But if you’re the Internet Archive, fuck you its lawsuit time. I hate this cyberpunk present.
Bet they get the pass that the Internet Archive didn’t.
He has committed the greatest crime imaginable! A crime against capitalism!
In every other circumstance I can think of, “I can’t make money doing a thing unless I break the law” means don’t do that thing.
Why should AI get special treatment?
Well in almost every other circumstance, you’re forgetting Uber and Airbnb.
Now about that fake money for criminals - it was quite useful for me when I needed to send money to my sister, with me being in Russia and her being outside, and it was year 2022. Also with the way ruble sank after the war, buying BTC hours after seeing news of it starting was probably a bargain. Would be twice as expensive the next day.
I haven’t used Uber (Yandex Taxi) and Airbnb (asocial type and have responsibilities), and I agree about the plagiarism machine.
Sorry to break it to you, but bypassing sections is a crime. You just proved his point. Sanctions are supposed to make life difficult for the people in sanctioned countries so that those people maybe start doing something to the person causing the problems.
It may be useful, but it was designed to facilitate criminal payments.
Sanctions are supposed to make life difficult for the people in sanctioned countries so that those people maybe start doing something to the person causing the problems.
Nah. They are supposed to reduce connectivity for everyone except the right people with connections, who deal in shit big enough, like oil, gas etc, but not us serfs and not businessmen who don’t respect their government officials enough to bribe them. This worked especially well in the Iron Curtain times, and it seems there are people nostalgic of that now.
First, spitting into my soup for something other people did is not going to make me more pissed at them (suppose I already was), it’s going to make me more pissed at those spitting into my soup.
Second, knowing that Israel isn’t sanctioned, Turkey isn’t sanctioned, Azerbaijan isn’t sanctioned, but Russia is, not being better, makes it extremely hard to believe that those sanctions are meant to solve problems. Even if I didn’t know how they work.
Third, a country can’t make something a crime outside their jurisdiction.
So you didn’t do the crime, but your home country did, and you could use crypto to make life easier despite the repercussions. I’d say it’s not a bad fit.
Nah. Arbitrary shit that doesn’t hurt those who did the crime, but does hurt me, is not repercussions. Neither is it a crime to find tools to solve such problems.
Ah yes, the original unviable silicon valley businesses! I love how they used their VC money to undercut and kill small businesses all over the world.
AirBNB is currently failing. Uber likely will when people catch on to “dynamic pricing”
Because they already raised hundreds of millions from investors
The more the original work is transformed, the more likely it is to be considered fair use rather than infringement.
Because black numbers going up make shareholders happy
then perish
If I was exempt from copyright, I too could easily make oodles of money
If a company cannot do business without breaking the law it simply is a criminal organisation. RICO act, anyone?
Idk, usually people shut down their business if it can’t make a profit…
“Limiting training data to public domain books and drawings created more than a century ago might yield an interesting experiment, but would not provide AI systems that meet the needs of today’s citizens.”
exactly which “needs” are they trying to meet?
They already stole my work. No respect.
Boo fucking hoo. Everyone else has to make licensing agreements for this kind of shit, pay up.
Then OpenAI shouldn’t exist. That’s capitalism.
Honestly, that sounds like a You problem, Sam.
You wouldn’t download a collection of all the art and knowledge ever documented in the entire history of the known universe…
Well alright then, that means you have the wrong business model, sucks to be you, NEXT.
I could make a lot of money too if I could use copyrighted shit for free.