Yeah and tomorrow they‘ll replace their logo with a swastika. But only for US users of course.
Well, the base is there, the color is correct, they just need to add 4 more lines to the X and change the background to be red.
Very smooth, Mr. Musk! Masterful subtlety! Utmost discretion!
Very demure, very mindful.
and I’ll still be here wondering why the fuck people continue to shoot vertical
Phone users want to consume short form video that way.
Because it works on phones?
So does landscape.
On TikTok you often read comments and stuff, it’s very impractical to constantly rotate the screen and a good chunk of it is just people talking where the horizontal space would be wasted anyway. You get used to it and it makes sense there specifically. It’s just not the same kind of content.
Don’t be pedantic.
I mean sure, but if you look at it that way, vertical also ‘works’ on TVs.
The point is that when you’re scrolling through stuff on your phone, you do it portrait.*
*Since this is the internet, I know I’m going to get a “But I scroll through everything on my phone landscape”, because of course I will. That’s cool. Go chat about it with the other 0.002% of people who do that.
You can’t turn your TV sideways without a lot of headache and potential damage, though.
I mean, I get your overall point, but the initial analogy doesn’t quite work.
I will bite. You could scroll through landscape videos with a swipe of the thumb, in just the same way as you can with portrait. I watch YouTube videos in landscape, it’s not really a hassle for me to rotate my phone, it can pivot on a pinch really effortlessly, that’s the beauty of a small screen in your hand. I am obviously not going to remount a TV for the same reason, so the analogy is kind of mute.
While there is a use case for both orientations, landscape is generally better (especially for the content I like), which is why it was chosen for video content across the world before these shortform vertical videos took off with social media. But I suppose for content where someone just talking to you, then portrait fills the screen better with their face.
It seems our time with calling it “x (formerly twitter)” and “X/Twitter” have finally come to a close.
I just call it “X (formerly Twitter)” for SEO reasons.
How in the FUCk can I search for a single letter in order to find anything?
Haha I never thought about this, that’s a good point. Might even bring up results for Tesla model x, or elons son named x…
It’s Twitter. The man deadnames his own daughter; I’m sure as hell gonna deadname his social cesspool.
Rather call it X and shame the people still on it.
No matter how hard they want to play make believe that it’s twitter, they know that they are on Elon Musk’s X.
Fair take. I just always considered Twitter a shithole to begin with. I don’t give him the honor of renaming it because he thinks his kids shouldn’t get the same rights as a software package in that regard.
It is a shithole but you’ll never do anything that will ever get to Musk’s eyes. Users in here might actually see you call them shitheads for still being on X.
Surprising nobody. This is like when Instagram and WhatsApp introduced
Snapchat stories“Updates”.remember when twitter bought vine and ran it into the ground?
Considering that nazi content has been otherwise decently moderated on the other major vertical video platforms, I expect that we’re going to see a new wave of youth propaganda since no such moderation exists on Twitter. There’ve been attempts by the right to get into TikTok, but you can only say so much hateful shit before they actually ban you so they’ve had to keep a semblance of civility there, so it’s a little scary to think of what’ll happen when that sort of content goes unchallenged on a major social platform now that they can say the quiet parts out loud.
You do realise the far right is explicitly using tiktok and has been extremely successful there. They have awful nazi shit on it. Just the algorithm doesn’t shove it in your face if you’re a leftist à la Musk.
Maybe it varies by country, but I’ve seen no shortage of far-right content on TikTok.
I mean shit, look at the Romanian elections - TikTok was aggressively pushing a right wing, pro-Russia candidate who declared that he spent 0 on campaign finances.
I go on there and there’s a lot of ReformUK (Nigel Farage’s party) and GB News (British Fox News though thankfully far less watched) clips.
I have a French friend and he says the same is true there.
They basically endorsed Trump with their latest stunt. Pretty sure they’re shouting the “quiet part” right now.