stop following rap/hip-hop artists
Well sir. Given that the algorhythm designed for procuring that content is literally the best at its job bar none. And having also had personal experience with this. One of two things or both is happening. #1 you like to partake in partying and you seek that out sometimes. And the software knows that. #2 you associate with drugs dealers who are in your social media circles.
Let’s be clear. This content isnt shown to you just because. Its being shown to you because you have displayed a pattern of seeking where these items come into play or you talk to people who regularly engage in this.
I’m a 28 year old man. I have never been shown a targeted advertisement for feminine hygiene products. Also I had never seen advertisements on social media for literal drugs and shit until I went thru a phase where I developed a pretty bad coke habit for a while and had a lot of dealers in my phone.
You should read the article.
It could just be that they work in a kitchen.
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You assume that the algorithm works perfectly. It does not. Sometimes, the data points it connects on people is “male person living in Kansas” and just serve you ads with those keywords. Which means one day you see an ad for Cheerios, the next day you see an ad for your local crystal meth store.
I’m sorry, but I don’t buy that 100%. To an extent maybe, but there are ads that get presented to me sometimes that is just wild out of the blue and I’m like what the fuck. I didn’t do anything to suggest. I might like this at all. So I can understand what this person saying
My facebook ads are almost always drugs. microdose ketamine study, psilocybin mushroom kits, CBD/THC gummies, online doctor visits for generic Lexapro…
I went on Edge, logged into Facebook, then proceeded to google various horse related things and visit the resulting websits. Now my ads are all about horses. I don’t own a horse, never been especially into them. But they’re nice and inoffensive in my feed.
Have you tried ublock origin?
Using umatrix. Difficulty is these are the ads presented as part of the feed so they’re difficult to block. Like the promoted posts on reddit.
Dang I need some of those mushrooms and ketamine microdosing.
Mushroom spores are legal. The ketamine shit might, in some cases, be legit but won’t be covered by insurance.
Yeah I’ve looked into the ketamine treatments. $2800
Mindbloom advertises ketamine microdosing. I can’t imagine that it isn’t either a scam or a honeypot.
It’s not a honeypot. It’s a genuine company. I am not sure if what they do is actually helping anyone but to my knowledge the treatments are pretty expensive.
Yeah I get a lot of those as well. Anxiety, ADHD, and autism stuff mostly. I keep shooting down the ads as I suffer from none of these things. No idea why it keeps pushing that crap.
So basically the silk road moved to Instagram & Telegram… pretty ballsy, I wonder how much of it is honey potting?
That’s a pretty good deal for a hot Nina with all the fixings… also I see a lot of fentanyl pills in those listings.
Didn’t those fake oil carts that were getting people sick come from Instagram? The ones with vitamin D oil as filler
There are still a bunch of darknet markets though, it’s two different demographics buying at each
Yeah, there will always be dark markets. But it’s nothing like, nor do I think it ever will be like it was in its hay day. I don’t check regularly, but last I looked these markets have nothing close to the user base of even the days of agora/dream/Wallstreet. You could buy quantities of stuff at user level for real cheap. As they started cracking down, it all started to turn into bulk because no one wanted to deal with transaction frequency risk, I suspect it’s the same today.
I was on the original Silk Road back in the day, those were the golden years. I don’t fuck with drugs anymore because even the non-hard stuff is completely tainted with fetanyl these days.
You’re clearly a known customer for those products :p The algorithm is never wrong…
lucky 😮💨 all mine are weight loss scams and laptop deals
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I may or may not have acquired exactly the acid in those pics.
I definitely did not.
Or did I?
It looks identical actually and I’m willing to bet it came from the same place.
If I actually had it that is.
ITT: People who are so quick to suggest ad blockers they miss the point of the conversation.
says something
Drugs or Chinese scam products. Had a friend tell me he ordered something that never showed up, turned out they sent these super cheap toothbrushes in the mail and then tried to use that tracking info as proof he received what he bought. They just allow anyone who will pay to advertise illegal shit, scams, whatever it’s the wild West.
I don’t see a problem. Shroom time babey
You don’t see a problem when Instagram’s target market is teens and young people?
Did you miss the part where the ads were offering things like stolen credit card info and unregistered firearms, too?
Asking tech giants to start policing people sounds like it can get bad really quickly…but at the same time letting them do nothing also sounds terrible
How the fuck is vetting the ads on their platform “policing” people?
That’s an interesting take.
These companies are accepting money from criminal enterprises to advertise criminal enterprises.
You don’t need them to police people, you need them to stop being overt criminals themselves.
Exactly. Meta is an accomplice to all these crimes! Why do so many of the folks in this thread and elsewhere fail to realize that?!
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I tried that. Got it installed with default settings and looked no different. Half my feed is suggested bullshit.
After all, you are using Instagram… Just without promoted ads
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How does that do anything for the problem the author writes about, though? They’re not complaining about their own feed being spammed with this stuff, they’re complaining that it’s so rampant in the first place and that Meta does little to nothing to prevent it.
How does that do anything for the problem the author writes about?
Nothing, but hopefully it’s helpful for anyone that reads it
How would Revanced help with IG ads? (Sincere question - I’m occasionally on IG and the ads are obnoxious. )
Of course, there are patches for many apps now. I’ll attach a screenshot:
The specific patch, which is the only one you should be using normally, is to remove ads from Instagram.
Thanks. I didn’t know Revanced was used for more than one app.
Wtf does their browser history look like to be getting those sorts of ads?!
In the article he states that he kept clicking on those ads on purpose, in order to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
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I saw that double post ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I would be very curious to see the algorithm adapting to that:
User: click on shrooms ad
AI: Oh he likes shrooms with his cocaine! Let’s try a marijuana to snort with his cocaine.
These are probably the “random” ads iPhone users get because of the “Ask not to track” feature.
All my Twitter ads are just about AI images.
Which is especially funny, given the countdown until that’s no longer a market. It’s like using a refrigerator to sell ice.