Twitter under fire for reinstating account that posted child sex abuse::undefined
I can’t wait for musk to be arrested for distribution of CSAM because of his shitty moderation policy decisions because that’s clearly what he wants to happen.
The guy calls so many others pedos, what’s the likelihood he’s projecting?
I’m not sure what makes you think the law applies to billionaires
I thought that X was a brand of CP.
Now we can add “support for CP” as one of the things Muskrat did. Cool.
Hey. Muskrats are cool. Don’t do them so wrong by adding Fuckstick McBackbirth to their grouping.
And this is who Spez idolizes …
I am guessing that Musk doesn’t give a shit. The guy has so much money that he’s impervious to criticism.
He can pay to surround himself with yes-men all he wants, but that just makes any criticism that reaches him sting more. You can see it in action by the petty moves he makes against people and things he doesn’t like.
He’s not impervious to criticism, he just thinks that he is. Massive negative press following massive negative press about his handling of the company and the loss of revenue is not going to make his shareholders happy, which is really what all he’d care about.
For Twitter at least, he doesn’t have shareholders. He has investors, many of whom would like nothing more than for Twitter to die so that their citizens can’t use it to coordinate political action against their regime.
What’s the point of their investments then?
Control over one of the biggest “news” sites in the world probably.
can’t use it to coordinate political action against their regime.
That ship sailed a while back when Elon was forced to buy Twitter. Let it burn.
Only 7.1 billion out of 44 billion is from outside investments. The remaining ~36 billion was paid by Musk.
People need to stop with the conspiracies. Musk isn’t playing 4d chess by tanking Twitter, he’s just an idiot.
33 Billion was equity. $13 Billion was loans.
Musk’s contribution is close to $25 Billion and likely puts him at 60%+ majority control of shares.
Elon Musk is the biggest shareholder of Twitter and Tesla.
Biggest idiot of both as well.
3 of the main investors of musk’s twitter are Marc Andreessen, Changpeng Zhao (ceo of binance) and Prince Al Waleed (saudi royalty).
As Twitter should be.
So I see it’s going great with an almost non existent CSAM team, who needs them anyway?
Good luck with X buddy, I’m sure advertisers can’t wait to have their ad show next to some good old CSAM material.
But at least conservatives aren’t censored anymore and the democrats were the real groomers anyway, right?
What a dumpster fire… I hope it all burns to the ground. We can live without Twitter just fine.
What does the acronym CSAM mean?
Child Sexual Abuse Material, sometimes also called CSEM; Child Sexual Exploitation Material
I was happier before I knew that.
This acronym didn’t exist until like 1 month ago. Everyone used “CP” prior.
From my observations as terminally online. I fully expect someone to tell me this has been the phrase since 1899 lol
It’s been common parlance at least since Apple wanted to implement CSAM scanning of all iCloud saved images through a hashing technique. The backlash was so strong Apple now opposes CSAM scanning. This was two years ago-ish.
It’s been around a lot longer than 1 month ago lol, I learned about it a couple years ago.
Even if it were invented yesterday, what would it matter?
It’s not that it matters. It’s that if an acronym is new, it makes sense to clarify its meaning until it’s clear to all.
Fair, but the point of an acronym is to not have to write out the whole thing every time. It’s ok to have people have to ask for clarification or look it up on their own. That’s how people learn.
That is not correct 5-y&geo=US&q=CSAM&hl=en
I think ‘CP’ is the terminally online lingo.
‘CSAM’ is the more professional terminology used.
I keep thinking it is a type of surface to air missile.
Are people just ignoring the X name change and still calling it Twitter? That’s awesome lol
Of course. X is dumb… I talked to people being confused, thinking X was supposed to be a placeholder.
Of course. I don’t call Facebook Meta, and I don’t call Google Alphabet.
You can change your company’s name, or nest it in a shell, people still know who you are
Google and Facebook weren’t rebranded. Twitter was.
That’s not the same thing.
On their case the name change was only for the company not for the product
X gon’ give it to ya
Dang it, you got me. Now I just have to hear the song cuz it’s stuck in my head, I’ll give it to ya alright! ;)
I don’t think anyone really wants what X gon’ give to them.
Elon Musk is just another gross white man who wants a manic pixie dream girl, minus the dreams. It’s no surprise that he doesn’t see a problem with this. He’s a textbook predator, and the whole situation with Grimes made that abundantly clear.
I hope his next venture is selling guided tours in unregulated deep sea subs.
I’m out of the loop; what part of the Grimes thing was predatory?
Elon is as a Elon does
Children 😬
Yeah it ain’t right mate. But then this is expected behaviour from Musk.
An important part that seems lost in this:
Yoel Roth, the company’s former head of moderation and safety who resigned in November after Musk’s takeover, posted Wednesday on the Twitter competitor Bluesky that “it’s insane to write ‘we have zero tolerance for child sexual exploitation’ while also arbitrarily reinstating accounts that share” child sexual abuse material.
Roth fled his home late last year after Musk, in tweets to his more than 100 million followers, suggested Roth had encouraged children to access adult material online, a misrepresentation of Roth’s graduate-school writing that exposed him to online harassment and death threats.
“This guy blew up my life by saying I condone pedophilia, and then he turns around and does this,” Roth said on Bluesky.
Holy shit that’s absolutely disgusting.
Narcissistic pedo, doing narcissistic pedo things, because he’s a narcissistic pedo.
And these are the “elite” of our species? We have allowed hell to exist on Earth for far too long.
Nah these are the elites of our society.
The elites of our species are the athletes and geniuses who do shit that leaves us in awe.
A hit piece the lemmings will believe without a second thought.
Elon massively expanded CSAM-detection capabilities on Twitter and upped bans for it by 400% since he joined.
Fact - the unbanned user is an anti-pedophile activist who found the censored image on a news site, not knowing its original content, and posted it to solicit donations for the family.
Nothing could be detailed from the picture, but legally you are not allowed to post an image that was originally csam even if you turn it into a black jpeg. Both the original site and he were punished. Elon knew it was an innocent mistake, and in light of the good work he does against grooming in modern America, he unbanned him.
Then WaPo posted a hit article. Is it any coincidence that Washington Post is run by pedophiles?
NYT, CNN, Reuters, too? Oh wait, FOX must not have covered it.
There really needs to be more awareness and actual punishment to prevent stochastic terrorism
Knowing the kind of people that are out there this guy is lucky to be alive after being marked like this…
Every right-wing accusation is a confession.