Amazon saved children’s voices recorded by Alexa even after parents asked for it to be deleted. Now it’s paying a $25 million fine.::“For too long, Amazon has treated children’s sensitive data as its own property,” Josh Golin, executive director of Fairplay, said in a statement.
Another reason not to have that shit in your house.
25 million? They made $514 billion in net sales last year. 25mil is a fucking rounding error for them.
Wow a whole 25 million? I am sure that will teach them!!! /s
Like $25 million is laundry change for them. They will probably pay it in quarters.
You’d have to be a fucking idiot to install one of these devices and not expect this to happen, lol.
That’s 0.0001x their 2022 profit or 0.01%. If I did my math correctly, it’s about 58 minutes of profit.
I’m sure if it was a $2.5bn fine, they’d be much more careful about customer privacy going forwards…
Yep, but it never will be a $2.5 billion fine.
Meta had been fined $1.3 billion this year by the European Union’s GDPR. Before that Amazon was fined $781 million.
So 2.5 billion could happen, but not in the US obviously.
That fine should have to be 25 billion, not million. Then they’d actually learn a lesson.
If you were actually dumb enough to put one of these listening devices in your home owned by the most powerful & greedy company on the planet you deserve to have your privacy invaded. People are fucking stupid.
i mean my brother bought them and refuses to remove them. There is no convincing him to remove them. They are in basically every room and nobody defends me when I want them gone because of convenience.
I cannot even ask for the data to be erased because it is not on my account.
Are both of you living with your parents? I would make a point to not talk when such devices are present. Or just voice order expensive shit on Amazon for his account.
So like go completely mute?
Also he uses a debit card which he only transfers money to immediately before buying stuff (so that he gets as much interest as possible)
Completely bruh. You’ll do it if you care about privacy.
lmao. What about the other ‘smart tech’ that I disslike. When internet cut out the lights would just flash to show it was searching for wifi.
Mute and candles. Maybe find a monastery.
Completely mute would make a strong point.
Fuck these corporate oligarchs.
Yeah? What’s that; 14 seconds of their profits?
Right. 25 mil per second of recording is more appropriate.
Cost of doing business that was already put in this years’ projections. Bezos can pay for this small fine out of his change jar and we’ll continue on, business as usual.
Fines mean legal for a price and it’s only effective if it costs more to pay it than the profit made from it
I wonder what they thought the device was going to do
$25 million? That’s ridiculously cheap.
did jeff bezos downvote your comment?