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Is Mullvad chromium based?
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Back in the old days when a software contains these crap, considered as adware/malware and people get their pitchforks.
Now: its normal.
Chrome is for the surveillance state
I cant get Google drive links to stream in Firefox, thus I still keep Google Chrome around. Am I doing something wrong or is there a work around?
Usually an issue like that is due to me having something blocked in uBlockOrigin or some other extension.
I think they worked for me without issue or me doing anything special (a month or so ago though) so there’s likely something you can do to get it to work.
I can check later today if they still work with whatever firefox setup I have
I appreciate that, yeah let me know if there’s anything that stands out to ya
Yeah I can confirm it works with no issues for me.
Only extension is ublock origin (no settings changed) and Firefox is on version 117.0
It’s probably either an extension that’s breaking it for you or Google is doing some A B testing that’s only breaking it for some people
this probably still won’t make people switch to Firefox.
As a seamonkey user - aka mozilla, the flagship product that Mozilla deemed was too hard to maintain - I’m just surprised Firefox is still going. We joked at the time that Mozilla would find a browser too hard, then a rendering suite, then a library, then an algorithm, and finally a line of code.
(tribalists - I’m not picking on Firefox, so calm your knickers. I’m still just picking on Mozilla)
Not used anything but Firefox for the last 10 years or so. Can’t remember how long I’ve used DDG for. Fuck Google and all who fail in her.
I haven’t used another browser outside of Safari for almost a decade and I’d never dream of using anything made by Google.
I only want safari to add cmd+a to open a fuzzy search through all your tabs and windows. Life’s too short to try and find the right tabs.
If you don’t mind triggering Tab Overview, it enables Tabs searching as well. You just need to remap shift+command+\ to command+a, or pinch with two fingers if you use trackpad.
I’ve never used that feature much, I’ll give it a try
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Firefox has been my go-to, but I’ve left Chrome installed just to have on hand incase some website fuckiness could be solved with a browser change.
Naw. It’s not worthy of staying around even for that. Time to completely scrub my devices of google.
I suggest to use chromium as the backup “in case a webpage doesn’t work on Firefox” browser. All the compatibility but no telemetry.
But why use chromium or any chromium based browser since google disabled ad blocking plug-ins?
Eh, did they? I’m sure I still have Ublock Origin on the work browser, which is Chrome.
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I suggest it as the backup browser. Use Firefox and if you need to open something that only works on chrome, I’d rather use chromium, so Google doesn’t rape your computer when trying to use the internet.
I’ve been doing similar; been using Firefox, but Chrome is installed for its browser-wide automatic captioning. Not something I need often, but I rely on it for the occasional remote meeting here and there. I’m sure free automatic captioning applications exist for my operating system, but I’d have to actually test each one to see if they actually work, and it’s just been so convenient keeping Google’s around.
(Speaking of which, if anybody happens to have recommendations for free automatic captioning software that works on Ubuntu, I seem to be in the market…)
Feeling the same, it’s surprising how many companies are just leaning towards screwing users for a few more pennies on the dollar. Eventually, Google with be the next AOL.
Eventually, Google with be the next AOL.
I am anti-google all day, but that’s ridiculous.
Just need their Time-Warner to put the last nail in the coffin
We can only pray, the ghouls.
Nah, I use Edge for that. Chrome is only for work for me, but I think I’m going to migrate to another Chromium-based browser for that.
You can just disable it when it pops up. I hope it continues to warn new users when first setting it up.
Yes, it seems to be trendy to use this as a reason to switch to Firefox, but surely you can just totally disable this new feature in Chrome? The article even tells you how to do this. I guess people are switching as a protest?
It’s a new feature in the testing phase. Once it’s proven to work correctly (for Google), the option to disable it will be taken away.
Interesting. Do you have a source for that, please?
It’s how Google rolls out new features all the time.
First they ask you. Then it will become a opt-out flag. Then maintaining the switch option will be too much work and it will disappear.
Honestly what should concern you is that this is the way Chrome is going, not that you are allowed to enjoy it your own way for a little while more.
I hate how rage baity article headlines have become. This isn’t even true. The new “ad platform” integrated into Chrome is better for your privacy than what existed before. It’s a revision of the previous system. If you think Google didn’t track anything in Chrome before, you’re wrong.
I can assure you nobody thought Google was not spying the fuck outta you with Chrome.
this is discussed in the article
Doesn’t change much about the headline being totally wrong
to be clear, I meant that the reasons you’re wrong are discussed in the article. I did not mean that the content of the article is more correct than that of the headline - the headline and article are both are correct. I suggest you read the article
Yay for Firefox
Sounds like they really want people to use Firefox!
I made the switch a few weeks ago. While the transition was a little inconvenient, I got everything set up in maybe an hour or two. Performance was wacky for a few hours after that, but it’s settled now for my purposes.
You definitely have to finagle the browser with add-ons and other about:config things to make it work for you, but after that yeah I can say I prefer Firefox over Chrome!
Now I just need to deGoogle everything else…
I actually never stopped using Firefox. I tried Chrome/Chromium on and off since it came out in 2008, but I never understood the appeal. Chrome looks more minimal, but it always ran like crap on Linux and Mac for me. Was it better on Windows or something? The constant memes about Chrome’s RAM and CPU usage would lead me to believe it isn’t.
Check out Vivaldi
They fund Mozilla a ton on purpose. They want a small subset of people to use Firefox. It keeps them from the monopoly investigations
I knew about that. They also pay to be the default search engine on Firefox.
But my joke was that these changes make it seem like they don’t want people to use Chrome anymore and switch to Firefox instead. If users knew about this stuff and understood it, Firefox would bounce back.
While I agree at some level, most users aren’t like you or me. They are my mom, my boss, my mailman. They only care about convenience, and understanding even the difference between browsers is one thing, let alone why they should use a different one. Unfortunately I don’t think that’s likely to change. If it was, Facebook wouldn’t exist, if those people cared about their online privacy they wouldn’t use the platform, but here we are
Yeah, people knew enough to ditch IE for Firefox, but I think Google’s marketing convinced everybody that Chrome was the best. Most people tell me they use Chrome because it’s the fastest.
Yeah early on when chrome was released I was a big proponent of it. But that was in Google’s earlier days before they adopted Microsoft’s EEE policy
Really? I always hated it. It was such a resource hog compared to Firefox, and that only got worse as Firefox improved.
My main Linux distro at the time, Fedora, wouldn’t even ship Chromium because of how difficult and inefficient it was to package. It leaves a bunch of Google crap on Mac too.
Was it better on Windows or something? Because it’s always been crap on Linux and Mac.
If users knew about this stuff and understood it, Firefox would bounce back.
I wish that were true. But how long have companies like Google and Meta been tracking people? Ask anyone on the street if they think Google and Meta know everything about them and they’ll say “yes but I don’t care” or “yes but it’s unavoidable”. There’s just no way people don’t know by now what incredibly invasive corporations they are. They just don’t care.
I do think they know these companies are invasive, but they don’t fully understand the ramifications of it, nor do they care to.
I have already begun to move from Google services.
Look for other large corporations to continue this trend: offer a product to the masses for free, wait until you have little to no competitors and dominate in market share, then put it behind a pay wall or strongarm changes that most of the population doesn’t understand. Oracle did it with Java, knowing most companies were too invested to look for alternatives, and now Google is doing it with their Chrome baked-in privacy changes and ad crackdown.
I expect to see more of this trend from “free” services as the people continue to wake up and take their personal data seriously. We know the government(s) won’t do a thing to change the status quo, and I have no idea what else to do other than cry into my ramen and binge watch the death of a planet in 4K!
Unfortunately, the rich keep scarcity high to ensure they not only make the most money, but they can use less money to buy favors from those with less. Man greed sucks…
It’s even more insidious when you look at the shit Amazon does, im almost certain they hyper-aggressively track the popularity of products not made by them, ones that are made by small companies (and even individuals in some cases) for the sole purpose of seeing what’s popular with the masses and then they make their own shitty version of said product followed by undercutting the original products cost significantly. And when people go to search they of course put their shit product at the top of the search page so that’s the one the unaware will always buy. It’s kind of a genius business model if we are being honest, if you’re an absolute shit stain that completely lacks morals that is. I just can’t believe they’ve been allowed to do this for so long under the radar because I feel like I never hear people talk about that particular scummy tactic they use.
Riiiight, because Google wasn’t doing sneaky tracking shit leading up to this. This time, they’ll surely switch, all dozens of them, and a couple might even use Firefox. woohoo
Reality: https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share
Someone reply to me saying they just switched to make this a perfect internet circlejerk.
Unironically, yeah, this is the nail in the coffin for me.
But think about it. You’re talking on Lemmy - currently a niche messaging board with a tech focused audience. I don’t think you’d count as the average Chrome user. Most people won’t hear about this or if they do, won’t care.
‘Average user’ just means all traits proportionally blended together, right? Lemmy users are not a huge part of the internet, but our contribution to the ‘average’ is just a big as any other person; and our opinions and knowledge and behaviour does matter. Some might argue that the opinions of tech-focused people matter more because they are more likely to influence other people about tech decisions.
So yeah, we’re a niche group - but the discussion and sharing of ideas is important.
Sometimes there is a proverbial straw to break a camel’s back.
I mean, for some percentage of users this will be it. Will it be a significant share of Chrome users? Probably not, but it just means those of us who got people to switch to Firefox in the 00’s and Chrome in the early 10’s need to be as vigorous with getting people off Chrome now.
downvoted for stating facts. I can only give you one updoot brother, you’re the hero we need.
I used chrome since it was launched and this summer I switched to Firefox on all devices.
I honestly don’t get why people think chromium browsers are good, for example Firefox in my use case is far faster than chrome… by a long shot. Also if you want to argue…
Mostly for increased privacy but also additional features. Firefox and it’s forks are usually relatively limited in feature set.
Speed isn’t a problem on any of them for me.
What’s your thoughts on Orion? It’s weirdly niche, but has been killer for me.
Orion is not open source so that’s a no. There is no way to know that what they tell us is true. If they free their code it might become my go to browser as well.
There is a way to tell - just check the binary. Actually, you need to check binaries of open source apps as well.
Check the binary for current outgoing traffic? Sure but instant traffic is not the only way to be tracked, and it is particularly difficult to get an overview for a browser.
A open source project is automatically safer to use. Sure, any binary can be injected with crap but in a closed source app there is really no way to know anything for sure.
The binary is your source. And it’s THE ONLY source of truth.
Sure the binary is what I run, but I am not following what your point is. If you are paranoid about binaries from an open source project, just compile it yourself. It’s easy. That’s just not an argument against open source.
I just switched my internet off!
Finally un-installed chrome on Windows.
Is this enough to remove traces?
- Go to this location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\ - And delete that “Chrome” folder (for both location, if there is a Chrome folder)
Worrying about traces is usually not necessary.
A friend of mind in IT suggested revouninstaller. I have never used it in practice but he says it might be helpful in this case.
I use that everytime I go to uninstall something. You can configure it to scan your system registry and local files for residual files that the software’s uninstaller won’t remove.
- Go to this location:
Time to uninstall chrome. Can I move my passwords, bookmarks and saved data there? How do I do it?
When you install any browser (Firefox recommend) it ask you if you want to transfer browser data. It will guide you through (its pretty much automatic)
just adding that granted FF already has a decent password manager there are also reliable, free and open source and audited independent password manager like as
- Bitwarden (remote service as basic or premium plan, optionally self hosted, user friendly service, very likely has some account migration wizard tool to help importing data from browsers) and
- KeepassXC (local, user managed, a bit techy)
which both can plug in any browser through their respective extension.
Being both an independent option from the browser they help the user not making him vendor locked to his browser through his saved data.
And if being techie doesn’t scare you, Bitwarden can be paired with Vaultwarden, which potentially gives you sync for free.
KeepassXC is not available for Android.
The Android implementation is called KeePassDX.
Good to know.
There’s also KeePass2Android. I opted for this because it brings a very useful feature called QuickUnlock. Your opened database gets locked in standby but you can reopen it with just the last 3 characters without needing to retype the whole passphrase.
KeepassDX can quick unlock with the device pin or with biometrics but the major hassle vs bitwarden is the management of syncing the database, which can be opened as file from the mobile and the desktop app also at the same time, instead bitwarden access your pwd database only remotely and only querying it, but the file is opened only on the server.
But browsers plugin work in the same way, they connect to the local app like it was a server, so it might be possible in the future that there will be an app which can access the db remotely, with this being opened only from the app on the desktop.
Good to know.
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Pretty much every web-app wrapped into a desktop environment uses Electron, which is based in Chromium.
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Unless you can run them over Firefox, using this for example
Good to know! I’ve never installed bitwarden desktop and always used the Firefox extension. I just recently found out that Bitwarden has a desktop app. I was thinking of trying it out, until I read your comment. I think I’ll just stick with the extension. Thank you for your TED talk.
There’s nothing special about it. It’s just the extension in a larger format. I’ve tried to use it a few times, but there’s no gain over the extension. And, typically the extension is better because I already have my browser open, so I don’t need to open a new app.
The only reason I use chrome is for the passwords feature and realising that it is a separate service to android password manager has made it pointless. I thought changing phones would be easier as it had my bank apps and everything in chrome but it never promoted.
to manage passwords, use bitwarden
is not tied to any browser, it sync between devices and it’s free.
there are clients for Android and desktop, most likely ios too.