First time I saw a print of the headline I thought it was fake lmao.
It’s like an old kind of onion headline, before someone fucked with the timeline and realities got mixed up.
Nice profile picture!
Twitter. Twitter twitter twitter.
twitter is dead and a shit zombie stands where it was
Xitter. Xitter xitter xitter.
(pronounced shitter)
I also like referring to it as Shitler
‘He took to Twitter and tweeted a tweet.’
Should now be
‘He took to Xitter and xat a xit.’
The X being pronounced ‘sh’ every time.
Calling it by its dead name I see.
If Elon doesn’t respect her daughter’s indentity then I won’t respect its company.
I try to avoid using Elon as a role model.
Top Men.
Sending their best.
This is entirely on Twitter. For your average person, sending a court-ordered fine to the wrong institution means it hasn’t been paid.
Plus, theres the fact that Musk is completely untrustworthy. After all the effort it’s taken to get Twitter to pay up, I wouldn’t restore their ability to earn income from Brazilians until the fine was secured thoroughly and correctly.
I wouldn’t trust Musk for anything!
Not for a million dollars, not for a Brazilian dollars, not even for a trillion dollars!
The xitter lawyers claim that there was no bank account indicated anywhere so they “had to guess” and are demanding xitter to be unlock as they paid the fine.
In other words, either they’re grossly incompetent and can’t read, or they’re playing malicious by trying to abuse some loophole or anything to ultimately not pay the fine
EDIT: For some clarification, there is no information publicly available as to where the lawyers sent the money to, only that it wasn’t the account linked to this fine, and that the lawyers are demanding the service to be restored because they claim the fine was paid, but the correct account hasn’t received the money, so the fine is not paid. Alexandre de Moraes has asked Caixa Economica Federal (one of the government banks and the only one that deals with this kind of thing) to “fix” this issue so the attorney’s general office can analyse the process and decide on restoring xitter’s service. Elon Musk, X and the law firm representing them in Brazil are in absolutely no position to contest, much less demand, anything from the supreme court or the attorney’s general office. Their actions have shown time and time again that they have no intention to play fair and regularise the issues, and they’ll try what they can to create instability, animosity and general distrust against Brazil’s judicial system.
The information regarding payment details for fines is ALWAYS clearly detailed on every notice, there is 0 chance that they forgot to include it or they’ve made a mistake and added a different account.
The more I read into this the more it looks like the law firm is being malicious instead of stupid, they’re trying all that they can to not pay this fine (on behalf of X & Co.) and also create instability/animosity against the supreme court, specially considering what Musk has done and been doing for this whole case.
Guess when you’re sending 5 million? Yeah right.
Yup. Or Musk never expected to pay the fine, so his lawyers never bothered to research the bank where he owed the money.
I hope the government didn’t let Musk leave the country until his fine was settled.
Yeah but here’s the thing, the details for payment of such things is always clearly disclosed on whichever notice they’ve received, and probably this was sent multiple times. Also the lawyers appointed by xitter are Brazilian, in a Brazilian firm, so they are familiar with how this works and the system is not dubious or misleading or confusing at all.
Like I’ve said, they’re either grossly incompetent to a point that they can’t read anything, or they’re trying their “best” to avoid paying the fine but their best is comically pathetic at most.
so they “had to guess”
Or they could ask 🤷♂️
Or they could keep reading the notice(s) and check out all the clearly stated details on who, where and how to send the fine payment
Source for what, the lawyers claiming the payment detail wasn’t specified?
I can’t provide you any source on how the fine notices of this nature look like since I have never commited anything to amount a hefty fine like this, but every single official document, bill, notice or whatever you may call it in which requires someone to pay something to the government, you will find extensive details on the account numbers and where to pay. They are not forgetting or not including this information.
Like I have said before and will say it again, the Brazilian law firm Xitter has hired is either comprised of the freshest graduated lawyers that never worked with something like this, or they can’t read, or they’re intentionally playing malicious to avoid paying the fine and causing as much instability as they can on behalf of Musk.
Did Musk e-transfer it himself? How could Xitter possibly mess this up?
Well, when you fire all the competent people solely so that you can brag about the number of people you fired…
Trump’s government efficiency guy in action, folks!
Sounds like the guy I want to be running emergency management!
NGL, if I worked at Twitter, it was probably because I get paid extremely well and there’s no alternatives. So I’d absolutely phone it in. On a good day, id half ass it. And on the average day, id be copying and pasting chatGPT code directly into production servers, just enough work to not get fired, but not too much where I’ll get pulled into a meeting as someone who can solve critical problems.
Gonna bet that’s how every twitter employee is.
Found the Canadian.
I’ve been found out!!
I was pretty surprised to learn that Interac e-transfer or equivalent isn’t commonplace everywhere.
I wonder if it would have been brilliant if it was “Elon Musk’s X Still Down in Brazil After Company Sends $5.2 Billion instead of $5.2 Million for the Fine to Charity Organization instead of Bank”
Coming from Musk I still think he did it on purpose just to spite the judge.
If you want to punish Musk in a meaningful way, then once the fine has been paid in full, the countdown can start. Once the same amount of time that elapsed between Twitter’s first noncompliance and the fine’s check cleared, then Twitter should be allowed back online. There will always be money to pay fines but they’ll never get the time back. Other companies will take note.
No notes.
On behalf of Banko del Tesoro Nacional de Veracruz Y Pavon Familia Santiago Amen de Guadalupe de Saltillo, gracias, muchisisimas gracias senior Musko!
Look, I’m going to interpret this as Elon sending the money to a bank in sone other part of LatAm. Not only because Brazil’s official language is Portuguese, but also because it’s way funnier like this!
Si senior! En mejico todo es mejor! We can just dream a little 500million mistake for Mexicans everywhere. That makes things feel better.
*muito obrigado
Elon: Trump’s efficiency tzar
So, there’s a bank out there with some free money.
No money is free
True. To have this money we need to live in a world where social media dominates everything
Why do they keep using younger pictures of him for these articles? Why don’t they show him the way he is right now?
And if they’re going to use a younger picture of him at least use the one from before he got the hair transplant:
That should be the header image for c/blunderyears
Everytime I think I’m a little “out there”, I remember THIS dork exists, which frees up my mind to do other things.
Like put on a mushroomhead XX logo painted jason mask, a diana ross wig, and flannel shirt so I could go to a Fiona Apple concert, mostly against my will, get up to the front of the stage and start waving my hand enthusiastically and yell “HI HIPPIE LADY!!! HELLO!!! HELLO HIPPIE LADY!!! HIIIIIII!!!” as her bassist had to walk off stage from laughing too much, Fiona Apple looking annoyed, and 2000 people all glaring daggers at me. Luckily the crowd was 100% females besides me. So no violence towards my antics actually took place.
Times are crazy. Especially when I remember that story is like 20 years old.
Wait… You did this?
This was the first warning. We all saw him cosplay as a Matrix extra, and we did laugh at him, but we didn’t bully this dork ass bitch enough.
deleted by creator
I think he could have got two birds stoned at once with this one.
deleted by creator
You’re safe with us friend. We (I only actually speak for myself) only bully those that deserve it. The ones that bully the little people now that they have made it. Personally, I’m not bullying him for the look and picture. I’m bullying him for being a racist, conceited, fucking ass hole who lost his way over some mother fucking monayyyyy
if your readers realize they keep dry heaving whenever they click one of your articles you will soon have no more readers. that troglodyte looks like a lovecraftian sea monster. no one wants to see that.
“Sir, this is First National Total Landscaping”