‘FUCK SPEZ’: Reddit Users Unite to Turn r/Place Mural Into a Protest::Reddit’s collaborative art project seemingly has one overarching message to Reddit’s CEO.
That’s not a protest, that’s a statement.
we did it reddit!
Spez Démission! in true french fashion. Proud to be french. 🇫🇷
Over the last few hours, many of the “FUCK SPEZ” drawings have started to be taken over by other image, causing users to suggest that Reddit admins are interfering with their art (there is no evidence so far that would prove this).
Can’t you track who draws the pixels and timing of said pixels or some shit?
Yea, a bunch of admins edited at the last minute to remove spez-comments
I don’t get it, if it’s so bad being on redit then don’t come. Or is it like those women in abusive relationships where their husband/boyfriend beats the shit out of her and she still crawls back to him and for some reason can’t imagine a life without him?
Because abusive relationships force people to stay in them for reasons people who haven’t been in that situation could never understand. Seems you haven’t been, so you drag people who have. Women, specifically. Fun!
I asked if those are related because I know that the second happens. But reading it back I agree I phased it very badly, sorry for that.
somebody should really build a Fediverse version of r/place so anybody from any ActivityPub-powered site can join in and place a pixel every 5 minutes
You might have something here. Development would be easy but maintenance and moderation is another beast.
which is why it should be limited as a yearly event similar to r/place right now.
It’s not federated but there is pixelcanvas.io, which is like r/place but infinite and not controlled by Reddit
Also an app called Everyone Draw
There’s something weird about “protesting” a site by continuing to use their site. Hopefully it’s just bot traffic flooding /r/place rather than real people coordinating in real time.
Exactly. The real protest would have been to totally ignore r/place. Could you imagine a blank canvas. That would have been epic.
Problem is, that reddit themselves would just start using bots to create simulated pixel placements so it would look like people are interacting such that people feel they must start playing as well. Much like agar.io or similar .io games that are actually not real multiplayer games untill they gain critical mass, bit still probably contains bots.
Who could have foreseen this?
removed by mod
The point of opening it this early again was to garner traffic. Don’t go there at all. It would have been best if only mods and corpo shills were placing pixels.
If you want to take a peek without sending traffic to them then there is a YouTube livestream of r/place.
deleted by creator
As much as I’ve been enjoying Lemmy and really like it as a platform, I don’t think any of this this is fine because there are just too many niche communities that are either unwilling or unable to just pick up and move, which means that in practice to the extent that I only participate here and not on Reddit I am missing out on a lot of content that I used to look forward to.
I actually find it kind of freeing. With Reddit I kept scrolling in hopes of finding something interesting through one of those niche communities, with Lenny I find myself doomscrolling a lot less
Me too, I’ll engage for around 15-30 minutes then go and do some writing rather than spend 4 hours doom scrolling.
I’ve legit got so much work done it staggers the mind.
I stopped using Reddit completely on July first, and in that time I’ve got a reflective log completed and submitted, a report on disruptive fintech completed a week early and submitted and now a mini dissertation completed 2 weeks early.
It’s almost as if spending my time doing coursework is better than freaking out trying to finish it and submit to turnitin 30 seconds before the deadline while praying the connection doesn’t fail.
We all use social media in different ways. For me, I use it primarily as a relatively mindless activity I can engage in when my brain is too tired to do something that I actually care about. For example, at work I often write comments when I am stuck or feeling burned out, and taking the time to rest in this way helps my brain recover and often after a while the solution to my problem pops into my head and I can proceed.
I get it, and that is a totally valid experience that you and probably many other people have had, but I personally never considered myself to be doomscrolling when seeing what was new with the Haskell programming language, going through what crazy experience people have had playing Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup lately, learning from the the really insightful in-depth explanations of history that were posted to AskHistorians, and so on. I do not consider the subtraction of these things from my life to have ultimately been a benefit, it just makes me feel less in the loop about the things that I care about.
I’ve seen some people talking about how the lemmy developers are planning for the ability to “group” communities (of the same name or something like that) on different instances together.
I’m taking this as those communities then forming one community that doesn’t have to rely on a single instance’s community to “survive”.
Haven’t put too much thought into this but I think that would at least lessen that problem, especially for new niche subjects popping up. The difficulty for existing niche communities starting anew here will probably remain but I’m hopeful for the future.That does sound like a reason to be hopeful for the future. Thank you for telling me about this.
This was actually how the internet was before Reddit as well.
People move and adapt. Reddit wasn’t always the shining beacon of communities you think it currently is.
Activity Pub is a clear improvement over Reddit, and separating from Spez’s incompetence is a bonus.
Some people want it all and they want it now. No patience to help build a better tomorrow when there’s a shitty today they can have.
That is true of most people. Those aren’t the ones that matterfor building something new and will migrate eventually. It’s always been a minority of users who do the heavy lifting of establishing thriving communities and those peoplez by definition, are the ones who are willing to roll their sleeves up and do that work on a new platform when the old one stops working for them.
Reddit wasn’t always the shining beacon of communities you think it currently is.
You are putting words into my mouth that I did not speak nor do I think; I have only pointed out that there are communities on Reddit that do not have a strong presence here whose absence I miss.
People move and adapt.
While I hope you are correct in this case, this is not always true. Sometimes good things are simply lost.
Activity Pub is a clear improvement over Reddit, and separating from Spez’s incompetence is a bonus.
I agree, which is why I have shifted the vast majority of the time I spent on Reddit here instead.
Edit: Ah, lovely, a downvote without a reply. Glad to see that the Lemmy community is such a dramatic improvement over the Reddit community. :-)
This 100%. Engagement to show your protest is still engagement. Give Reddit your absence.
we can do one thing, pretend like a lot of the engagement is fake, being a chill for myself real quick
I wish I did this. I went to check if there were any signs of the protest and couldn’t help but contribute to one of the “fuck spez” signs
I then realized that place already felt kind of overdone last time they did it, this time it just feels completely meaningless
Place is cool when its people just working together to draw things. What is not cool is the corpo bots instantaneously placing their logo and people fucking with the art outside of the given rules to users. That ruins it completely.
My response to this was to delete my modded Sync and transition fully to Lemmy. Done dabbling.
Maybe Lemmy should change their icon to this mural /s
“API change is not a big deal, look how many people logged in last week”
How many?
tree fiddy
WELL it was about that time that I realized Frisbeedude wasn’t just a poster, but was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the Protozoic era.
That gets an upvote
Thank you, kind stranger. (yes, that was a redfuck reference, deal with it. MUAHAA-HAA)
Probably at least, like, twelve or more
That gets an upvote.
You mention downvotes? Believe it or not, reduce. You mention upvotes, also reduce. We have the best comments in the world because of reduce.
It worked!
Journals talking about it is a great thing, a pixel that holds 5 minutes will have a small impact, a jour Al that is indexed and appears when you write “Reddit” online, will have an even bigger impact
Efforts ought to be focused more on redirecting people to / advertising Lemmy. Any entailed increase in DAUs for Reddit would be, ultimately, temporary.
We tried, but even that was heavily resisted like the traffic of twenty people is going to make a difference to anyone
Thank you for your service. Is this still ongoing somewhere? Also, looks like the .ml domains are back up again!
you can join the matrix room here https://matrix.to/#/!hiNoQZCxnHSsATzzmo:data.haus
It’s not easy to advertise the fediverse because the choices easily overwhelm people. Just like email, what needs to happen to thrive is for large providers to appear such that there’s like 4 big options to choose from and then the bunch of small options for those that want to look deeper.