I wonder how much longer it will be before Reddit has to start paying people to moderate the subreddits since no one will want to do it for free anymore.
Who am I kidding, there are so many people that are already taking their payment in the HOA like authority being a mod gives them that will never happen.
I’m thinking the API protests would have been more effective if y’all just stopped moderating entirely instead of locking down subreddits.
Let the site turn into an absolute cesspool.
@KingThrillgore The second the reddit started fucking around I deleted my account. I no longer care what they do or if they even exist.
It’s sad how many docile idiots remained on Reddit and Twitter after last year.
A lot of it is just propaganda bots at this point.
There are a lot of subreddits for which there is no real replacement. Sometimes the strength in a community is the people. Doesn’t matter if reddit sucks if the people are there.
People still use AOL internet. I expect Reddit and twitter to die sometime in the 2050s.
I missed the part where Aol. was promoting toxicity and hate while attempting a short-term grift on its users like Reddit and X have.
That fact that Aol. is still alive is amazing by itself. It’s just another sleazy, beleaguered company that used to be meaningful. You leave because other companies have better products, not because they offend your sense of morality.
(Or maybe they do.)
I think you underestimate how ignorant people can be. The reason Aol still exists is because they are grifters too. My Aol example was to show that people are docile idiots and won’t change their habits. Aol is grifting just as much as reddit does. They’re just grifting different groups in different ways.
That’s why i think reddit and twitter will continue on for a long time. Maybe not as powerhouses but they won’t implode or go away any time soon.
My mom was still paying for dial-up AOL in 2016. She had been paying them $20 a month for over a decade while having high-speed internet that she was also paying for.
When I asked her why she didn’t cancel it, she said she would lose her email.
So I canceled it because AOL provides free email because they make money off of the ads.
Not just AOL Internet, but also the email service. Same for Hotmail. I used to work at iHeart, and the number of those email services (from prize winners) was not insignificant.
Hotmail was owned by Microsoft when I signed up in the late 90s. It’s no surprise it’s still around. It hasn’t been my primary email for a long time, but I still use it as my MS account. So really it’s just my Minecraft account.
I have a few accounts floating around for different services Microsoft has bought out or since integrated logins for. I genuinely don’t know how many Microsoft accounts I have, and it’s always a pain trying to guess which one a given service is on
Digg still exists. Death of websites is rarely a complete shutter, but usually more of a steady decline into obscurity
Wow!! It’s the Divide By Zero admin!!
I’m not a celebrity :D
Those still on are a bunch of bootlickers IMO
I don’t know, I feel during that exodus we got the best of the best. I miss some of the niche communities, But there’s so many fewer assholes over here.
I believe you missed the point. There’s people there because they know that their content won’t be found elsewhere.
They can’t have anyone but themselves breaking the site. 😂 People should figure out a good way to protest Reddit. Ddos attacks can’t be fixed. 😁
I came here to banish reddit but this thing wont leave my feed. I guess I’m going to have to take the time to filter the word.
My protest over a year ago was effortless. I just deleted my account and stopped going there.
Heil piss baby Spez
like 10 seconds in automod to get right around that shit lmao.
Lmao now even the moderators get cancelled by Reddit.
The platform can’t die quick enough, it turned into such a fucking cesspool of powertripping mods and circlejerks. And it’s impossible to ever get in contact with admins because they replaced them all by bots. There are also so many bot posters that at some point it’ll just be bots moderating bots, moderated by admin bots.
I think that’s what most as execs want, sadly
They’re about to make another wildly unpopular move. Get your popcorn ready.
Let’s be honest with ourselves - no, it won’t be wildly unpopular. This change affects very few people and the people still using Reddit at this point likely won’t care much, and I have doubt any future change would cause much outrage either.
Because think about this - who is actively complaining and gnashing their teeth about the continued downward spiral and still scrolling, posting, moderating there at this point? I’d love to believe more people would jump ship - but if it ever happened it would take a far larger-scope fuckup than anything we’ve seen so far.
You know they’re going to keep escalating.
The fact that they felt the need to do this says a lot.
Not in any way the average user cares much about.
The causal social media user cares for two things:
A constant uninterrupted stream of content
Dopamine in the form of upvotes/likes/what have you
If these two things aren’t interupted, 90% of users won’t care.
Then why go to the trouble of making this change?
Because Reddit is in the unique position where a small amount of users can affect a vast swathe of their platform - moderators.
Most mods don’t care, by volume. The ones that do are often also the ones that are more active, more engaged, and more entwined with communities outside Reddit.
During the protest last year, polls come back favorably pretty much everywhere to shut down - but after the shutdown actually happened, a tidal wave of lurkers who never vote and never comment came out of the woodwork to complain and call it all stupid. Public opinion of all users is likely against practically any protest that could happen.
I don’t like it, but that’s how it is. The best realistic outcome is that a large contingent of content creators and more informed users leave the site - but how many of those are left that haven’t already vamoosed and are still willing to leave under some unknown worse circumstance?
Glad I’m not the only one pessimating that.
And unlike last time there won’t be an easy way for mods to point users towards Lemmy.
Heresy? Is that Roblox Burlyman? It’s heresy, right?
so many leaders are forgetting what the point of protests is. yes, protests are annoying if you’re a leader. but they’re better than the alternative. that’s the whole point.
That is due to the fact that Reddit - and I can’t stress this next part enough - sucks.