That answered a lot of questions.
I hope they publicly state how they pushed a bad file, but I doubt it.
Seems like someone really didn’t pay attention to what they were doing, and they might have an internal problem with QA.
Their QA worked better than intended, they had tests fail worldwide and tons of results to work off of hahaha
This likely going to be text book case of how to not a run a company in a dominant market position that caused world wide system failures.
Makes you wonder if we should be allowing such consolidtion in critical industries. This ain’t even about economics anymore. More of a infrastructure and national security decision.
Or fucking supervivise and train people properly… I don’t know. Sounds like management problems.
As someone that works in QA, yeah, they needed something to catch this. I saw someone mention somewhere without a source that they missed it as all test machines have their full suite of software installed. In that scenario, the computer wasn’t affected. So for QA it seems their labs might need to be more in tune with the user base.
However, the fact that they are able to push this so quickly worldwide seems like a big process issue. I get 0 day issues and that is how they justify it. But deploy to a small subset of customers before going global seems more reasonable.
I heard somewhere that the updated ignored staging settings set. So even if companies had it set to only roll out to a subset of their computers it went everywhere
Oof. Then that seems more on the ops side of things. Interesting. I can’t wait for them to never share what happened so we can all continue to speculate. 😂
I read somewhere (commentes in that video) that CS ignored their own customer-configured stagger upgrades for some upgrades…
Apparently those settings are only for updates to the software itself, not for updates to the definition files.
they might have an internal problem with QA.
They don’t have a lack of quality assurance. They have a lack-of-quality assurance.
I like when videos are as direct as this guy’s. Just straight to the point. No extra fluff, distracting skits or drama. It’s just him talking straight to the camera about things he’s passionate about.
Good, but why does it have to be video? Blog post or something I can effin’ READ.
Because video creation can be a better source of revenue for creators than a blog post and some people still like to get paid for their expertise?
I can’t see videos. Fuck me, right?
You really don’t need any visual content you can just listen to it. The only thing he shows is a bit of code and unless you actually understand what you’re looking at it’s meaningless. It just says 0000000000006c
Yeah fuck you
And fuck anyone who thinks everything nowdays has to be a video. I’d like to fucking read.
Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half, bro.
It’s just a guy talking 99% of the time and the few visuals that are in the movie are not required to understand the story. I’d just listen to it like a podcast. The guys voice and pronunciation probably beats text to speech from a blogpost with images.
I watched it while doing dishes and it was great for me. I like videos for things that don’t require my undivided attention. If this were about something like programming I’d want code examples and would need to read to digest it.
Nah he’s got a soporific voice, so I’m okay with it
Very interesting, especially how they’re executing unsigned code via the *.sys files to (presumably) get around waiting for MS to re-sign their driver.
Yeah this was the main take-away for me, too. You’d expect they’d have ironclad QA when doing shit like this.
Outstanding. You don’t often see content this good.
It was so good I immediately went to his page and started watching his most viewed videos. This guy rocks
Just keep in mind that some of his content has been proven to be complete bullshit, most notably the NT start menu.
Also, he’s been involved in scam scandal in the past. So do take his stuff with a grain of salt.
I know you may have some sentiment against Twitter, but this is a pretty good post.
One of the links included in the post:
This guy is great, I like his channel. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome explanation and instant subscribe