And people say New York isn’t safe.
We have this ridiculous system at my work. Knives are prohibited, but get through all the time, tape measures and water bottles really piss it off though.
Knives are prohibited
Tru fax, I am never working where you do, ever, so long as I live. I’d melt like the Wicked Witch of the West, I’m sure.
deleted by creator
Haha you sound like the type who would bring a water bottle to a tape measure fight
You’re making the wrong questions here.
How can we use AI to stop or improve the stabbings? This is what get you a raise nowadays
He works at the knife factory
Knives are prohibited
It’s political correctness gone mad. Who doesn’t want to take a machete to work with them?
“Now you see, my boss allows the knives because he’s not a woke. The reason your office doesn’t want you to have the knives is because the knives give off natural ALPHA digital testosterone signals, especially colloidal silver knives made from gold. These ALPHA signals interrupt the 5G signal in the office chairs at your work. The chairs use the 5G to send wireless vaccines directly into your genitals and that can make you all trans DEI CRTS! This is why my boss, who’s also the local county republican chapter president, has to hand inspect all of our genitals (and out children’s) when we enter or leave the office each day. To make sure that rogue signals didn’t get us. Careful out there snowflake.”
I wanna show off my new blades so my coworkers can see how cool it is
I saw a dude jogging up the stairs and his gun fell out of his hoody sweats. He looked at it for a second and the picked it up and put it on his hoody like it was his phone.
5/7 best subway exit ever.
I know the reference, and I’mma let you finnish, but 5/7, bruh that’s a gucci gun.
So it isn’t working and is just more tax dollars wasted on the security theater? Cool.
Not exactly, no. From other comments, it also have an incredibly high false positive rate, so it’s negative security.
but falsely alerted more than 100 times
oh, it’s working
Gotta get that probable cause to search for weed.
Recreational weed has been legal in NY for years
Since when does law plays a role in harassment?
poLiCe bAD
When u be that bottom…
Sorry, just replace weed with crack.
Not if there is a federal agent. It is legal here in NM but the feds are constantly seizing pot because it is not legal at a federal level.
It’s gonna be fun when it’s legal in all 50 states at the state level, but still illegal federally.
Wait, did I say fun? I meant bullshit. It’s going to be bullshit.
Trump DGAF and Kamala made a career outta jailing weed smokers so it’s not likely to change anytime soon.
“I just think we have come to a point where we have to understand that we need to legalize it and stop criminalizing this behavior,” she said. “Actually, this is not a new position for me. I have felt for a long time we need to legalize it, so that’s where I am on that.”
As San Francisco district attorney from 2004 to 2011, Harris oversaw over 1,900 convictions for cannabis violations, the San Jose Mercury News reported in 2019. Still, only a small number of those people ended up in prison.
Harris “put over fifteen hundred people in jail for marijuana violations”
As attorney general, Kamala Harris would not have personally prosecuted drug cases. Local district attorneys would generally prosecute such cases so to say Harris “put … people in jail” as state attorney general is not accurate.
I don’t think federal agents are using these scanners to find people carrying weed
That is up to the state’s attorney general whether to go after drug offense or not
I guess tell that to the federal agents seizing legal cannabis.
AI powered Melanin detector
Trust me bro it aint raycist… Check these stats 🤡
They wanted a subway gun crime deterrent, they just found it was much easier to build a subway deterrent.
more tax dollars stolen
All personal income taxation is theft.
Earlier this year, investors filed a class-action lawsuit, accusing company executives of overstating the devices’ capabilities and claiming that “Evolv does not reliably detect knives or guns.”
It’s fraud. The company knows it’s unreliable and the investors know it’s unreliable, I wonder why NYC is still going to expand the trial run? 🤔
[Mayor] Adams has touted the Massachusetts-based company since taking office in 2022.
They found a scam to replace stop & frisk.
To be fair, he’s also a former cop. He’s also under indictment for fraud so take that for what it’s worth
TSA… security theater for the low, low price to taxpayer of $11.2 BILLION dollars
No, no. We just need to keep using it! It just needs a bigger sample. Surely, we’ll find a weapon, eventually!
It’s the TSA for the subway!
I dunno, does the scanner grope you and steal stuff from your baggage?
If your dildo looks remotely like a gun, it might come after you.
Well I don’t want it to come before me!
Well now I feel a fool because I bought a gun-shaped dildo so it would draw less attention. I thought this was America!
Happiness is a warm gun?
Temperature is an important aspect of mouth feel.
The article links an article from March '24 talking about the introduction of these devices that contains this part:
The scanner that Adams and police officials introduced during Thursday’s news conference in a lower Manhattan station came from Evolv, a publicly traded company that has been accused of doctoring the results of software testing to make its scanners appear more effective than they are.
So they could never be trusted but were still allowed to proceed.
Look, we can either look at facts and check the claims of that company that we’re going to invest a lot of money into, or we can accept their bribe and move on. It’s all about efficiency.
Someone should tell NYC that it is unconstitutional to infringe upon a person’s right to bear arms.
It’s funny that it’s all about states right to form their own laws until it’s about guns.
To be fair, I don’t think a state is supposed to make laws that take away constitutional rights though. It’d be like a state making a law taking away your freedom of speech, I don’t think that’s supposed to be allowed with state rights and all
In total, there were 118 false positives — a rate of 4.29%.
Earlier this year, investors filed a class-action lawsuit, accusing company executives of overstating the devices’ capabilities and claiming that “Evolv does not reliably detect knives or guns.”
I mean, in terms of performance, I’d be more concerned about the false positive rate than the false negative rate, given the context. Like, if you miss a gun, whatever. That’s at worst just the status quo, which has been working. Some money gets wasted on the machine. But if you are incorrectly stopping more than 1 in 25 New Yorkers from getting on their train, and apply that to all subway riders, that sounds like a monumental mess.
“Not Hotdog”
False positives are fine because they only happen to poors.
With how trigger happy police are, the false positives would lead to more deaths than they prevent. And police would claim it’s justified because the machine told them so.
Facial recognition confirmed he was a criminal and the scanner confirmed he had a gun! Of course we opened fire instantly. How could we have known it was just some guy with a water bottle?
We used advanced colorimetry to determine he was a criminal!