all for cooperatives!
This is pretty exciting
Interesting! For a platform, Bandcamp seems to pretty benign, but I’d love to see a similar website that does an even better job!
EDIT oh reading the article it seems Bandcamp isn’t as cool as I thought (I just buy music)
Maybe I’ll start buying music again
Bandcamp Friday. 100% of the money goes to the artist on the First Friday of (most) months.
I’ve got the days marked in my calendar! Next one is at the beginning of September. Already got my songs picked out waiting in my “cart” lol
That’s what I do. Find stuff over the month, give it some listens to see if it sticks, then buy baby buy. :)
We are very similar haha. BCF has been such a success (at getting $ to musicians) I wonder if Subvert will have a similar special day. “Subvert Sundays” maybe?
Although Friday is kind of the perfect day - the end of the with week for most, and not as busy as Saturday, or as sobering as Sunday.
Yeah, I know I’ve seen some bands release right before BCF to make the most of it.
You probably won’t, since Bandcamp has been available this entire time.
First of all, thanks for pretending you know me. That’s cool.
Second, I’ve been buying on bandcamp up until Epic bought it. I have principles and one of those is that I don’t support Epic.
But has only been owned by Epic Games for a short period of that, which may have been when they stopped purchasing music
They explained what they’re trying to do, but they didn’t explain the how, and that annoyed me. Why do we have to wait for the countdown to know actual relevant information about this project?
Exactly! I’m all for it, but why the secrecy instead of transparency from the start? Maybe those 80% of people have some initial advantage. is a spotify alternative which has been goin on for several years now. Support for small artists goes far, solidarity for all workers, Co-Ops represent a neccesary stepping stone towards a sustainable society so Subvert is nice to learn about :)
Bandcamp is all about indie and new technology, so I think it will be far easier to replace than Spotify, that has agreements with diverse studio records, for example.
Spotify seems to have successfully commodified music, with their emphasis on “moods” that stream you anonymous music.
I wouldn’t even bother competing with their model.
Nice! With both Bancamp and 7digital being sold to some licensing company, apparently the same one even, I’ve been looking for a new place to get my digital music. Hope this works out for them!