- Rabbit R1 AI box is actually an Android app in a limited $200 box, running on AOSP without Google Play.
- Rabbit Inc. is unhappy about details of its tech stack being public, threatening action against unauthorized emulators.
- AOSP is a logical choice for mobile hardware as it provides essential functionalities without the need for Google Play.
The AI boom in a nutshell. Repackaged software and content with a shiny AI coat of paint. Even the AI itself is often just repackaged chatgpt.
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What’s interesting about this device is that it (supposedly) learns how apps work and how people use them, so if you ask it something that requires using an app it could do it.
So while it might be “just an android app”, if it does what’s advertised that would be impressive.
Reviewers are saying it is not able to do this, along with several other promised features.
Apps are designed to be easy to use. If this device works as advertised (and that’s a huge if), then it wouldn’t offer much in the way of convenience anyway. From what I’ve been reading, it doesn’t work well at all.
perplexity for this device. still, excited to get my pre-order if only to add to my teenage engineering collection
It certainly looks sleek. Too bad that’s all it has in its favor.
must be a cool device to jailbreak and mess around with just for the sake of it tho
it has a very unique form factor after all
Unless you have tons of money, why preorder? Just wait for the company to inevitably go under and people start reselling their now-useless devices, and then scoop as many as you want from Ebay. Even if the company survives for a while, the functionality is so underwhelming they might start getting rid of them way sooner.
The company makes other things I don’t think they will go under of this fails
It’s so weird how they’re just insisting it isn’t an android app even though people have proven it is. Who do they expect to believe them?
The same question was asked a million times during the crypto boom. “They’re insisting that [some-crypto-project] is a safe passive income when people have proven that it’s a ponzi scheme. Who do they expect to believe them?” And the answer is, zealots who made crypto (or in this case, AI) the basis of their entire personality.
In this case the same people made both, so they are already practiced
They are technically not wrong when they say that the whole experience isn’t made up of just an App
They are intentionally dodging the ACTUAL question.
Anyways here is a leak of their “LAM”, which is just playwright for the most part. https://web.archive.org/web/20240424133441if_/https://pixeldrain.com/api/file/vYHXbUwP?download
With that, we have both components, yay?
You know, pairing an LLM with Playright is actually a pretty great idea. But that’s something I can totally roll on my own.
Investors who don’t bother reading past the letters A and I in the prospectus.
Their target audience are the most gullible tech evangelists in the world that think AI is magic. If there was a limit to the lies those people are willing to believe, they wouldn’t be buying the thing to begin with.
This will flop though. So will the stupid Humane pin.
Either there are very few people that gullible or that group isn’t quite as gullible as you think.
Oh 🦆, I was thinking this was humane and wondering why people were saying it is only $200.
It’s the Juicero strategy.
“You can’t squeeze our juice packs! Only our special machine can properly squeeze our juice packs for optimal taste!”
Ahh, the good ol’ days, before we knew how batshit AvE was.
I’m assuming you’re talking about the YouTuber; It’s been since before the pandemic that I’ve watched AvE, what did he do?
Leaned hard into anti-vax and sympathizing with the Canadian trucker protests, and made it a fairly prominent part of his videos. Not entirely surprising that he held some of the views, but he got high on his own LIBERTARIAN!!! supply and started thinking that if he thought it, his audience must want to hear it.
Ah, what a shame, he had some good stuff.
Reviewer proceeds to squeeze more juice out with their hands than the machine managed.
‘Android’ is a certification with requirements in installed Google apps and homscreen links, so there’s that.
They have thought of a specific design for the device using its own interaction modality and created a product that is more than just software.
Therefore don’t get why people refer to it being just an app? Does it make it worth less, because it runs on Android? Many devices, e.g. e-readers are just Android Apps as well. If it works it works.
In this case it doesn’t, so why not focus on that?
Why even try to sell me another device though?
Anything and everything this square does, my phone can do better already and has the added benefit of already being in my pocket and not a pain in the ass to use.
Because, you know, technological development? Someone has to fund R&D, because it’s not cheap. And in 10 years everyone will have similar ai-enhanced devices. No one thought smartphones will make it back in the days as well. And I’m already looking forward to the time when I don’t have to look down anymore to get information
And in 10 years everyone will have similar ai-enhanced devices.
In 10 years (or actually 0 years because it’s already kinda true) people will have an AI enhanced device… And it’ll be their phone.
Also, you’re arguing something I’m going to name the inevitability fallacy (for my own amusement). It’s not inevitable that everyone will have one of these particular type of devices in the same way it wasn’t inevitable that everyone would start watching 3d TV in their houses.
This is just another in a long line of things that supply side economics driven companies are trying to sell us. There’s next to no need or demand for this thing, and there’s no guarantee that there will be.
The point being, they are charging 200 bucks for hardware that is superfluous and low end for an incomplete software experience that could be delivered without that on an app. The question is, are you going to give up your smartphone for this new device? Are you going to carry both? Probably not.
“It can do 10% of the shit your phone can do, only slower, on a smaller screen, with its own data connection, and inaccurately because you have to hope that our “AI” is sufficiently advanced to understand a command, take action on that command, and respond in a short amount of time. And that’s not to even speak about the horrible privacy concerns or that it’s a brick without connection!”
Everything about this project seems lackluster at best, other than maybe the aesthetic design from teenage engineering, but even then, their design work seems a bit repetitive. But that may be due to how the company is asking for the work. “We wanna be like Nothing and Playdate!!” “I gotchu fam!”
To address your point about e-readers, they have specific use cases. Long battery lives, large, efficient e-ink displays, and the convenience of having all your books, or a large subset, available to you offline! But when those things aren’t a concern, yea, an app will do.
Like with most contemporary product launches, I simply find myself asking, “Who is this for?”
They’ve said they are working on integration with other apps, and have said the ultimate goal is the AI could create its own interface for any app. I dunno if that’s gonna happen but if it did it would be closer to an actual assistant, imagine “rabbit, log onto my work schedule app and check my vacation hours” or “rabbit, compare prices for a SanDisk 256 gig memory card on Amazon, eBay, and Newegg”.
More than likely it’ll just fuck it all up but that’s the dream I think.
It’s an experimental device and by buying it you invest into r&d. It’s not meant to replace a smartphone as of now, but similar ones eventually will.
My point stands, because they are offering a completely new (but obv lacking) experience with novel design solutions. What they made is a toy, which is not really unusual for teenage engineering. But if they do as they did with other devices in the past this thing might actually rock in the future. They are not inexperienced and usually over super long support for their devices.
TE is way older than Nothing and Playdate btw…
It’s an experimental device and by buying it you invest into r&d.
This is laughably untrue. By buying this you’ve proven to them that their marketing oriented approach to product development is correct, and that customers will throw away good money on half-designed, disposable shit.
By the looks of this shitty project, they spent most of their money on design idiots that think they’re the next coming of Steve Jobs, and blathering marketing morons that think if they say AI and “the future” enough that it doesn’t matter that the products they actually deliver are half-done, also-ran, clout-chasing garbage with hardware from the clearance section of Alibaba.
No, they won’t. Because it’s just a shitty downgraded smartphone controlled by a super shady company with massive security and privacy concerns.
I mean I have an eReader but most of the time I’m too lazy to go find it and my Kindle app works just fine. I am eyeing those eink phones though…
No, they’re not.
An ereader is a piece of hardware that has a distinct purpose that cannot be matched by other hardware (high quality, high contrast, low power draw static content). Some of them do run Android, and that’s a huge value add. But the actual hardware is the reason it exists.
This is just a dogshit Android phone. There is no unique hardware niche it’s filling. It’s an extremely obvious scam that is very obviously massively downgraded in all of value, utility, and performance by being forced onto separate hardware.
my honda is just android software, if thats the only part you look at too.
This is more like someone offering a “brand new method of personal travel” to replace your car, but it turns out that it’s just an old Honda with only one seat, a fuel tank that only holds 10L, and a custom navigation app. There’s nothing it does that your Honda can’t do better, and you won’t want to replace your Honda with this.
true but we all have tons of successful devices that are secretly like this, smart doorbells and flood lights and watches etc. we also have all seen terrible ones. its the implementation that isn’t magical.
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What’s your problem with smart dildos?
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No it’s not. Your Honda has several different computers in it, only on of which is likely to be running Android.
The issue isn’t even with what it runs on, albeit selling it as specialized hardware is really bizarre, when it’s just a glorified embedded platform with a scroll wheel
The company is known for making quirky hardware, usually niche musical instruments with creatively chosen knobs, switches, cute UIs and such.
They figured they could ride the AI hype wave based on their expensive niche audience but it’s blowing up in their face.
You should see the rest of the overpriced toys these guys have marketed as genius over the years.
You say “bizarre” they say “marketing strategy”… They chose to do this knowing people wouldn’t be milked $200 for an app, but if they make it look like a device, the sheep will be lured
Is that not custom hardware? I really don’t see any issue with how they built this thing. The issue is what they built.
hahahaha the juicero of ai android applications
This is why I cringe at cell phone manufacturers selling cloud and AI features based on phone models because wtf you’re not running that cloud on that handset so why do you gatekeep the product behind that model? It can’t require that many resources, it’s a cloud app!
It is to make you spend more to buy the better model. If you really want that AI you won’t mind spending a bit more
I know what you’re getting at and this isn’t directed at you and I know this is why it’s done, but the capabilities of the phone don’t have any bearing on the use of the AI so why gatekeep it? It’s a dumb way to make a profit.
I know. It’s dumb as hell. Just like everything being priced at 4.99 instead of 5.00. people are just stupid and it seems to wprk out for the companies.
It’s a dumb way to make a profit.
If it works, is it dumb?
When VHS was still around, DVDs were priced higher even though they were much cheaper to produce. If people are willing to pay more, producers/distributors will charge more. Yay capitalism.
An app that would require root access to fully operate. It is designed to run and use apps automatically. Large Action Mode, I think. Easiest way to get this out is a standalone device
I may not fully understand the situation, but AOSP offers an API called Accessability that allows an app to hook and modify how the user interacts with the UI. the best example is probably Talkback.
I heard someone even leaked the apk LMAO that’s hilarious that your 200 dollar product can be literally pirated
You wouldn’t download a bunny…
I would stew a bunny…
Does the apk have unlimited access to Perplexity AI?
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Didn’t the bunny don’t have any subscription?
it has the same cpu as my budget 100$ phone from 2018 lol
It does not need much to upload data and play audio. They could probably have gone even lower.
Bravo. I need to watch this show again…
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yeah but it’s also a power hog, power usage never dropped below 1200ma on idle on my phone
Ubuntu is just a bunch of apps running on Debian! Did you know you can take Ubuntu app .deb files and run them on Debian?
Look. The R1 is stupid, but this isn’t the reason why.
Such a bad comparison. In the case of Debian and Ubuntu apps you run both apps on your hardware you already have. In case of rabbit, you could just run app on your phone instead of buying rabbit. Rabbit does not offer anything more than their app does when installed on android phone. It’s even better on android phone because phone is faster.
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What? .deb aren’t app files they are debian packages
What are you talking about? The article didn’t mention Ubuntu once
Apk literally stands for Android package. I’m making an analogy. 🤦
The difference here is Ubuntu is open about the fact that stand on the shoulders of something greater than them.
R1 in contrast pretend that everything they’ve built is proprietary, and therefore no one could possibly come up with something similar.
When it’s clearly not the case.
This is critical, not for the purpose of sales, but for the purpose of retaining investor value.
The whole thing reeks of an exercise to generate artificial investor value.
If investors find out that their so-called innovation can actually be done by anyone with some coding skills and connectivity to open AI, then the company value will drop like a hot turd.
The processing was done server-side as it is with the other thing. If you find a way to do it client-side let me know otherwise I’m not interested in your dumb product.
Spoiler: when they let you know about the better device, your phone will already be much better at the same client-side processing anyway.
What, you aren’t excited about a future where everything is cloud computing spyware that sends all your activity to an AI to be analyzed and picked apart by strangers?
Yes, but it’s also unauthenticated (it doesn’t verify it comes from the real device, or even run an account belonging to a device owner)
You just need the app
Until they inevitably shut it down
lmao threatening action against their own imminent irrelevance, more like
Not cool guys, not cool at all
And get serious - fuck your “proprietary” details, fuck lying/misrepresentation for money, and fuck you for trying a stunt like this.
Call me when you actually put the genie in the bottle!
I mean, isn’t all software just an app that runs on hardware?
Next you’re going to tell me that lemmy is one of these dirty dirty apps
Nahhh, not as dirty as Reddit.
Lemmy is a dirty, dirty app, but that’s not why!
What? No way!
•Rabbit Inc. is unhappy about details of its tech stack being public, threatening action against unauthorized emulators.
All android devices are “emulators” like their hardware isn’t special
So it’s just a single app running on a minimal Android implementation, the AI is done on remote servers and it still gets lousy battery life? Sounds like they dropped the ball on design. Nevertheless, no one is going to carry this that doesn’t already have a phone that can do everything the Rabbit does. It has no reason to exist.
Yes, they have came out since this discovery saying that there is no ‘app’ and that the AI computed requests in the cloud.
These people basically found the connection to the cloud.
But yeah, stupid product that does practically nothing [that a phone cant].