That’s great news! Always hated those paywalled research papers and greedy publishers who get away with freaking 100% royalty. Hopefully other organisations will follow.
Good guy EMS!
I can’t open the Mastodon link yet (not sure why) so I can’t yet understand why this would be. Still, awesome if confirmed!
can you tell me why is this significant?
They couldn’t access the article as they were unable to access the mastodon link.
i was talking about the news, why is it significant?
Friend, you are the one who posted this link stating “Significant, Positive Announcement Alert”; you should be the one explaining why it’s significant. If you are not certain why you are posting something, then wait until you fully understand, otherwise you may get yourself in trouble. Perhaps you are a robot?
I’m Ron Burgundy?
Did you really post this just because it has the cop car light emoji and all caps at the top, without having any idea what it actually means? That’s hilarious.
ALERT ALERT lol - I guess we should all do that now because everyone’s own news is most important obviously 🙃
Didn’t even link to an accessible page, or the source that has the actual info…
Lmao good point
Username does not check out
it turns out the option was right there in their CMS all along!
Uh what’s the b big deal with this can someone tln Dr me pls