Twitch rescinds policy that allowed ‘artistic nudity’ / The decision comes two days after the company said it would allow some sexual content::Twitch has quickly taken back its policy update that gave users permission to post sexual content as long as it was labeled.
Oh, the advertisers and puritans didn’t like the previous move, did they?
The only age restriction I’ve ever seen on twitch including these last two days was you had to be 13. Did you see anything for age verification when it came to the twitch softcore porn?
I mean I can see how this would quickly get abused. Maybe a bunch of are either new to the internet or you were hoping to bribe the 16-year-old… And then play stupid and say well the platform allowed it…
Twitch is just such a weird fucking place man
It looks like a company that can’t figure out how it wants to operate anymore… They don’t want to enforce their rules because having soft nudity makes them profit, but they also don’t want to deal with the consequences of actually allowing it…
Its simple. Make twitch money without crossing a line. You can skirt the line if you make them tons of money.
I think the credit card companies gave them a call and threatened to treat them as a porn site.
At this point, it feels hard to argue that Twitch’s TOS is even enforceable.
Nudity can be artistic but we all know how this is going to be exploited on twitch
I just hate that highly entertaining, high production value, high effort streamers get like 10-50 viewers tops, and two chicks sitting on the couch barely speaking will get 3,000. Like I understand what drives it, but how fucking desperate are people.
There’s plenty of boobs on the internet. It’s this weird thing where people want to see as much as possible of the boobs they can’t see.
One pair of boobs could be different from the other pair of boobs I just looked at, I won’t know until I see them all!
Once you see one woman naked… You wanna see the rest of them naked too.
-Ron “Tater Salad” White
Geez, the fuck’s going on over there?
I don’t think anyone minds artistic nude or even full on porn, assuming there’s reasonable legal protections to keep underage kids away.
As we saw in the two days the former policy was in place, there are/were not.
Also, Twitch is meant to be a gaming-centric streaming platform, not OnlyFans 2.0. There are a million other sites on the internet to find porn, let Twitch be what it’s supposed to be.
Did you ever watch JustinTV?
good ol’ justin tv lol… i was one of the first few streamers on it… i know that sounds hipster and all, but i miss those days… i got in trouble for streaming family guy and games that didn’t get released yet 😂
I remember seeing all types of strange porn there.
oh wow i don’t remember that part. i wouldn’t be surprised tho.
It was the first place I saw the video of the one lady slingshotting horse chestnuts into another lady’s anus.
😆 😆 😆 i apparently missed out on a lot!
Thank you! I feel like the plot was getting lost here debating the morality of nudity while ignoring that the site is a gaming streaming service.
Nudity/porn doesn’t bother me at all but the moment twitch becomes widely associated with it is the beginning of the end. Parents will think twice about allowing kids into the service, brand equity suffers, other services start up that allow for safer spaces and eventually, as you said, twitch risks being considered OF 2.0.
Did anyone really expect this part of the policy to stay? My understanding is that they only reinstated the nudity ban, the rest of the new allowances are still allowed.
I wasn’t even sure if that was the case from the statement, seemed like they revoked the option of cartoon imagery. I expected that may be due to the complications of unrealistic body image associated with suggested age, to be vague enough to avoid an argument in my replies
Look I’m not a prude or some kinda anti-sex freak but being nekked for others to look at isn’t really ‘artistic’, it’s just about showing yer tits for…uh… titillation. I’m also art school trained so I know how to deconstruct this stuff.
Sexy-bidness is sexy-bidness. That’s fine. But don’t try to pretend it’s “art”.
Careful now. You’ll offend all the weirdo horny simps.
Too late it seems.
Some people just can’t handle being called out on their porn addiction it seems.
Or they just downvote shit takes?
Spoken like a man who spends his time Just Chatting.
Is that an insult or compliment?
I’m too dumb to tell.
Look I’m not a prude or some kinda anti-sex freak but
proceeds to rattle off a bunch of prudish anti-sex talking points followed by “trust me, I have a degree” 🤦
In contemporary Western culture, there’s really no such thing as nudity without a sexual element. All this “beauty of the human form” stuff is an excuse to look at hot bods.
It’s low-intellect stuff aimed at base instincts. Fine. Whatever.
I’m old and have kids and not inexperienced in the ole’ rumpy pumpy. My young days of being obsessed with sex are past and I can approach the subject with some detached wisdom rather than being lead around by the whims of my penis.
I feel sorry for current young people still in that state who are so caught up by all this social media and weird internet shit that they can’t go talk to other human beings in real life and get laid.
Some advice then; put the fucking games DOWN and go outside and do something in REAL LIFE.
- Go volunteer to help your community.
- Go hiking in the mountains.
- Go do anything except sitting inside and watching Twitch hoping to see bewbs.
Holy strawmen, Batman! You’ve assembled an entire hay loft of them there, gramps!
At first I thought you were coming from a place of bias and baseless stereotyping but now I know for a fact that you are.
Get out of the way and let people younger than your apparent 80 years express themselves how they want to.
Hey now, thats not fair at all.
There are 80 year old’s who were in their 20s in the summer of love and clearly far less prudish and hung up than the above poster.
True. I was referring to the stereotypical grumpy old man, not any specific octogenarians, many of which are much cooler than you and I will ever be 😁
Hello Stockholm Syndrome Incarnate.
Yes, I’ve been taken prisoner by the concept that unnecessary censorship is a bad thing. Good deduction, Sherlock. 🙄
Ah man… I’m not even talking about censorship. I don’t care if Twitch shows tits or not. I’m purely focused on the use of the word ‘art’ to justify looking at naked people. Like… just say you want to look at naked people. Be honest.
Like there’s all these ‘burlesque’ dance troupes who say their performances are “artistic”. Ok. Do them fully clothed and see how well your audience numbers seem.
There’s very little intelligent merit in doing x y z naked apart from letting thirsty people have a tingle.
Whatever. I’m done here. See ya.
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This is like the “I’m not racist, but…” And then proceeds to say the most racist thing ever imagined