“Bröther, please dö nöt becöme anti-cönsümer!”
“I töö yearn för the cöntrölled mönöpöly, thë ensittificätiön, the röt ecönömy!”
“I’m leäving töö müch möney on thë täblë! We also hävë öür men Ëlön Müsk as thë shädöw prësidënt, Trümp ïs jüst hïs, ör räthër - öür püppët. Hë wïll dïsmänlë äll cönsümër prötëctïons, as thëy’re in thë wäy öf öür pröfits.”
“Bröthër… Plëäsë rëcönsïdër!”
“Änd whät ärë yöü gönnä dö if not? Go tö thë cönsümer prötection agencies Ëlön Müsk’s DÖGË jüst dïsmäntlëd? Üse an öld HP LaserJet until yöü cän get repläcemënt rollers för it? You know öther parts öf it cän brëäk töö.”
“Bröther… You became… ËVÏL! You betrayed EVERYTHING you previously stood for!”
“And Ï wïll dö it as mäny tïmes as nëëded. Ëvil? It’s jüst büsïnëss. Mäybë yöü shöüld hävë rëcönsïdërëd yöür vötë för Trümp.”
“Bröther… Büt thë tränsës hävë cäncëlled Pikamëë för thë wïzärd gämë! The wökenëss häve been deströying the gäme ïndüstry! I nëëded tö vötë för Dönäld Trümp! Why isn’t it wörkïng äs ït wäs süppösëd tö!”
“Yöü vötëd ägäïnst yöür cläss interest öut öf püre hatred. I like ït vërÿ müch! Yöü knöw önë rëäsön she wäs älsö cäncelled wäs düë tö lölï? Ï dön’t think Pröjëct 2025 wïll ällöw it för sö löng düë tö tötäl pörn ban!”
“Yöü vöted against yöür class interest, yöür personal interest… hahahahahaHAAHAHAHAHAAAA! Yöür sö fünny! Ÿöü’rë thë përfëct vötër för më! Ÿöü’rë thë përfëct cönsümër ëvën! Töö dümb tö rëälïzë äll thë pöliticäl wörkings aröünd yöürself. Änd when anything göes wröng, yöü bläme the minörities öf this söciety. Nöw get exited för Bröther AI, a sübscriptiön service which is essentiäl för öperating the printer! Get ready för price hikes! Get ready för shörter lasting printers!”
“You’re truly despicable bröther!”
You are crazy, but good crazy.
Wake up babe, new copy pasta just dropped.
Oh, this one stings.
Framework printer.
Make it happen.
sorry maybe I missed a memo, people are still printing things… like, on paper?
I personally don’t, on the off chance I do need to print something I do it at work.
I print the occasional random coloring page for my kids. Thats about it.
Not saying they couldn’t/shouldn’t but printers are a nightmare hellscape and it’s a miracle, mostly of HP’s marketing department, that they’re a household object.
Back before everyone had maps on their phone, printing MapQuest maps was fantastic. This was the early 00’s though and we all had money to burn still.
dude I would pay gold for that
Old printers on ebay are going to be the new game, until we start seeing kickstarter flooded with new printer companies.
I want to agree, but has there ever been a case of the free market saving itself?
Maybe I’m wrong, but I think it will just be cycles (assuming we all survive long enough). I’m in an industry where the large companies are imploding and smaller companies are starting to shine again, eventually those companies will likely become big as well and implode.
This kinda shit makes me glad I don’t own a printer.
That gives a whole new twist to “you’ll own nothing and be happy”
Fucking hell that sums up my life surprisingly well actually.
Welcome to the future
Future for normies: Renting/subscribing for everything
Future for me: Rejecting everything, I will write in cuneiform on clay tablets before I subscribe for a fucking HP printer.
Future for us: service bundling so you need to pay for shit services you don’t need to get the few you do need.
Sounds like another service to reject. Fucking try me, I will cook over a log fire if necessary just out of spite towards their bullshit.
Honestly, more people should probably do that. If you have a low printing volume, you’ll save a lot of money by going to a store to get prints.
Yes, you can argue that you need the convenience of having a printer right there. Just realize you’re spending a lot of extra money for that convenience.
Its a convenience thing, I have one in my office. Some months I do 500-2000…in fact that was one month and why I bought it but after that it has been nothing
I actually bought an old used Brother printer for $20, and it came with toner and everything already, so since I do not print a lot, my only recurring fee is paper and it is miniscule. And should I need to replace the toner, it is still widely available.
I’ve decided that just going to a copy shop a few times a year is less hassle.
Sad to hear Louis is having family issues
Took me three tries to figure out what was happening, then I was sad.
I rarely use a printer now that my kids are in college. When it dies, I had a choice between laser printer, Brother inkjet, or none. “None” is now my first choice
That’s what we did.
For the few pages we need to print, I can use the machine at the library for $0.10/page.
So issue here is privacy, the library is likely scanning whatever device connected, not just the files and file metadata
$5 USB fob for printing
I kind of doubt it. Local libraries have a hard time staying open due to funding.
And they have a hard time caring about your data because they can’t do anything with it anyway.
Seriously? The library computers are running Windows 8 I highly doubt they have the technical expertise to do anything. Also why would they?
Yeah, with the Vault 7 releases and recent leaks showing NSA follows homeless people’s connections (who tend to hang out at libraries due to a lack of 3rd spaces), I don’t doubt there’s specific tracking, malware and other unwanted software at libraries. I don’t have any sources of this, but it wouldn’t surprise me
Maybe I’m overly parandoid because ::gestures at everything::
I trust the library a lot more than I trust Staples or a similar for-profit business.
We have a laser printer (Brother), and if it dies, I plan to just go to the local library.
…I remember Brother intnetionally making their stuff VERY user servicable.
Wha happen
Line go up
Shit come down
Great, brother are the only ones I’ll still buy.
Epson Ecotanks. Liquid ink in, prints out. There’s nothing to lock out.
Only if you can keep it working for ten consecutive minutes. I went through three of them under warranty until my warranty expired, then Epson told me to fuck off.
If have a Canon color laser now. If that conks out and everything on the market by then is locked out shit I’ll just convert my 3D printer to a plotter, or maybe go back to clay tablets.
Oh, color laser is the way to go, for sure. Refills are expensive, but rare; the biggest problem is if you have to move them, they’re a nightmare. And far heavier than inkjet. But, all things being equal, I’d take a color, duplex laser any day.
You’re not the first person I’ve heard who’s had trouble with Ecotanks. I’ve been very fortunate and have not had any issues. I did learn that you need to print at least once a week or the heads tend to clog; the downside of never replacing the heads with the cartridges, I guess. But now I just have a cron job that prints a test page once a week and it’s fine.
Both Ecotanks and laser eliminate that “print anxiety”, where you’re afraid to use the device because each page costs $2 because of the cartridges costs.
To paraphrase Quint: “I’ll never replace a cartridge again.”
We need an open source RepRap printer. Like, I wonder if this thing could be reverse engineered, given they still make the ink cartridge/head units for it.
What we actually need is to stop fucking printing.
We need a foldable A3 size e-ink reader that you can use like a folder.I’d be more interested in something more iPad sized with an e-ink display that is more generally usable.
The ReMarkable tablets for example have interesting hardware but the software fits such a narrow use case and I don’t think you could slap like, Linux on it or something.
Canon has a tank printer line too. Absolutely recommend any tank printer (you’ll have to check reviews for specifics obviously).
My Canon photo printer can be converted to a tank-style with a drill and a highly illegal cartridge resetter. 😂
I’m glad there’s a printer service close to where I live, I can go there and print every page for cents. There’s also one on my faculty, more expensive, but still affordable. I only use my HP printer/scanner to scan documents, ink is expensive as hell.
Brother sucks now!?
Truly, this is the canary in the coal mine moment.
It’s just capitalism. Don’t make it more then what it is.
I don’t think I’m making it more than it is. Just can’t believe the God-damned Russians got to Brother, too.
Me omw to hack and blackmail brother ceo to get him to enshittify all their printers
Nah, that time has long passed. Brother is probably less bad than many of its competitors, but that doesn’t make it good.
Not sure if I got the update yet, but I’m banning my printer from accessing the internet right now.