Scammers hacked the late actor Matthew Perry’s Twitter account and posted a fake plea for cryptocurrency donations in the name of his foundation. The foundation confirmed the post was a scam and urged people not to donate.
The article details several possibilities for how the account may have been compromised, highlighting the importance of strong passwords and multi-factor authentication for securing social media accounts, especially for celebrities with large followings.
Weird that they wouldn’t either delete the account or memorialize it thereby removing the ability to log in or create posts.
But hey! It’s Twitter, the worst managed social media platform on the internet!
memorialize it thereby removing the ability to log in or create posts
I don’t think that’s a thing on Twitter? And not to defend Twitter, but it would be something for his estate to handle, not Twitter themselves.
Why isn’t his account archive?
It’s musk running the scam.
They probably fired the people responsible for doing that
let’s just connect everyone’s computers so they can talk to each other, it will be cool
Crypto being used for scams? Say it ain’t so!
Crypto IS the scam.
Nope, ~1% if crypto is illegal use. The other 99% is perfectly above board. Cryptocurrency IS currency and so will be used for illegal activity just like every other currency
Sure, not like 72 billion has been used in scams or anything.
“Overall, the share of all cryptocurrency activity associated with illicit activity has risen for the first time since 2019, from 0.12% in 2021 to 0.24% in 2022. [2]”
Biggest scams are done in USD. The big part of not falling for a scam is doing your due diligence and people are adults and should be treated as such.
Biggest scams are done in USD.
That’s because USD is widely used.
Crypto isn’t widely used and it still has scams worth millions. Cryptwats are 🤡🤡🤡
At most a couple thousand. Ive been using crypto for ~10 years now and by doing my homework and not jumping on hype trains have not been scammed.
I haven’t yet sent my life savings to a Nigerian prince, so there are no scams.
Scams absolutely exist, but in most cases they are easily identified or obvious hype trains
You haven’t done your research it seems.
Clearly, you are wearing rose tinted glasses.
You are right. I acknowledged that here and corrected myself.
No, literally 72.317 billion at this point.
It all gets neatly documented.
I wasn’t measuring in fiat when I said a couple of thousand. however, i was also using inaccurate numbers so my fault. Using those numbers 73000000000/50000 = 1460000
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. - George Carlin
You’ve admitted that you need to be cautious when using crypto because you buy the wrong one and you loose everything.
That little fact alone makes it fucking useless to the average person. FTX conned lots of people, celsius.
Seriously you’re just pissing in the wind and ya wonder why you’re getting wet
WE DON’T CARE!Buy the real ones, bitcoin, ethereum, monero. Second tire like litecoin are okay, but not as good. Stablecoins are not real crypto since they are managed by companies and can be revoked or frozen.
My point exactly, now please stop pissing into the wind
What is the point of cryptocurrency if someone like you has to tell other people which ones are the good ones?
In my view, the point is that everything will be tried, and lots will fail. But some will succeed, and those will become the things people go to. Another point is that most cryptocurrencies are either deflationary or inflationary, but controlled very strictly by code, and therefore runaway inflation will not happen. So there will be no more million dollars in Bobway bills, or Venice Waylas, or Argentina’s, or whatever, with hundreds and thousands of percent of inflation per year. Separation of money and state is something we should strive for because the state will no longer be able to fund endless wars and prosecution against innocent people. The way they do it now is through inflation, since taxation is not popular.
Could I be receiving anymore bitcoin??
Could I be anymore hacked?
Lol, isn’t “cryptocurrency scam” a little repetitive?
It’s like Chai Tea
To be fair, it makes sense for chai tea to be made explicit from unspiced black tea while still letting people unfamiliar with it know that it’s tea. Cryptocurrency not so much.
I would like to know more
About chai? It’s got lovely Indian spices and works very well as a latte.
The fact that people are still saying things like this about crypto—even after ETF approval—is proof that it’s still early. By the time the average person realizes what’s been going on with Bitcoin, it’ll be too late for you.
I’ve already tripled my initial investment from a year ago, and we’re just only getting started.
I don’t care about the environment because line go up
Then invest in ETH instead. It uses proof of stake instead of proof of work.
You are proof that the only people interested in crypto do it to try and become rich.
Well obviously. Why bother elsewise?
Next you’re probably going to claim people who go to work just do it for the money.
That user only represents some of crypto. There are others like myself who are not in it to get rich, but to maintain sovereignty in a surveillance state and dystopian world such as we are heading for.
Then you’re in trouble.
You can easily be watched by police when you’re using cryptocurrency, so an entire surveillance state should have no problem.
Not all blockchains are public.
You assume that crypto is some “honest” and “for the people” currency system because its all documented in the blockchain, when in reality it is gamed by big banks, investors and scammers just like other financial tool where a lot of money is involved and no or insufficiant regulations are in place. If Elon tweets “you can no longer buy tesla withy bitcoin”, your savings will loose a lot of value over night.
You see no problem with a proof of stake ‘’‘currency’‘’?
None whatsoever. I’m staking ETH right now. It’s free money.
Lol ok.
So let’s create a shit ton of ewaste destroying SSD’s?
Unregistered security token.
Not like we still get daily updates on here:
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You’re just upset that I made money.
I can’t tell whether you’re a real crypto person or not. Real crypto people don’t believe in ETFs because you’re not holding your own keys. So it sounds like you are just in it to make more fiat, which is bullshit. But I could be wrong about you.
That’s why I don’t buy ETFs. Never said I did. Keep it all in a hardware wallet, only leaving enough on an exchange for day-to-day transactions.
You may need to hold any crypto at all on an exchange and not in a wallet that you control the keys to?
Just so you know, one of the most common tactics in a scam is to convince the target that they must “act fast or the opportunity will be over!”
Nope, most crypto use is legit. ~1% is illegal and such. Throwing the baby out with the bath water.
It’s a ponze scheme. It always was. It may have found a niche, unregulated market, but that doesn’t make it any less of a ponze scheme
It was specifically designed to be a currency and that’s what people are using it for. So I guess currencies can be Ponzi schemes. The dollar sure is one.
Tell me you don’t know what a ponze scheme is without telling me you don’t know what a ponze scheme is.
Let me make sure I know my differences between a Ponzi scheme and a pyramid scheme. Because I may well be getting them confused. They sound very similar. Apparently Ponzi schemes are investing money while pyramid schemes are recruiting and making payments like a service. So yes. Money is a Ponzi scheme.
You’re making an inexplicable leap of logic that still has me thinking you have no idea what you’re talking about. Though I’m willing to believe you think you know what you’re talking about.
So what is money ultimately? It’s an abstraction that we exchange with one another as a common denominator for trades instead of me trading you 16.125 cows for a car. Therefore, with nobody to use it, a money is worthless. And so, to get people to use your money, they have to invest in it. They’re by making all money a Ponzi scheme. If they already have a money, then they are investing their money for your money. And if they don’t already have a money in existence, then they are investing time for your money.
lol at you calling bitcoin a Ponzi scheme and then saying fiat isn’t a Ponzi scheme. How ironic
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Every celebrity/rich has a foundation. And they make you believe that they do it to help the poor.
Dispute ANY of this:
He had a foundation for helping people with addiction issues. By all accounts he was very committed and proud and it helped a lot of people but you continue making generalisations and insensitive suggestions.
Celebrities and rich people are crapitalistic garbage. No? 😒
Your thinking is so interesting that I need to learn the way you think. Please answer this if you don’t mind: If someone who are good at what they are doing are garbage, how do you define those that are not good at what they are doing?
As non crapitalistic monsters, just good old human beings
For me that’s just envy. You define people based on what you don’t get.
How exactly do you expect actors to make movies and TV shows and not become famous? Every show and movie has new people, most of them who can’t act?