I took my existing Kobo E-Reader Case design, and modified it to work with the 11th generation Kindle E-Reader.
I’ve also made the files available if you’d like to try yourself
Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6443627
Printables: https://www.printables.com/model/730286
GitHub: https://github.com/the16bitgamer/16BitVirtualStudiosDesigns/tree/main/GLoA E-Reader Cases/6 inch
I don’t have a use for this but I LOVE how well documented this is! Next time I need a case I might just look this up and modify it for my needs.
If you ever get around to this, I’d love to see it.
I love seeing folks support the community like this.
“Here’s everything you need to make your own, OR if you can’t make one we’ll sell you one.” Best of both worlds.
It took me a good minute, but it looked so clean I legitimately thought this was just canvas and not a 3d print, well done!
The case is bound by cloth, the purple spine and black outline is cloth. While the arms back panel and sleep cover is petg