Wait what’s wrong with this blog post? I’m finding it very interesting and well written
I’m enjoying it as well - there’s a lot of love here. The author has dedicated years of their life to understanding this phenomenon and how to address it; there’s theory, practical uses and tons of documentation.
You don’t need to match energy with fools folks. Keep doing what you love, even if inconsiderate braindead chumps give you a “No.”
Ah good to know. I was just thinking maybe the OP was a spammer, got cancelled or something
You must be the author
Why don’t you explain in detail what you mean with “No.”?!
Until then you are just a troll wasting all our time.
I just block people like this and/or disengage.
I’m not
great blogpost!
Exceptionally well written and interesting blog post. Kudos to FrostKiwi!
Wonderful blog with embedded WebGL examples. Kudos!
I’d rather have nice sharp jaggies. Antialiasing tends to give me the impression that someone’s smeared my screen with Vaseline.
I acknowledge that this is a minority preference, and the algorithms involved in antialiasing are interesting even if I don’t like the product.
It’s your astroglide again. looks fine on my machine
Not all AA are the same. The vaseline smear you complain about is just Temporal AA. See for more info.
Not all game engines need to use TAA, and usually is just because the devs were cutting corners.
Edit: even the post mentions it,
So much this.
Any COD after BO3 is probably the worst offender
Writing an entire article about AA and the saying at the very end that woah our technique beats all the others! Well except DLAA but we’re just going to ignore that.
Your solution means nothing if it can’t be integrated easily into an engine with minimal performance cost. I don’t see that happening with this type of AA that the article is trying to sell.