Why do tech companies keep pushing this crap on us when society has clearly communicated that it is dumb?
When the fuck did we all become such Luddites
When the focus of tech-ists became self-enrichment at the expense of user privacy and security.
We all willfully gave them our info.
Speak for yourself.
Are you saying it didn’t happen? Didn’t billions of people upload all their details on their own to Facebook?
Wow this must be the worse code name ever
It should be code name “Bug Eyes”, in a nod to Zuck.
Code names don’t need to be good for marketing, they are just for being able to talk about a thing
Most of the time i find the code names to be cooler than the release name
Uh! They should use AI for it. That will be great! /s
Soon we’ll be able to remove peoples clothes in real time. Truly the future we all aspired to.
Apple and samsung have also said to be working on ar glasses to release by 2027
I hope Apple learns something from their failed Ski glasses
they shoulda included a rethink of garage band and an mmo tilt brush. and the first million at 1% profit margin to get to scale.
It’s a good thing you aren’t a CEO.
What a novel idea, that definitely no-one has tried before
This one is different it’s not like hololens or apple apple goggles
It’s the glasses that we wear every day
You appear not to have heard of Google Glass.
That was impractically small
Those who fail history will be doomed to repeat it