When a machine moderates content, it evaluates text and images as data using an algorithm that has been trained on existing data sets. The process for selecting training data has come under fire as it’s been shown to have racial, gender and other biases.
Unfortunately those are not platforms meant for archiving, it’s in their own TOS they can take down any content or entire accounts at their own will and for undisclosed reasons. Also those platforms are subject to shitty practices like report abusing, yet another reason to put your content in danger.
Also unfortunately they are very attractive because of the influence a person can build with large network of followers in those platforms and how they can leverage that.
I don’t see a plausible solution or alternative. Instagram, Facebook, are the platform of the masses and where your content has the highest exposure. People today aren’t browsing “the web” like we used to back then. Instagram/Facebook are the internet.
Having largely undisclosed and privately owned platforms and algorithms dictate and decide our cultural exchange, spread of news, topics of discourse and other societally important interactions is such a horrible idea. I wish this was more obvious to the public so governments would end this. It divides sociaties, poisons public discourse and skews it with racist biases and towards hatred.
That’s not just Hell’s Angels. It’s also Pagans and Outlaws.
More than one person got killed at that party.
The problem isn’t AI itself, it’s that comapies are willing to do that and then fire any customer support or human you could ever talk to. They let their automod ruin people’s lives and accounts, then barricade themselves, impossible to reach.
Why let a company be in a position to ruin ur life in the first place? It’s like putting ur balls in a Crocs mouth.
Well, it’s kinda what society forces us to do. There’s not exactly much of an alternative to interacting with companies for most things.
Whether it’s you livelihood, you home, your car, insurance, whatever
Don’t kink shame!
Similarly, applications processes, school to employment.
ENTRY LEVEL POSITION [Insert job title]
- 10+ Years in a similar environment
- 2+ Years of management experience
You apply and literally never get any form of anything back besides a confirmation email “thanks”. That was the absolute most annoying, demoralizing shit when I was searching for a job post school. I tumbled around 2 contract positions and finally have landed somewhere that I love, but fuck me was it hard on me mentally to keep farming out applications for basically a year, and hear back (I dont care if its a no, i just want some form of an answer!) less than 2% of the time
Been at this for almost a year now, wish me luck
Honestly (this is cliche as fuck) but keep at it. I think the contract positions I took helped me build a slightly stronger resume than just having worked highschool/college jobs, even though they were not directly in my intended field. I am a chemical engineer by education, and worked 2 contract jobs in “Product safety & Regulatory Compliance” (which I hated btw). I was afraid that it would essentially lock me into a field that I really had no interest in. This was not the case I discovered. I now have a job as a process engineer in a steel mill and absolutely love everything that I do. IIRC when they contacted me for the interview for this job, I straight up had forgotten I had applied because I had sent so many out. I believe I had applied multiple months prior before they ever even reached out. With how tight the labor market is currently (in the U.S.) I am seeing a lot of places have more legitimate “entry level” requirements. For example, my mill dropped its “prior industrial site experience” requirement
Yes, like that except… You got confirmation emails? I believe that’s the exception, I’m my area.
Exactly. The real problem is lack of human oversight, and lack of a way to contact someone.
And these days, even if you manage to get someone they’ll be some call center in India or Philippines that are only there to help with faq-level things and otherwise politely tell you to fuck off. They can’t actually do anything.
It’s been shown over and over again for the last two decades that you can’t build a reliable archive on platforms outside of your control. Stuff like Instagram can be useful for trying to draw traffic to your own platform - but you always should treat those platforms as throwaway content.
I came here to say exactly this. IG and all the others are private companies, with their own terms and conditions one agrees on, and also agrees those terms can be changed by them at any time. Moderation of content is part of it. Deal with it, or don’t use them at all.
removed by mod
Only it leaves pictures of the Hell’s Angels alone. Clearly there’s an issue here.
This just reminded me that I need to delete my instagram account.
EDIT: all done.
The Instagram account is back now. I’m still banning Meta though.
An important point, buried deeply in the article :
She said she has observed differential treatment across the social media platform, depending on the race of the subject in the image in question or who posted it.
“We’ve seen this time and again, Meta taking down content by and about people of color,” she said. “While similar content by and about white people remains up.”
Everything I don’t like is racism
Please explain why their photos were taken down but photos of the Hell’s Angels were allowed to stay up.
Another strong argument for the fediverse.