To do this, just lie the compass on its face and run your pencil around the outer edge, like you’re making a hand turkey.
Funny thing is this is actually a very good idea
One of the best things you can do on realizing you’re lost is find a spot that’s safe to sit still in and wait for someone to come looking.
Practicing a perfect circle sounds like a marvelous way to waste time until the rangers get to you from your last known location!
In that situation I’d get completely turned around, compass or not
TIL I never knew English doesn’t have a separate word for that tool.
It’s a bit weird, isn’t it?
Technically, the navigational tool is “a compass” and the geometric draw-a-circle tool is “a pair of compasses” (I don’t know why) - but in general use, people just call both of them “a compass”.
We’ve had hundreds of years to rename one of them, but for some reason haven’t bothered.
If you use a stick with two points in it, its called a trammel.
And without any compass you’d be walking circles.