Tesla Cybertruck May Have A Rust Problem::One of the more standout qualities of the Tesla Cybertruck is its bare stainless-steel body. The stainless-steel body gives the Cybertruck a unique design, but
Good news, everyone!
Well, the sooner these fugly things rust back into the earth, the better.
Since I first saw a picture of the thing I thought it was ugly as hell. Last week I saw one in real life and I have to say, it’s even uglier than I thought it was. And it really looks like it could have been an '80s era crappy kit car for a full size truck chassis. I mean, strikingly ugly and stupid looking. Embarrassingly so.
I’ve seen a few now and every time I can’t help but think that it’s like what a 4 year old with a marker and paper trying to draw a truck from memory would look like in real life.
Just now realizing this are we?
Rust proofing. Wasn’t that something dealers would add in as a scam for a few bucks?
Once again, there is a Seinfeld reference here.
I need a Seinfeld reference bot.
I’m not sure Lemmy has many users old enough to get that reference.
Most people that can afford a Cybertruck should get it. Then again, not many Cybertruck owners are on Lemmy. But if they were on Lemmy, they’d probably pose as non-owners of the Cybertruck, thus meaning they’d pretend to not get it… Oh no, I’ve gone crosseyed…
@anubis119 @zurohki after seeing the cybertruck in the wild, I can say with 100% certainty it is even uglier irl
Oh no…anyways…
Link that isn’t behind VPN blocking site: https://archive.is/37ibH
Tesla Cybertruck May Have A Rust Problem::One of the more standout qualities of the Tesla Cybertruck is its bare stainless-steel body. The stainless-steel body gives the Cybertruck a unique design, but
Bot has great comedic timing.
One way to keep the Cybertruck’s stainless steel body from rust and damage is to get it wrapped. Interestingly enough, while Tesla saved some money by not clear coating the truck’s body, the automaker offers a “Satin Clear Paint Film” and a “Color Paint Film” for the Cybertruck that costs $5,000 and $6,000. The “self-healing, urethane-based film” protects the truck from scratches and corrosive substances. After hearing about the issues that current owners are having with rust and corrosion on their trucks, we’d consider the film to be a must-have for Cybertruck owners.
There’s a fix, it just cost 6k…
They keep using the words “stainless steel” which is an alloy created to be rustproof by removing the iron out of it. So how exactly is this stainless steel if it rusts?
it rusts less, far less in fact, but it still does rust.
Also there are different grades, i bet they cheaped out
There are different qualities of stainless steel. Remember kids, it’s stain less not stain never.
In addition to funny is this also actually true?
Yeah. I have a small pocket knife i carry everywhere, it is stainless. I’ve had it for years, and frequently bring it in the water with me clipped to my swim suit (incase i need to cut a tangled rope). I wash it like a dish with soap and water, i use it hard and put it away wet, and it has been fine for years and years.
After all this, i took it on a single trip in salt water, it spotted with rust that night.
I also have a Sig P938 SAS which has a stainless slide. I keep that dry and oil it on occasion, and yet that one spotted with rust within a year despite me taking good care of it. Luckily sig replaced the slide but this taught me one good lesson.
Different grades of stainless make it different grades of rust resistant. Kind of like calling IP67 electronics, like the iPhone 7, “waterproof” when they can only really withstand splashing. Some can get dunked, some can’t.
Absolutely. Why would they call it less if it’s actually never? That would be exceptionally terrible marketing.
Sure, “less” means “fewer” or “not as much as”.
But the suffix “-less” means “without”:
- flawless: no flaws
- spotless: no spots; clean
- fearless: without fear
So then it’s genius marketing. Stainless absolutely stains and rusts.
Reckless: without wrecks
Nah, that’s without Rekts.
I guess there is still iron in it. Looks like they didn’t use an alloy with enough chromium for the application.
Tesla, cutting corners?! Say it isn’t so!
Well it has to be workable/formable, weldable and crack resistant under stress. Just welding most stainless mess with its ferrous properties.
Forming it screws it up too. Work hardening after forging can make it magnetic.
Stainless has chromium added. Iron is still the main element. Different stainless steels have various other elements added, like molybdenum. There’s a wide range of SS for various purposes depending on their formability, weldability, corrosion resistance, heat treatment or precipitation hardened. Some are mildly magnetic (400 series), others not (300 series). Big range of cost too. Not sure which one they used. There’s also a finishing process called passivation that should be used to reduce the likelihood of corrosion.
You are absolutely right, just for clarity:
Chromium needs to be > 12 weight-%. If you take 18 w-% Cr and 8 w-% Ni you get an austenitic steel which is (normally) neither magnetic nor able to be hardened.
And if you add 12 w-% Cr, you remove 12 w-% Fe. So formally this is right-ish too…
I’m being pedantic here, but stainless steel still has iron in it. The addition of chromium forms an oxide layer on the surface that prevents rust. If the body is rusting, that means they used a shitty grade of stainless. Stainless with an appropriate amount of chromium (and nickel) is expensive as fuck.
Stainless can go goofy after working it. Work hardening can even make stainless magnetic. Sorry, I don’t know the physics of why.
The answer is in the name. It’s stainless not stainproof
Selling you back the clear coat they never gave it.
The car equivalent of launch DLC that should have been in the base game
“self-healing, urethane-based film
Urethane? You mean paint?
Its like these amateurs are figuring out why we paint cars… its because Urethane protects the metals from rust. I guess they could use Urethane film instead, but that’s probably just not as good or efficient as paint…
That’s a you (tesla) problem not a we problem.
“remember when cars rusted like shitballs? What if we sold trucks that did that?”
“people buy our cars and their panels have these gaps you wouldn’t see in any other manufacturer. And our cars, they seem to have a taste for the blood of children. People keep buying the cars though. We’re doing something right and it’s sure as hell not making cars”
“yeah but look at the stock price”
“good point”
“yeah but look at the stock price”
I think the stock market noticed this was a shit car guys. Look at that steep drop from December / January into February.
But the good news is that if they give Musk 25% ownership he’ll agree to keep running the company.
What a deal. Save 25%, get rid of the cancer that’s killing Tesla.
Uh but when you look at the graph upside down it, um, I mean sideways it, uh shut up
(shitposting aside ♥️❤️♥️)
Just as with the battery issues, owners will be out with warranty for driving in the rain
Can someone share some information on the actual steel they use? This linkedin thread says they use 301, someone in this thread says they use a proprietary steel? (Can someone share the chemical analysis in this case?)
I think a lot of people who bought this expected stainless steel not to rust
It wouldn’t surprise me if musk thought this as well
Musk probably said something like they used a revolutionary new type of stainless steel, designed for spaceX rockets. Have you ever seen rust in space? No because it’s that revolutionary, and we all know space is filled with water and oxygen.
They should have used C#
From what I hear, the panels of that car are sharp as fuck.
Should have repurposed the Apollo 11 source code
Yeah, but when the hell is it going to get wet? You don’t drive these things outside.