Don’t run, relax man you’re two tents.
Please describe the image for those of us who cannot see it.
Picture of tents camping. The text shows: “You can’t run through a campground. You can only ran, because it’s past tents.
Side note, is this because the image isn’t loading or for visual impairment?
In case the joke is lost on your screen reader, not patronizing, the joke is a play on words: In. Tents. Versus intense.
Yeah, I had to read it several times, but I did eventually see it. That’s funny though.
Well thanks for your candor, I’ve never put alt text on my posts but I will moving forward. 👍
You know activity is really intense? Camping
Not as intense as fucking in tents.
You know what they say about having sex while camping…
It doesn’t work quite the same in writing eh? But I will use this in conversation for sure.
Just an extra little brain power needing in writing hahah. Get my wife about once a month with this and she never remembers