I feel like other streaming platforms will follow the same process as they’ve proven it’s worked.
IMO this is not surprising, I actually considered buying stock in Netflix, because they were so low.
I’m guessing the ones to complain the most, were the ones who were at the free end of those shared passwords.
I don’t use Netflix myself, but adding advertising for slightly cheaper subscriptions, and ending password sharing, seemed like an almost guaranteed win for Netflix to me. At least in the short term.
People here may disagree and find it outrageous, but most people probably don’t care enough to make a big deal out of it, and will simply choose the option that suit their needs best.
Yep, people really think they are smarter than netflix?? They trialled it, got their positive feedback data and rolled it out
Fucking corpos always win
And a growth in my friends using my server, let the public support unethical business practices, we’ll get fat off their content.
Too bad Netflix content isn’t good anymore, it’s concerning what the general public enjoy.
If Netflix’s reporting on the matter is to be believed, then it’s an ironic outcome considering the wave of strongly-opinionated comments predicting the death of Netflix following the crackdown on password sharing. I guess convenience and habits really trump principles and posturing.
I unsubed. But many did not.
I would’ve but I had already cancelled over a year ago because Netflix doesn’t have anything worth watching.
Yeah, I have been wondering just how bad their content has gotten, or of I somehow got pigeonholed by their filtering algorithms. Somehow almost everything was rated two stars out of five and just plain bad, or in some random language that I don’t speak.
I’m really pissed off when the same movie keeps appearing in every section with different thumbnail. Yes I’ve been fooled by both the category and the different appearance but I don’t recall ever being tricked into watching something, only annoyed and frustrated
I told my family I was going to cancel when they cracked down on our households sharing and they haven’t yet. My parents are still enjoying it at their house, and me at mine.
I never gave them money to begin with, we are not the same.
Gustavo Fring meme
It was always going to lead to more subscribers because more people would lose access to Netflix so would subscribe themselves than would cancel their account because others couldn’t use their login.
The people that lost Netflix weren’t subscribers, and lots of them would have them subscribed. The subscribers had no reason to unsubscribe.
The subscribers had no reason to unsubscribe.
I was the subscriber and I unsubscribed because I alone wasn’t using it enough to justify the price. When I knew my sister and her family were watching too, it felt more like it was worth it.
I hated the crackdown but resisting on “principles” is bizarre to me. I left Reddit and Twitter due to principles. Netflix wanting to get paid for their service and content is reasonable. Wanting a business to serve you up free entertainment with no catch?
Also before anyone tries to claim hypocrisy - The difference between that and Twitter/Reddit is myself and the community create the content and are forcefed ads.
You skipped the part where Netflix actually encouraged account sharing for a long time. Now they frame the account sharers as thieves. Also the other part where quality of content goes down while subscription prices go up while still not providing plans with hq streams for single people. Which all was tolerable for a few bucks a month. Without sharing netflix is simply not worth the money
Can you point to where they’re calling account sharers “thieves”? I’ve just seen them say they’re now limiting screens. And agreed the content sucks which is why I unsubscribed awhile ago. No one is forcing you to use it, but at the same time no one deserves it for free.
They’re not saying it directly of course, but they clearly frame the account sharers as “bad guys” now. I mean you’re correct that no one is entitled to watch netflix for free but that “poor netflix just wants to get paid” narrative is some serious BS. I also kinda doubt netflix tells us the 100% truth about subscription growth/recession. The only reason I did not switch my account on/off over the years was because it was shared and it would have required coordination with the other party.
Except netlfix sold people a license to view 3 streams then told people they couldn’t decide who used those streams.
Netflix wanting to get paid for their service and content is reasonable.
Sure, it’s reasonable, and why I started subscribing in the first place. But if I pay for four screens, I expect to be able to use all of those four screens, no matter what address they are being viewed from.
Yeah that’s totally fair and Netflix fucked that up
You’re not paying for that though. The terms of service have never allowed giving other people your details and letting people outside your household use your account.
Also you can still use 4 devices no matter where you are - mobile devices and tablets and laptops are not IP restricted.
Netflix started out encouraging password sharing, even promoted it on Twitter back in the days.
Yeh, when they allowed it. They changed their terms of service.
So clearly some people did pay for that and it was changed at a later date…
Companies are allowed to change their terms of service.
Mobile devices are restricted by being forced to connect to your ‘home’ network regularly.
And that’s fine because it’s not stopping you from using your 4 devices.
About a month ago we could not use the account on a smart TV in the rental home because it was away from the home network. Updating the home network wasn’t an option because the family members not on the trip were still watching things at home.
Being able to watch on a phone, but not on a TV, is stupid.
Your a shill. Find a boot to lick
I don’t pay for Netflix and think their content mostly sucks but thinking “I deserve this service for free” is a childish perspective. Go ahead and pirate it, I couldn’t care less, but don’t act like it gives you the moral high ground lol
With this whole “you pay for a screen package, love is sharing a password” business they just dug a PR hole for themselves. If they’d had offered price X per screen from the start, then introduced a “same household discount” or whatever, we wouldn’t have all this outrage. But execs can only see as far as next quarter and here we are.
Nobody said free. Nothing is free. We all pay a service. If you want ads go ahead. Don’t bring the rest of us down with you.
Indicated of shill and bootlicker syndrome.
This isn’t a logical argument. It’s a childish attempt at discrediting. You failed.
Speaking of hypocrisy https://twitter.com/netflix/status/840276073040371712?s=46&t=AxsExHbq5ge_2Sse5GmXFg
I think I am more annoyed by their pricing plans following this move. They are double dipping by charging more for additional screens and then preventing users from using said additional screens. They shouldn’t have tiered pricing plans by number of screens if they have no intention of honouring them.
They’re not preventing you from using more screens. If you want to watch Netflix while the kids watch Netflix in another room, that’s what the multiple device plans are for.
Unless I want to watch from my holiday home. Or if my kids want to watch Netflix at my ex’s house. Or if I travel regularly. Or I want to regularly watch Netflix with my friend or girlfriend at their house. There are numerous reports of restrictions on all of these, so they clearly are limiting the number of screens I can use.
You get a one time use PW in all those other instances. I was actually thinking about creating a shared email address with only a Netflix account associated to it so my whole family could still use it without having to pester one another about the one time use code, but at that point piracy is just easier.
Yeah that all sucks, which is why I unsubscribed to it. But I also understand I don’t deserve it for free.
It isn’t free, someone is paying for it.
Always and inevitably, each of us underestimates the number of stupid individuals in the world
In the timeless wisdom words of George Carlin,
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
Just because they don’t share the same opinion as you doesn’t mean they’re stupid. Netflix is great for just sitting down and watching something random and discovering new shows and movies - especially foreign ones. It’s also priceless for kids shows for parents.
Stupidity is in the eye of the beholder. You can judge me as stupid in return for thinking that of these new subscribers if you want and then we‘ll both go our ways. Only one of us will pay Netflix no matter how much they enshittify their service or how much they raise their prices (since it‘s “priceless”) and one won‘t. C‘est la vie.
deleted by creator
Actually, buying anything means you participate in the marketing circle jerk. That’s what George Carlin taught me.
deleted by creator
I‘m already disappointed in people, this is barely making a dent, all that happened is the comment made me of think of a funny quote and then this other guy had to regale me with this “Netflix is priceless” crap, and now I get you heroes here advocating for the sorry ass corporation too. What a mistake of me to even be on social media at all, if it‘s just supposed to be a popular sentiment marketing circlejerk!
As I said, as a parent having a ready stream of endless Childrens content available at any time on any device in any place is priceless, and definitely worth the $20 a month or whatever it is you pay for it.
Jesus Christ the arrogance.
well maybe if majority is feeding them, they wont actively crack down those sailing the high seas?
I didn’t want to subscribe to Netflix but I subscribed after using someone else’s account for years just because my wife was insistent about it.
We already have access to someone’s Plex with Ombi and can request whatever TV shows or movies we want. But she’s too impatient to even wait for max. 24 hours for a movie or a season of a TV show to be downloaded. And sometimes requests fail, since it’s reliant upon inherently unreliable means of downloading like torrents.
Netflix is unfortunately still more convenient than piracy for the average user. But if it was up to me only, I wouldn’t have chosen to subscribe.
I host a Plex server that my friends use, they just text me what they want and I’ll get it. Is there an official request feature? Or are you just talking about asking the host like I do?
Lookup Overseerr. https://overseerr.dev/
Oh, interesting. This could be useful but idk if I could get others to use it lol.
*arr can also use lists that people make. I have also seen where users can request it in Plex, and *arr will add it.
The requests bit is facilitated by Ombi - https://ombi.io
Ahh, I’ll have to look into the options I’ve been given once I’m not shitting at work. Ombi having an app is quite intriguing. What will I, the host, be notified on if at all? Is it a Plex extension that I’d only see when I go onto my server?
How does a Netflix subscription fix this? So many interesting shows and movies are missing or barely available for a month. The catalog of Netflix used to be good when they were the only streaming service but really, really tanked when every content producer started their own (and removed their stuff from Netflix).
It fixes it for my wife who likes to watch garbage shows that Netflix has
Meh. We did not share our account but still canceled a few years ago. Seriously do not miss it.
Did they report the growth? Or just new subscribers?
The company ended June with more than 238 million subscribers, adding 5.9 million members since March.
Doesn’t confirm if that’s better or worse off though since this whole thing started
Step 1: Crack down on password sharing.
Step 2: Open subscriptions to foreign countries with cut-rate pricing.
Step 3: Announce subscriber growth.
We’re too smart for you Netflix. Your revenues are actually down because of all the premium-paid subscribers leaving your platform.
Sorry, but that’s just incorrect.
Average daily Sign-ups to Netflix reached 73k during that period, a +102% increase from the prior 60-day average. […] Cancels also increased during this period, but not as much as Sign-ups. The ratio of Sign-ups to Cancels since May 23rd is up +25.6% compared to the previous 60-day period.
That’s US-only data.
I cancelled and don’t miss it.
As a person in charge of shared Netflix subscription for my friends I noped out the moment they started password sharing crackdown. Yeah, they added “small” charge to add more users to subscription but the writing was on the wall and I realized I was the frog being boiled.
2 of my friends went for basic plan separately. The cost of 2 basic subscriptions is about the same as 4k / 4 screens one we were using before. So yeah, subscriber count up, now Netflix needs to do a rug pull on basic plan (which they already do in US and UK).
I don’t even see a need to pirate stuff from Netflix these days, barely anything worth watching. I still pay for HBO, Disney+, Apple TV+ (part of family Apple One) and Prime - which in the country I live in cost together about they same as Netflix did lol.
Can’t reply to kbin accounts due to language bug so I’ll reply to myself:
- Netflix 4k is 60 PLN / mo
- HBO is 30 (but you could lock in 20 if you subscribed early on, which I did)
- Dinsey+ is 29 / mo (24 / mo if yearly, which I did)
- Prime is 49 / year (4 / mo), Amazon tries to fight local competitor on free delivery and for some reason they include streaming with that
- Apple TV+ I’m getting as part of Apple One family sub (45 / mo but that’s Apple Music, TV+, Arcade and iCloud for my whole household)
I haven’t followed the Netflix password news all that closely because I barely ever use Netflix - but when I do use it it’s through password sharing an account my sister pays for. That worked as recently as just a week ago.
Should I expect that to stop working soon?
If someone is actively watching something and a second person logs in to the same account and starts watching something, Netflix recognizes it within a minute and displays a message to the second person that logged in stating that someone is already logged in to the account.
As long as you’re not watching at the same time as each other, you should be good to go.
Thanks. I doubt that’ll ever be an issue for us so it looks like it’ll be business as usual.
That’s not how it works. You will be forced to set a “home” for your account, which then IP locks your account for stationary devices. Anyone else not on that IP and not on a mobile device won’t be able to watch.
Oh. Guess I’ll stop watching then. Thanks also.
There is an method if you log on eleswhere ip but you have to “approve” every 24hrs on the primary email or 2fa in app that visits home
Corporations bank on the fact that the majority of people would rather complain than go back on what’s convenient for them. This was obvious from the start.
If they ever start instituting ads regardless of membership tier, then it’s back to buying discs for me. It’s just going to turn into another cable service eventually.
I cancelled when they first rolled out their test. Cheaper to get a VPN and sail the seas again.
The account I share with family still works, but the second it doesn’t… it’s the pirate life for me
Same here. As soon as my mom tells me she can’t log in, I’m cancelling.
I canceled when the news broke about shared accounts. Haven’t missed it at all. Arrrr!