Great. I always wanted a truckload of ads dumped across the podcast I want to listen to 👍
Why you don’t use an adblocker for it? /s
If you felt a bit disappointed when YouTube Music only released podcasts in the United States at launch, you’re in for a treat as the feature is finally coming to international markets.
Canada Brazil
International for the US but hardly international for anyone else further than a few thousand kilometres away. Wake me when it launches in Australia lol
Wait, Canada is getting something? I must be dreaming. Google acts like Canada doesn’t exist!
I’ll stick with pocket casts.
will this take over Google podcasts then?
Not until they launch yet another product with even less functionality, and then they will put Google Podcasts into the graveyard.
What do apps like this have when there are open-source alternatives like AntennaPod? I saw the article mentions being able to play videos too?
Probably exclusive content and proprietary tech so you use your favorite podcast player. 🤮
Google is chasing the “ease of use aspect”. A mobile OS has to have a notes app, a mail app, a chat app (in Google’s case abundance of chat apps) and a podcast app. Google can track your personal podcast preferences, listening habits, etc.
Personally, I would not choose to use any default Google app. There are lots of better alternatives.
Listening to podcasts on closed source, corporate media platforms like Spotify and YouTube are the worst things you can do for podcasting. Podcasting has always been an open ecosystem built on old school technologies and Spotify, iHeartMedia, and YouTube are trying to insert themselves in order to create an additional Chokepoint in the media ecosystem. Even worse, because podcasts are usually freely available it is a great way to get people who subscribe to streaming services to spend their time streaming something the service doesn’t have to pay per stream for, unlike music
YouTube Music Podcast is the worst name for a product I’ve heard in a long time.
I suppose for video podcasts it’ll be YouTube Music Podcast Video
I use podcasts to get away from youtube. No way in hell I’m downloading this.
Uh, was there something wrong with Google Podcast or whatever their previous thing was called?