they banned me for being too funny 🫨
Yes, there must be no humour on the fediverse.
Take my upvote and get outta here
This is a red hot comment
Just check the mirrors man, perfect likeness. I don’t think any genai is there yet.
Also if it is real, surely they can just prove it by sharing where the picture is taken?
Edit: apparently it was taken at a Gucci exhibition. Surely that’s enough info to double check?
That annoys me, they lost because “might be AI” are you kidding me? The photo does not look AI to me at all. If the photo was edited through photoshop or went through an art program couldn’t they have just asked for the original? That must’ve been infuriating.
guardian? Naa - probably bullshit.
Guardian is the only news outlet in the UK worth reading. But their quality has been on the decline.
The Guardian is the only mainstream centrist outlet we have left, everything else has lurched towards (or has always been on) the right-wing. And before anyone says the Guardian is a lefty paper, you only need to look at their coverage of the Labour party during the Corbyn years to know they would back the LibDems in a heartbeat if they weren’t such a colossal joke.
Nothing about that looks like AI to me, beyond the uncanny valley feeling and the eerie lighting. The wallpaper and tile alone would be a big headache to get that consistent, especially with the mirror there. Same goes for the pattern on the clothes and the anatomy (hands, anyone?).
Also, the hands look normal.
AI can mostly do hands now
Can they do complex mirror reflections like in the rejected photo though?
Only after a second run through a hand-network (same with facial reconstruction and inverted faces)
It’s funny how you just tell the AI to not do bad hands and it mostly works.
These people are scared of something they do not understand. It’s not surprising that they also lack the technological skill to verify that the photo is real.
No one is able to, unless they fucked up the image generation.