Good! Though I’m sure many will move to Threads
Deleted mine even though I actually only used it to read some accounts. It’s unfortunate because there’s some very knowledgeable people there but I’m not having anything to do with that dickbag.
“According to a report published by popular research companies”
I’d like to know to whom “popular research companies” refers, and by what means they’re measuring “losing 30% of users”.
You haven’t heard of “Dude” and “Trust me, bro”? They’re incredibly popular research companies.
Thank you for that link, because I was also feeling like this article was being pretty sketchy by not giving any links or sources.
70% to go!!
I tried to use it to follow people in crypto but even many of those who stayed are now retweeting right wing conspiracy theories and anti science articles. Twitter is a disgusting hole of hate.
Wow, who would have thought that crypto people, the dumbest people on the entire Internet, would end up posting rw conspiracies.
Hey! I represent that remark!
Wow, who would have thought the mention of crypto would trigger some random moron to embarrass himself with some butthurt statement.
I didn’t. I thought such people are not on lemmy yet. I was sadly wrong.
mention of crypto would trigger some random moron to embarrass himself
the self fulfilling prophecy.
Funny when the 1 month old account remarks that to the 9 month old account.
Hate to break it to you bub: the only places where the majority of people do not think cryptocurrencies are a scam, are crypto hangouts, and places where they haven’t heard about cryptos at all.
Is it funny? Because generally for that to be funny, the account age would have to be linked somehow to credibility. I’m sure you are not stating that,because that would be incredibly stupid.
Please “brake it to me” more. Explain how everyone thinks that. Maybe some study? Some survey? Explain it to me and then explain why I hell would I care? You have no idea how dumb you seem right now. Like some flat earth dumbass explaining how wrong everybody else is.
I apologise if I have offended you or made you doubt your worldview.
Great content guys, I learned a lot. (writes in notebook: “crypto…is…bad”)
How the fuck is this number not higher?
How the fuck is this technology?
I agree completely that it shouldn’t be, but Twitter and Facebook/Meta are considered tech companies.
Yes Meta has some tech today, but they were considered a tech company from the beginning, merely for being on the Internet!!!
IMO That’s like considering a baker a tech company, because they have a cash register with buttons. But that’s the world we live in.
Rest of the site is probably bots
My exact though at first. Then I remembered probably half of all Xitter accounts are ghost anyway. Which makes 30% overall decrease equivalent to 60% decrease within active users.
You have already applied as much reason as the entire article, and also given as much hard data and sources. In fact, reading your comment is probably worth more than the article.
And NO this is NOT sarcasm!
btw xitter is pronounced shitter
Inertia. Give it more time.
Also bots. Bots don’t have ethics or intolerance, so the people running them have no reason to stop.
Xwitter is a Nazi hate cesspool. I deleted my account not long after Musk took over. I would be delighted to see it fail, and Musk brought down a few notches.
I use X pretty much daily and I have no idea where you are getting this from. Haven’t seen a single nazi post.
I feel like your username suggests a bias on the subject.
Tesla drivers are now Nazis?
Yes, that is the reasonable and intelligent interpretation of what I said.
Thank you, that is such a reasonable and intelligent response.
Your feed is much cleaner than the ones I see, that’s for sure. I usually attribute it to being a moderate, since I see fringe nonsense on either end.
Honestly, same. I’ve seen a severe decline in post quality, but no nazi posts.
I saw that shit all the time before I deleted my account. If you have seen a decline in quality since I deleted my account after Muskrat took over, that place must be absolutely fucked these days.
Could it be that some people react more to such posts which makes The Algorithm decide that they
likeabsolutely need to see more of such content?Very likely, yes. I guess it also helps to have quite a broad definition of what being a nazi means.
Boy do I wish the same thing would happen to Meta.
not only that, but i sure do hope mark fuckerberg goes broke in the process.
Is he doing this on purpose? He has to be right? What’s the end goal? Was his only goal to destroy Twitter? It’s fascinating
Well he only ended up buying Twitter because he was forced to when he tried to back out after signing a contract. If he’s stupid enough to do that he’s stupid enough to ruin the platform through sheer incompetence. That being said, killing Twitter basically helps out him/his financers so I’d suspect at least some of it is on purpose.
Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.
Does that axiom really apply to billionaires?
I don’t see what someone inheriting wealth has to do with their competence.
Aside from the fact that it’s a fake dichotomy, yes. He is obviously very incompetent.
Why not?
Probably bought it to kill some democracies (USA included) since people seem easy to brainwash
Makes one question what should money be allowed to buy, doesn’t it?
That’s actually a lot. I didn’t think it would be that much. I try not to give into hype but if these numbers are true this might actually be Twitter dying. There is also no going back with some of the decisions elon made.
That’s not actually a lot.
This 30% comes after at least as high a percentage already left in the half year after the narcissistic sociopath took over.
Pretty much everyone I was subbed to was already gone, either account closed or inactive, by the time I closed my account.
And my Twitter account was almost as old as my Gmail account. I accrued a rather substantial list of people I followed through the past nearly 2 decades.
Damn, that’s even worse! Holy crap. The more people leave the less viable the platform becomes. Social media networks only function when there’s other people in them.
I’m skeptical of this article, but I know my own usage went to almost 0 because of how awful the bots and trolls are now. Blue checks are prioritized in the comment section and they’re usually awful people or maybe paid trolls or bots, and it makes the app unusable and unpleasant. That’s really the thing that killed it for me.
I never used Twitter or X or the company formally known as Twitter or whatever the hell we’re calling it now but how did the prioritization work before? Was it just sorted by most retweets or likes?
Xitter (pronounced “Shitter”)
A lot of big-fat-jerks on there lately. 🤷♂️
I’m one of them
if you were a tweeter user you have no choice, it is now your X or your ex… social media
I just couldn’t have seen this coming. /s
Combine it with this:
That’s ok, they’ll make up for it by adding 30% more bots.