It’s raining ads in Windows 11. The Microsoft Weather app in the operating system now displays more ads.
You may recall that a year ago, Microsoft had actually removed the ads from the app, and it appeared that the company had finally listened to feedback from users. But the annoying banners are back, and there’s two of them now on the Forecast page. For those unaware, the old version of Microsoft Weather was a UWP app, but the company replaced it with an Edge WebView, which is a container that uses the Edge Engine. In other words, the Weather app is technically just a web wrapper for You can test this yourself, just open the website in your browser and temporarily disable your ad blocker to take a look at the ads, now open the desktop app, and you can see that the same ads appear in the Weather app.
Today’s weather, ads. With a high of ads. Ads coming in from the east.
Cloudy with a chance of ads
Ads with a chance of rain
Microsoft: So, what are you going to do about it? Stop using Windows? Hah!
I stopped using it 20 years ago and have never had a need for it since. It sucked then and it still sucks now; I’ve even installed it a couple times in a VM for fun but always ended up deleting it after a few hours. I really don’t understand why someone would choose to tolerate such low quality software even for the most basic of tasks.
Why don’t they just rename it to “AdOS” already?
Another reason to stop using Windows
I mean - if anyone still needs them, I guess M$ is still cranking them out.
Try GNU/Linux
Yay! More free ads!
It is raining ads !!!
Is this the new technique because all these companies already completed enshitification? Briefly remove the things people hate in the hopes that it will draw them back, only to rug pull them again?
Its Microsoft they’re not that smart.
(queue Pink Floyd)
Oh no! Anyway…
its a dystopian world we live in, advertisements to just check the weather…
Good thing all the software I install comes with WeatherBug
Bummer that they didn’t have perfect weather for 4/20/02. 4/20 is best on a sunny day.
If you want to know how windows behaves check out this app:
The amount of hard to explaining pinging that is going on will hurt your brain but you will notice that every time click start or search OR SETTINGS
This bitch is furiously pinging
SundarSatya the creep lolYour choice people…
Edit: apologies picked the wrong mascot!
I had been using Linux for home and work for the past 10 years, dual booting for games mostly (do basically only to use steam).
Recently I had to change jobs and was given a windows laptop. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that the candy crush ad is still present on corporate devices. In a $3500 workstation from a fortune 50. What the hell.
I managed to get a Mac instead. IT is still laughing about me for asking Linux instead