I am surprised that people know what amazon music is.
“Loved” and “included with Prime” aren’t necessarily the same.
Neither is “loved” and “most subscribed to”
Most tolerable is far more accurate.
“Americans voted for Biden, they must love him!”
More difficult to cancel
It’s like saying Microsoft Windows is the most loved OS on PC. People just go with the option in front of them. Spotify is the biggest streaming service now, Amazon Music ties in with Alexa.
I thought Amazon Music was a small up-charge on top of prime?
I honestly kinda did to, but I double checked here in Canada and it’s included. Search results did have me think that it may vary though in other regions.
I did take one for the team here and log in. It looks like it’s included, but there’s also a premium for $12 making me think you gotta pay to make it comparable to Apple/Spotify.
The Unlimited tier is extra but the regular tier is included
I’ve got prime but I’ve never even heard of amazon music before.
Some people say indifference is worse than hate, but that probably doesn’t apply to graphs.
Soundcloud + Bandcamp and a 3rd party client like Newpipe is the only valid option for me.
Downloading music and playing it offline is better than streaming low quality audio on a subscription.
You are right offline listenting is better, but I have apple music and the audio quality is one the best among streaming platforms ( I turn Lossless audio on ).
People love Amazon music? It fucking sucks.
Dumbest music organizer I know of.
Where’s “directory full of FLACs bought from Bandcamp and ripped from CDs”?
From the 5 services shown in the graphs, that would be YouTube Music which lets you upload your library (yes, even FLAC).
Yes, but in my experience it is pretty trash. Unlike Google Play Music which matched the music to known tracks and shuffled it in with recommended playlists and other features on YouTube Music the uploaded songs are basically completely isolated. At that point why use a streaming service?
Yeah it was a hundred times better in GPM.
Google Play Music was the last streaming service I actually enjoyed.
I paid for GPM for quite a while. I then started working at Google and beta tested YouTube Music from very early on and gave lots of feedback about how it sucked. When they shut down GPM I cancelled my YouTube Premium membership and installed an ad blocker. Not just YTM but so many things about YouTube were getting worse and worse and I couldn’t find it in myself to keep paying for a service that kept removing features.
Important to note that they don’t stay in FLAC after being uploaded.
Also, I’m pretty sure you can’t do this anymore.
Also, I’m pretty sure you can’t do this anymore.
Menu option is still there for me
It opens a file chooser, so I’m guessing it’s just one file at a time now, which is lame.
I was informed by Google music, when they shut that down and forced everyone on Yt music, that all my uploaded data would be erased.
I downloaded it all and sorted it into my personal music on my PC.
May I ask what app you’re using there? I don’t see that on Yt music on Android… At least, I can’t find it if it’s there. Maybe I’m blind.
I’ll have to look into this. I appreciate the heads up. There’s a few things I’d like to put on my library if I can.
that was on desktop web browser, https://music.youtube.com
Also worth noting is that it’s only available to your primary YouTube account. For me that somehow became a different one created when they foisted Google Circle on everyone. So my actual YT account, that I use every day and matches my email address, can’t access my saved YT music. I have to change YouTube profiles to listen to it, which I do on occasion.
That’s weird, maybe you live in a country where that service isn’t available anymore? When they switched from GPM to YTM all my uploaded music was migrated, and I still can upload music, like the person you’re replying to. But I think you have to do it from desktop, it’s not in the mobile app.
Apple and
Spotifylet you do that too.Edit: Spotify doesn’t let you do it but Apple does
I see that Apple does now, but no indicator of Spotify that I can see. Are you talking about how you can run the desktop app to stream the files on your computer? Because that’s not a digital locker.
It’s been a while since I used Spotify since I use Apple now.
I remember being able to add my own music, but maybe it was just local to the computer.
Apple definitely lets you upload stuff to their servers though.
On Spotify it is local to your PC
Directory full of flacs from alt.bin.lossless and what.cd here.
I’m a huge fan of Tidal. Musicians actually get paid more, probably because they’re not wasting money on exclusive podcasts.
3 months ago I cancelled Spotify, following yet another price increase. I went to Tidal for the 2 month trial, and another month full price.
This month I cancelled Tidal, following their deprecation of Plex integration, my finding a couple tracks with bad meta data, and some other here-and-there’s where the service was lackluster.
I’m current on Apple Music.
I like that Apple Music has lossless, like Tidal did. The Apple Music algo seems a bit better so far, even comparing to Spotify or the last time I tried Apple Music (~3-4 years ago). And, one of the things I didn’t know I wanted, music videos for my morning jam time, are better with Apple Music.
I imagine I’ll be staying here for a while.
I liked tidal, until they doubled my subscription cost.
Interestingly, my family subscription more or less halved a few months ago, which I was NOT expecting, but which was very welcome
Did that happen when they rolled out HiFi for everyone? They actually lowered my HiFi family plan cost at that time, which was unexpected.
Yup. It’s also when they discontinued their Military and First Responder plans.
Made the switch to Tidal, and I only have a couple nitpicks: no console app and it does this weird thing on desktop where it plays a split second of paused music when other apps or windows are opened. They’re small things though, and I’m happy to be supporting artists more.
Sometimes I miss the Spotify “Radio” playlists. Also, having the desktop sync with mobile so I could just switch players and keep the same playlist was also nice. It’s been over two years though and I don’t miss it enough to go back, Tidal is mostly a comparable experience.
You can get a radio playlist of most songs I believe, it’s a context option, unless you mean a different type of radio playlist, but the feature I mentioned has satisfied that need for me
Yes, I use the Tidal playlists, artist radio and mixes as a replacement. I swear Spotify used to have genre based radio, but it’s been a while since I have used it.
deleted by creator
The entire music industry fucks over artists lmfao
Honest question: what alternative doesn’t screw over artists?
I’ve been canceling streaming services for TV might as well cancel Spotify but what I have no idea what to use for music in its place.
My understanding from the other comments here is that qobuz is a good option, and Tidal also. Might want to check those out.
Thanks stranger I will!
No steaming service is great but Tidal and Apple Music give artists the best cuts.
Bandcamp seems decent but it’s got a small and niche catalog.
I bought a few mp3s off amazon (but it wasn’t amazon music, i think) and they had no DRM, just a unique ID3 tag. If it’s still like that, I can recommend it.
Yep, amazon Mp3s are drm free. I get most of my music on bandcamp but amazon is pretty decent for stuff that’s not on bandcamp.
Meanwhile, Deezer is completely unknown. No one in the comments even mentioned it. RIP.
I don’t use deezer but I rip flacs from there
A criminal! Lock him up 🚓.
Deezer nuts
I liked and used Deezer until they rebranded. I can’t get over the new look. Switched over to Tidal
No one’s mentioned Qobuz either. It’s like Spotify+iTunes except lossless.
How do you pronounce ‘Qobuz’? Is it ‘quo-buzz’?
Can someone give me the rundown of Deezer vs. Qobuz vs. Tidal? I’ve been using Tidal and I like it well enough but I’m curious about the other lossless options.
Short summary: Tidal is the best overall.
Balancing the content, quality, and amount paid to artists, I put it on top.
I’m pretty sure I’ve read Qobuz has the highest payout of any streaming service, plus you can actually buy music. Also afaik Qobuz never jumped on the mqa scam train. Tidal wasn’t even giving you lossless music when you asked for lossless music for the longest time.
It’s true that Qobuz pays more per stream, although I’ve heard that they pay an amalgamated sum to the label instead of direct payment by artist.
Furthermore, while MQA was a bit of a bait-and-switch (basically lossy versions of much higher quality), Tidal always offered pure lossless as well.
Qobuz apparently has a better classical catalog, but worse customer support.
Basically, I’ve found Tidal to be - at this point - a bit ahead of Qobuz. Not a real complaint, just a “if I had to choose…” opinion.
I haven’t tried to use Qobuz’ customer support, so I can’t comment on that. As for paying the musicians directly vs paying the label; that’s good to know. I hadn’t thought about the fact that labels like to take massive cuts; so even if the cut is larger, the fact that it’s being filtered through the label means the artist themselves gets a smaller cut.
As far as MQA, I’ve heard that’s kinda half-true? Iirc, if a song had an MQA version, then Tidal played the MQA version when you asked for lossless. However, if it didn’t have an MQA version, then you got true lossless. I’ve heard they’ve fixed it now, but when I was looking at streaming services a few years ago it was just after the MQA controversy erupted, and the MQA thing took Tidal off my list of services I was interested in so I never actually tried it out. I might check it out again at some point and see what the library is like.
ikr. Deezer can’t be that unknown. Right?
Another Deezer user in the wild! Been a subscriber to it for years now.
Deezer is the best platform. Superior audio quality comparing trash services like Spotify and ytmusic
The redesign is terrible…
But Deezer is great! I have been using it for years now, it’s missing a couple of songs here and there but the ability to import MP3s makes up for it.
I like Deezer. I’ve been using it and telling people about it since Spotify was insistent about being focused on chasing a politically charged content (over) investment instead of delivering quality, behavior driven content based on their algo.
Meanwhile I’m over here with my MiniDiscs.
There’s dozens of us!
“Confused Jellyfin / Subsonic noises”
You know why I choose Amazon Music.? Because it allows me to purchase songs I like and then I can download them to my computer separate from their player. You can’t do that with Spotify. Of course recently I found songs on Amazon that are not available forsale which pisses me off, so if anyone knows a place I get those songs I would appreciate it.
Not that I want to pirate but if you don’t allow me ownership of the digital content then it’s what I am going do.
Wouldn’t you know it, there’s a wikipedia article for that. I personally have used 7digital and bandcamp, but qobuz has been mentioned several times in other comments and hdtracks seems like it might work after you create an account.
Thanks will check it out tonight.
Just pirate, it’s better than paying these companies to rip off artists. Support your favourite artists directly, streams are basically worthless compared to other forms of income like merch.
Why I only use it to purchase songs. Also why I use Bandcamp.
I’m pretty sure if you’re paying for it, that’s not love.
Some people love to dry hump strangers on a crowded bus or train, is that more like it?
Some people love to dry hump strangers on a crowded bus or train, is that more like it?
I have to admit I don’t understand what connection this has with paying for music apps.
Paying for Amazon Music and using Amazon Music are two different things.
I am surprised that people know what amazon music is.
I didn’t until this moment. lol
genuinely had no idea they had music
You can say, “alexa, play classic punk” and suddenly you are using Amazon Music.
They are the worst out of all the ones listed. Lower quality and smaller selection.
Lol imagine being beholden to constant internet or having to pay for your music…
What’s a good way to financially support artists directly, without involving shady corporations, and without resorting to piracy?
paying for music subscriptions doesn’t help artist to much. Buying their merch or going to concerts is how they get most of their money
Do you know if there’s anything for people who have no interest in merch or concerts? I’m thinking it would be pretty cool if someone set up a system where you pay a recurring amount and it gets split between artists based on what you listen to in your local library.
Buying their music outright? Going to concerts? Buying merch? All the stuff that predates streaming
You can download songs/albums/playlist for offline listening…
I’m in the 23% on the American side of the chart that uses Pandora. I don’t see any reason to switch. I’ve been working on it knowing my preferences for like 20 years now.
Do they do music recommendations? If so, how is it? I use the daily mixes and other mixes on Spotify daily, and got to know plenty od artists that way
In my experience, it’s a lot of music that I already know I like. I don’t feel like I get much given to me that I wasn’t already aware of. With Pandora, you create stations that are based off of a specific band or song. If you are listening to a Rage Against the Machine station, you’re going to definitely hear Rage Against the Machine and then stuff that is similar. What I do is put it on shuffle for a group of selected stations and that gives me what I want.
Gotcha, will give it a try at some point. Thanks for the info!
At some point Pithos stopped working, or started working poorly, and I switched to Spotify. The integration with multiple audio sinks that let’s you play on any number of networked speakers is a killer feature for me. I loved Pandora but Spotify is a better Pandora (and admittedly more expensive).