It’s lovely! I should make some!
Send me the STL file please
Its beautiful
You chose an excellent printer to start with.
I bought a 3d printer in 2015 and it took me probably a month of screwing with it after work and on weekends to get to the point that I could make decent things with it. My brother bought one of these last year and was sending me pictures of shit he made the same day he started. I was was a bit jealous.
Ya Bambu is the way to go rn
Which is it? I was just admiring how solid the construction looks.
Edit: A1 mini? Interesting design and I had no idea how affordable they were…
Yep, I just bought one as my 2nd printer. Super pleased with it. Definitely among the best $200 I’ve ever spent.
I’m really wanting to get a Bamboo Labs printer. I have an Ender and I honestly stopped using it because it took way longer to setup the printer than I spent printing. Whereas I believe Bamboo printers are in a state where it’s plug in and print.
EXACTLY my situation. Had an ender 3 pro, modded that thing a lot, bought an A1 with AMS. Now i can’t even imagine going back to the ender.
Same, I went straight from an ender 3 pro to a Prusa mk4
I think the AMS is the only reason I’d go with an A1 - my modded V3 SE is a dream in its current iteration. Happily printing PETG / TPU currently with a spool of ABS-GF waiting for an enclosure to be finished.
The AMS is amazing. I just bought my 3rd and 4th when they had their black friday sale. Multicolor prints look soooo good and it’s very reliable, unlike the MMU2 I had on my Prusa. Pretty soon I’m going to attempt to print some wheels (maybe ABS or PLA-CF) with some squishy TPU tires.
To be fair I have had to do some maintenance on my A1 mini. You have to lube up your Y axis. 😉
I bought a Mini with AMS last month to add along side my old Mk3s+. It’s faster, (though not that much faster in the end), and the AMS works very well. And it was easy to setup and get running.
But it has had some basic design issues that need attention, (for which there are community fixes you can find). And even after careful tuning, it really isn’t any better than the Mk3s for print quality. It’s just easier to print in color if you choose to be wasteful with filament. Like I am doing right now.
Coming from an Ender, it will be an upgrade though. I do think the the A1 series is a good inexpensive home use printer though.
It’s glorious! Welcome to the team.
Nice, I’ve always wanted one of those
Abstract 3d representations of Salvador Dali paintibgs. Such a bold vision for a first print. Bravo.
Is art your full-time job or is just a gift you were given.
Eeyup, that looks about right. Congratulations.
Typical novice. Wasting tons of plastic on their first print.
It’s a lovely ear ring! 😍
Frame this mf
Getting r/amightyharvest vibes.
You can teach these other fools here a thing or two. Good on you, mate! Lol