2 month review: It mostly works fine!
- The software is definitely missing UI/UX features
- The software definitely has minor-to-medium bugs (especially bluetooth… and OS crashes…)
- The hardware quality definitely isn’t great
- It plays music!
- It has a headphone jack
- Battery life is decent (can go about 5 days without needing recharge, standby works great)
- UI is snappy
- Loading music onto it is easy
- It’s open source
Normally, I search for an album and then play the album. That works 100% fine on wired headphones.
Simple use case. It works. I don’t regret buying this (yet).
I am super duper hoping they keep working on the code though. The software definitely needs more attention.
Thanks for this, I appreciate the info!
I love how we are starting to go backwards with tech like this, the future needs more analog
I discovered Digital-to-Analog converters and vacuum tubes during the pandemic, replaced my whole setup for headphones and speakers after discovering Schiit Audio.
Why would you share that link you monster, I have no money lol
Pendulum swings. We went too far too fast.
I highly doubt this thing is analog in any way.
but it is a step in the right direction
This is analog in the sense that it has a Digital to Analog "Cirrus Logic WM8523 DAC"converter and a 3.5mm headphone jack, so does indeed enable analog if you use a wired headphone, and it is absolutely a step in the right direction over shitty bluetooth quality audio.
Zune and iPod at Tangara.
Walkman, when the Napster fell!
Steve Jobs, his turtle neck raised high.
(Looks pretty neat, been thinking about getting a dedicated music player again!)
I bought one. Unfortunately, it still doesn’t work well with large music libraries. The database building step takes several hours, with no progress indicator, and once it’s done, the scroll wheel does not accelerate, meaning that scrolling through a long list of artists/albums will take a long time. Hopefully these will be remedied in a future firmware.
Given its open source couldn’t you have a peek and maybe fix those issues?
Good to know, thank you for sharing your experience! I may go with a different device and install Rockbox instead.
Any new device that supports it?
Why not just use your mobile phone ? (I’m not very knowledgeable about audio stuff)
Most flagship phones have removed the 3.5mm headphone jack, leaving you with poor options for audio quality.
USB-C is good for charging but bad for wired headphones: any little movement of the USB-C plug can cause the headphones and sound to disconnect. Bluetooth is also a lot poorer music quality compared to wired connections.
Why not just use your mobile phone ? (I’m not very knowledgeable about audio stuff)
I would if manufacturers stopped removing the 3.5mm jack from flagship phones.
Or if UBC-C wasn’t such a poor experience for wired headphones.
Ok, ty !
Is this a DAP?
Okay but seriously, the person in the promotional video, unless there’s medical condition behind it, should really do something about their posture.