Oh no! I hope this doesn’t affect my pirated copies.
Your daily reminder that by paying for streaming services, you’re receiving a worse product than the alternative.
What is the alternative? Piracy?
Hell yeah
buying physical media
I refuse to pay for any streaming services. I am in the 1% of consumers taking a stand, and have had zero impact in the trajectory of video streaming the entire god damn time.
There are dozens of us!
Content advertising isn’t “on brand” for Apple, so this would be a bold move.
Advertising in general has been a growing revenue stream for Apple from my understanding. That “anti-tracking” they added a few iOS versions back also conveniently increased Apple’s ad revenue because other advertisers didn’t get the same data that Apple would just have by default.
I’ve lost count of the volume of times I’ve been downvoted for stating that Apples transition to a services based company guaranteed they would become the enemy of every users privacy, regardless of all their virtue signaling about privacy.
Meanwhile, in the 2020’s you can not longer do offline dictation at all, on a several thousand dollar machine, without agreeing to sending PII and transcripts of all your dictations to Apple servers… You could do completely offline dictation a decade ago, on a machine that was about 1/10th as powerful.
I think we passed that point after the ads in the App Store,News app, Books app, and Music app.
Agree they’ve being easing their way in for a while. My point was specifically about advertising within the content itself which would be a new line crossed.
Edit: actually yes they did do this with Apple News didn’t they! (Which is why I stopped paying for it).
You know what is on brand for Apple? Making tons of money.
While there’s a bit of a focus here on what it’d “mean” for Apple to do this … more broadly, which streaming services don’t have ads by now? Prime and Netflix do, I know that much.
Basically it seems the industry has done exactly what cable did IIRC … once they’ve got you by the balls they’ll squeeze you as dry as they can.
Apart from finding a local hardcopy rental shop (I have and am trying to use it as much as possible), or you know, just not watching, “reverting” back to piracy is likely the only way to react here.
The problem is mathematics.
Capitalism requires that profits always increase, but we live on a finite planet, with a finite amount of land, a finite amount of resources, and a finite number of humans… always, eventually, the ONLY option to continue this dichotomy is to squeeze your existing customer base, and extract as much value from them as possible (by devaluing your product). Unfortunately customers do not hold unlimited value, so the house of cards will collapse one way or the other.
Clearly, the only solution is to wage a war on mathematics.
Thats never the ONLY option, its just that the biggest winners in capitalism also make the rules, so they choose to always be the winners
There are other options of course, but those require the proles choosing something besides escapism.
I can’t wait for the advertisers to start dictating the content of the programming to help sell ads. Because that’s coming next. Let’s totally wipe the premium sheen off premium streaming TV.
Thats always been there because the ads are baked in the shows too.
step 1: position yourself has high quality, low cost compared to the others
step 2: win awards for programming furthering the high quality of your service
step 3: raise prices
step 4: cancel the shows people raved about
step 5: bring in ads
step 6: ???
Everyone’s reading from the same playbook
It’s probably a McKinsey playbook getting passed around
Making a free tier.
It’s never just a “free tier” unfortunately. Most times these headlines pop up, it’s “We’re increasing our base subscription cost, but don’t worry! You can keep paying the old price if you’re ok with ads.”
Paying for ads is a terrible idea companies have forced into the narrative, without users really caring.
I choose not to pay for ads.
Yeah, if I’m paying but forced to watch ads I’ll drop the subscription, fuck that.
That’s how it starts.
I don’t know what makes you think this would be a “free tier”; it’d just in all likelihood be an even more enshittified, slightly-less-money-flushed-down-the-toilet-for-an-inferior-product tier.
Time is money.
I only see Apple TV+ as a bonus to the Premium subscription. But if they really fuck it up like this, I will unbundle my subscription and cancel Apple TV+.
Fuck ads!