Isn’t that what Facebook is already?
But now they can directly sell the AI manipulation instead of watching others sell it.
Politicians and corporations will be able to pay and use these bots to influence users on policy and politics like they would with advertisements. They’re cutting out the shadowy troll farm and PR firm middlemen.
They will use still use bot farms, but they become much more automated and effective . Doubt PR firms and influence peddlers are going anywhere.
Why would anybody want this?
The line has to go up.
More engagement = more views = more ads = more money for the shareholders
Doesn’t matter how that engagement is generated, whether it’s human content or AI trash.
Late stage capitalism is hell.
Science: “Look, we’re destroying the earth, and this graph explains it.”
Shareholders: “Great job. Now for the next fiscal year, line must go up, so continue what you’re doing if you want to keep your job to survive, else, we’ll take our money and give it to someone who can make the line go up.”
If we’re really lucky, maybe they’ll patent the idea and then everyone else will have to stop doing it.
Eventually, it will be all AI-generated users, selling AI-generated products to each other and Zuck will no longer have to pretend to be human.
So its social media without the social part?
It’s para social. The person consuming it feels as though they are part of a relationship. EFIT: like TV but more interactive.
Damn, we’re refining Fahrenheit 451’s “Families” already.
Parasitic more like.
maybe the most raw form of corporate media
Literally the dead internet theory
It makes me think of Fahrenheit 451 where everyday people would sometimes become bit actors in these long form tv/hologram shows and describe the other actors as their friends and family, even though they never actually interacted beyond the scripted bits.
The mental gymnastics they had to fucking do there. Absolutely insane
Typical of Meta to steal an idea from every social network on Earth, including its own, and make it 90% bots. They haven’t had an original idea since pokes.
Imagine training an AI of yourself and gifting it to your grandma to hang on her fridge.
No, I don’t think I will.
Who needs grandma’s love and attention when an artificial surrogate can consume it and dump it all into an aggregated user profile of grandma instead? /s
Meanwhile, my late grandmother was the kind of woman who would notice the television distracting from a conversation, turn it off, and say “tv dominates the room.” I miss her a lot.
Plus AI can’t eat grandma’s peach cobbler a la mode.
Headline sounds as if they want to replace all the users with AI
In their defense, it should make the numbers look good.
Even more reason for staying as far away from anything meta/fakebook
Dead Internet Theory on purpose.
For facebook that’s a good thing lol