Shut the fuck up, Snowden.You had everyone behind you until you defected to Russia. There’s no free lunch and you had a lot of info Putin would like to have. Oddly enough things really started getting bad shortly therafter.
You’d fit squarely as the village idiot in a 1984 sub plot.
Is that the reply you meant to write? Why don’t you try again, but think first.
Snowden goes to Russia and there’s no way Putin is letting him stay there without demanding that information.
If the shoe is on the other foot, the US would do the exact same. They brought Nazi rocket scientists over after WW2 and had them continue their work rether than putting them in jail to rot.
deleted by creator
Think of it from Snowdens perspective. You get to choose: either be tortured for the rest of your life, or chill in Russia and pretend Putin is a nice guy. I know what I’d pick.
He is not simply pretending Putin is a nice guy, he is clearly collaborating with russian security services. Just look at his comments on internal US politics. And he also was spreading misinformation that russia wasn’t going to invade Ukraine in Feb 2022.
He might be a hero for many, but if you’re Ukrainian (like I am), he is clearly a piece of shit.
I totally get it, I live next to that big pain in the ass as well. Luckily, he hasn’t invaded us yet, but I feel it’s only a matter of time. And what Snowden does here certainly doesn’t help.
But he could have just done nothing and lived a very happy life. Instead, he chose to give up his happy life to uncover the NSA scandal, knowing full well that it will absolutely wreck his life.
Personally, I think he did enough for the greater good there. This isn’t his war, and if he has to post some lies to get a bit of normalcy back in his life, I can understand that. I wish it wasn’t that way, but I can understand it.
The issue is that he is supporting russian genocidal imperialism. His messaging clearly aligns with russian propaganda goals.
Is it not reasonable for me to consider him my enemy (he directly supports doing harm to me, my family and my fellow citizens)?
As far I am concerned, I hope Snowden and his family will one day be on the recieving end of russian brutality.
I don’t buy the logic of “he did one good thing, so it’s fine for him to promote russian genocidal imperialism”.
If he can’t stay consistent, he should have never got involved in the NSA issue in the first place.
He clearly enjoys the attention (just look at this post). He could have simply shut up and not worked with russian security services (the russians wouldn’t kill him, they need him alive).
His messaging clearly aligns with russian propaganda goals.
Well yeah, he’s in Russia. What’s he supposed to do?
He did one good thing. Now he’s in Russia, so ignore pretty much anything he days says that could in some way benefit Russia.
Why do they need him alive? Any information he has is a decade old at this point. He’s only useful to them alive while he has a platform.
No, he had a choice to keep quiet, but instead he chose to support russian genocidal imperialism. That makes him a bad person.
He is a PR win for russia, they are not going to harm him as that would undermine their interests.
Were you there? Were you privy to the circumstances? It could very well be the case that he was threatened. We don’t know, I just think it’s super sus that he started spewing pro-Russia nonsense only after his importance uncovering US govt documents was waning.
I think it’s highly likely he was pressured to make those statements.
Russia killing him is probably the only thing worse than them having him in the eyes of the USA.
Only we get to persecute/prosecute our own, its a mindset most sovereign nations have fwiw.
He did the wrong thing for the right reasons and hasn’t made many right choices since.
He really ought never have been a hero.
Still it’s 100.0% USAs decisions that pushed him to Russia, it’s not like he went there immediately (2013), he was on the run and in shitty conditions for years before he finally had enough and went to Russia (2022).
USA still wanted to disappear (torture) him, not even allowing him to stay in other NATO or non-NATO countries.
A USA hero is safer in Russia, and Putin had nothing to do with setting that situation up (safe for not deporting him to USA ofc, which otc lol).
Snowden took a flight from Hong Kong to Moscow on June 23, 2013, and he’s been in Russia ever since. Don’t know who told you he went to Russia in '22, he’s been there for a long time.
And how does this justify Snowden promoting russian genocidal imperialism in Ukraine?
He did a good thing, so now he is an untouchable saint?
I’m guessing that was a deal Russia made with him, he gets to live as long as he’s useful to Russia.
I don’t think anyone is calling him a saint. He’s a whistleblower whose best option was to defect to Russia, after a period of trying not to do that.
Treating him as a saint; because he revealed the NSA stuff, all his subsequent actions are justified and he should not be subject to criticism.
This is an extremely common view in some part of the English speaking internet.
I reject this approach. As far as I am concerned, I hope him and his family get to experience what they the wish upon Ukrainians in the occupied territories (getting sent to to a torture camp for speaking Ukrainian).
all his subsequent actions are justified
You’re putting words in my mouth. I’m saying his actions are understandable. He has no chance of returning to the US, his only real chance at a somewhat normal life is playing into Russia’s hand.
Whether someone thinks those actions are justified is an opinion. I’m merely stating the most likely explanation for his actions.
As far as I’m concerned, his usefulness to Americans concerned about government spying ended as soon as he exposed internal NSA docs. Everything else is merely him trying to survive. Make of that what you will.
I hope him and his family get to experience what they the wish upon Ukrainians
Ah yes, an eye for an eye, certainly the way to advance humanity.
things really started getting bad shortly therafter
Things started getting bad waaaaay earlier than that.
He was being chased by the US government, and Assange proved that being in an US allied country will still get your arrested/tortured. What other options did Snowden had other than escaping to Russia?
IMO don’t hate the player, hate the game.
Yeah, I thought the same thing too at the time and that’s why I wrote it off. But the problem is that knowing how Putin is and what he does, what makes you think that he would let Snowden stay there in Russia without demanding any of that information as payment?
And if Snowden was so hard up for places to go that he had to go to Russia to escape extradition to the US what position would he be in to even say no if Russia demanded it?
Think about it. If someone came to the US to escape persecution in Russia for whistleblowing, you can damn well believe the US gov’t would demand info. They brought all those Nazi rocket scientists over to work rather than sending them to prison because of the knowledge they posssesed. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
without demanding any of that information as payment?
Can Putin not read The Intercept?
Does Putin even need to?
Snowden deleted all traces of that stash once he delivered it to the reporters. He’s in Russia 'cos it’s a way for Putin to annoy the US.
What the fuck is wrong with this timeline.
Do the amish accept atheists?
The real question is whether they accept hypersexual autists.
EDIT: … unable to exist without Tao Te Ching, thyme tea and a few good soundtracks.
You’re about 30 years too late, but I’m glad you’re finally here
Every time I see a headline that contains the word “slams,” I want to slam my head on the table
And the user who posted it. I really wish there was a simple way to block sensational posts from my feed.
Thanks for giving me the idea. BRB, making a keyword filter for the words “slams” and “slammed”.
But then you lose out on a bunch of wrestling posts. And naked wrestling posts.
And nothing of value was lost.
Don’t forget blasted and clapped back.
Careful now, you might end up with few news posts
What is even this ?
Yeah that does seem a bit weird, my four year old RX 6800 has 16 GB VRAM already
Yes but that’s from a company that builds decent cards at an acceptable price, and not from the HypeLords of the Lesser Return on Investment Unless You’re a Farm.
(Getting ready for the downvotes!..)
What the fuck is going on with the world
Snowden added, “As someone who wants to sweep away corruption, there’s a lot to like in the new ShamWow. And for those really tough, dirty stains, there’s OXYCLEAN!!! With ShamWow and Oxyclean, you don’t need to be Rushin’!”
Was this written by AI? The headline word salad contains all the buzzwords.
Whistleblows on poor performance is actually insane lol
That might’ve made sense if we was working as a contractor for Nvidia and revealed that info prior to launch. Maybe. Well, actually no, but it’s a lot closer than whatever this is.
Edward Snowden PILEDRIVES the Nvidia RTX 50 series into a crowded bitcoin farm
“Trash fuckin cuck card kys”
Don’t that distract you from that fact that in 2025 Edward Snowden threw Nvidia’s RTX 50 series off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.
That headline is so stupid that I refuse to read the article
Ha, my sentiment exactly.
So now we care what Edward Snowden says about vram? We need him to tell us that it should be 24 gigs?
An infamous former U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) contractor and whistleblower has unexpectedly shared his opinion on the state of the graphics card market.
Man who did big cool thing once also has opinions on unrelated thing, news at 11.
Wait, did the guy refuse to call AMD’s 9070 by its official name out of spite there at the end? Is this a weird tech The Onion thing?
Probably a mistake, considering the current generation follows the RX 7_00 naming pattern.
What type of news editor for a hardware review outlet gets that wrong? That’s as weird as the Snowden thing. If you have that job you’ve surely been joking about AMD’s shameful “we just want to use the same name as Nvidia” thing for ages by now. This thing is so surreal.
AMD, as usual, misses an opportunity here. The 5xxx series is exactly Fermi again (they even removed hotspot data so reviewers would miss the throttling). AMD could leverage the nostalgia of one of ATI’s best gens and call the cards 9700 and 9700pro. Damn, those were the days. (since 4750 conflicts with current scheme)
Edward Snowdon reads a spec sheet
I legit tried to understand how a lackluster VRAM capacity could spy on us.
You depend on the cloud instead~
Just wanna say, cool username