If you steal from thieves, are the goods no longer stolen?
Only if you are the original owner, otherwise it is obviously still stolen.
From where I’m from we have a saying: Thief that steals from a thief has 100 years of pardon.
It rhymes in my native language btw.
edit: typo
Meanwhile OpenAI no doubt frantically copying the shit out of Deepseek right now
Copying protected work without consent has been their MO so nothing changed.
Deepseek is open source. So OpenAI would be closer to their namesake if they started using deepseeks model.
Yes. OpenAI was non-profit at one point as well.
Their company motto used to be “Evil is subjective unless it is done to us at which point it is wrong” but that was considered a little tooooo on the nose so they took it down.
Oh, no Sam!!! Ohhhhh Nooooo!!! NOOOOOOOOO!
Somebody beat you at your own game and now you’re going to get bailed out for it. Cry harder you pathetic piece of shit.
Oh no, that must feel terrible!
“You’re trying to kidnap what I’ve rightfully stolen!” -OpenAI 2025.
Do you want to go back to where I found you!? Unemployed!? In Greenland?!
Hahahaha hahaha
Maybe we should be a little more serious about this, and try to find the smallest violin ever.
Like this?
That violin is too damn big
But, DeepSeek wouldn’t be able to make money without using OpenAI.
Same what OpenAI said about copyright material they used to train ChatGPT.
Felony contempt of business model
I mean, open is in their name. They shouldn’t have dressed like that. They were asking for it.
That photo-illustration is hilarious!
The moment I saw that illustration, I was, like, “Yes. This is the article I’m going with.” xD
Made by Deepseek
I thought that was something on my smartphone screen at first. 😅
Deepseek put the code.intoo open is not what they want priopitary and earn money
Code in the open as opensource everyone can fork ik and check code…opening monopoly is in danger…and for money eating machines too …ai is mather of privacy bad
What’s that?
From my experience and expertise, Ambien. Man’s gonna get a knock on the door from the walrus any second now.
Can you rephrase this into something legible?
Deepseek made the code open source. This is not what they want. They want proprietary code and want to earn more money.
The user is asking for me to rephrase a difficult to parse line of text. I think the poster was talking about my code being open source and free and therefore my coders and country not being interested in generating profit. But wait, perhaps the user was just having a stroke. Perhaps this posting was a cry for help and the icey cold world of Lemmy just down-voted the user instead of coming to his aide But wait, that’s unlikely. The user was probably drunk and just has fat fingers likely covered in powdered cheese which can cause data entry errors on touch screen devices. I should also consider that the user is a non-English speaker and ran their comment through a translator application that butchered their intent. But wait, the punctuation does not look like something a translation app would generate without poor data input. I think ultimately I should be careful not to offend anyone, but the most likely explanation is that this was someone with limited experience with written English and some degree of intoxication. The meaning is vague and the comment is best left ignored.
Thanks I was looking for the world’s smallest violin
this is the response I came for :D
Here’s an entire chest filled to the brim with all the fucks I give:
Damn that must be a pain to drag around all that fucking loot
Openai - you stole it from us first.
Stop, there is 0 sympathy for you