What’s to keep someone from using a botnet to install tens or hundreds of thousands of installations?
“trust us bro”
CEO needs to step down after this
They’ve burned so much trust in leadership after this, and Unity is now going to be known as a sketchy platform to develop for since they’ve done really scummy monetization policies over night. This is extremely important if you’re going to be pouring millions in budget for game development in that engine.
If the value of Unity tanks after this, wouldn’t surprise me if MiHoYo or someone bought them just to not risk their huge projects that are currently using Unity.
For context, MiHoYo runs all their games on Unity (Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, etc), and their net worth ($16 billion) is more than Unity’s itself ($13 billion).
Tencent also has a huge chunk of games that run in Unity, and their market value is too massive to even utter.
I don’t think they can buy Unity, but I do know those games use a custom version of Unity that’s heavily modified. That version should still fall under the old license. Also you know they have the money to sue the hell out of Unity. It’d be cool if they moved their games to Godot, but I really doubt that’d happen lol.
The only possible way forward for Unity is for him to go.
He has a pattern of maverick pricing ideas that are totally at odds with what the community will tolerate.
As long as he’s around, there’s no knowing what else he’ll come out with.
A percentage of the profits; it’s a classic for a reason.
This is not a CEO thing. The board asked for this. Look it up. There are some of the worse out of touch executives, which includes owners of scam software. Unity is done for, changing the CEO will not change a thing since the new CEO will be asked to do the same or worse things by the board, all in the name of profit.
This after the ceo dumped shares
The CEO of Unity was also CEO, COO, and president of EA. So, is anyone surprised?
deleted by creator
I’m surprised this fact hasn’t been repeated more often. This guy is the Grim Reaper in that meme where he goes from door to door killing off various companies.
“We apologize for the confusion (…)”
We thought removing the git repository that tracked terms of service would make it clear.
Oh it did make everything crystal clear. If one isn’t gullible.
You’d have to be crazy to want to work with this company anymore.
Forget about this being a “video game scene” specific drama. As a vendor, they’ve just fundamentally destroyed any credibility they had with their clients.
Do you want to work for a company that will intentionally sabotage themselves? Probably not.
“We apologize for the confusion (…)”
Sorry your dumb UwU
Whose dumb? Theirs or mine?
‘confusion’. Yeah, right. Not a single person was confused. You went for the cash grab and it blew up in your face.
Now you’re going to go for slightly less cash grab and because it’s ‘better’ and ‘we listened’ everyone is supposed to just accept it. Been here before…
It’s like if I mugged you at gun point and said “give me all your money”, and you said “this is bullshit, I don’t want to give you my money.”
Then I said, “I’m sorry for your confusion, but I’m going to shoot you in the fucking face if you don’t give me all your money.”
Between this and the WotC/D&D licensing scandal, companies ought to think twice about changing terms for things that rely heavily on the more mathematically/scientifically inclined portion of the population.
They tend to be a bit more vocal about this kind of bullshit.
Between this and the WotC/D&D licensing scandal
Reddit too.
Do not believe their lies. Do not accept their token gestures. Abandon them. Let them burn. If you tolerate this your children will be next. Trust no one.
Great quote there and totally right.
Where is the qoute from?
Manic street preachers : if you tolerate this your children will be next
We are listening, talking to our team members, community, customers, and partners, and will be making changes to the policy. We will share an update in a couple of days. Thank you for your honest and critical feedback.
Let’s see what they’ll announce. So far it’s nothing.
Probably lower it to 0.15 Dollars, completely missing the point.
No no. They’ll “reduce” it to $0.25…
They’ve had days to prepare this response. They didn’t rescind or explain the one thing that people universally hated, which means they’re just stalling and trying to save their reputation without actually changing trajectory.
We’ve seen this corporate bullshit so much in recent years. No more “benefit of the doubt”.
He sounds like Goodell-Bot.
I’m sorry. We’re sorry. Sorry. Sorry… Sorry~ Sorry. We’re sorry. We’re soary. Sorry.
South Park hit this nail on its head.
Wonder if the shareholders that sold their stock shortly before the announcement of the pricing changes have bought them all back already 🥰
Or even better: buy soon to expire put options just before the announcement. 10x your money.
Anyone who still uses Unity for their new projects after this would have to be completely stupid. Of course they’ll jack up the pricing again as soon as they can.
It wasn’t that they increased prices, they added new fees to things without notice, breaking some business models entirely.
They’ve only backed down on fees for reinstalling games after it was pointed out you could trivially cost a developer millions of dollars by running an install/uninstall script on a loop.
Some groups have invested a lot of time and money into a product based on Unity.
Let me introduce you to the concept of sunk cost.
In economics and business decision-making, a sunk cost (also known as retrospective cost) is a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered.
The money already spent cannot be gotten back. Spending more continuing to develop using Unity instead of cutting your losses and moving on is a fools game.
I’m generally a bit weary of the sunk cost fallacy being absolute.
I think, in most cases it will be though. Furthermore, I think a developer needs to do a cost analysis to know for sure. They should include the consideration that if Unity get away with this AND it makes them more money, they will gouge for more.
For any new developer, this has to be a huge red flag.
Many of these groups are small indie companies or single individuals, with limited money. This is more an all in scenario then sunk cost.
I am not saying it is an easy or pleasant decision.
Many of these groups are small indie companies or single individuals
And they are the people who will be least able to afford this price increase or the next or the next.
It sucks but that is the reality.
Cut your losses and move on.
A lot of developers have really tight profit margins and/or their current projects heavily rely on what Unity provides. “Cutting their losses and move on” would mean bankruptcy. They might be able to switch to other engines in the future but right now leaving Unity behind is not a valid decision for them.
I am not saying it is an easy or pleasant decision.
I spent 15 years working in the bankruptcy and insolvency industry. I have seen this sort of situation literally 100s of times.
Staying with Unity will just mean going broke over a longer time frame and after wasting more money.
And I work as a software developer. You can’t just suddenly leave the software behind your business is based on. For a lot of VR or WebGL related Companies there is no alternative to Unity. Also they are not broke right now and most likely won’t be next year because of Unitys policy changes. Most devs won’t be affected at all. Why just give up your hole business now because there might be problems in the future? Staying with Unity now gives us time to change the business model or find another technology.
If I were a single indie dev with a game that was 90% complete in Unity, I think it would be fair to myself to say “well, this will be the LAST game I build in Unity”.
It would be important to see if the changes would bankrupt you and also consider the possibility that the pricing gets even worse on a moment’s notice as they have already proven they will screw you over. Finishing the game could be worse than starting from scratch if they pull this shit again.
I’m very sorry for taking your money, now hand it over, I promise I’ll apologize again afterwards.
Developers remain critical of this latest statement from Unity. “There wasn’t any ‘confusion’,” said Trent Kusters of Jumplight Odyssey studio League of Geeks. “In fact, the exact opposite is the concerning issue here; That we all, very clearly, understood the devastating impact and anti-developer sentiment of your new pricing model far better than you ever did (or cared to) before rolling it out.”
That’s the exact point. The apology is a joke.
Indeed. They had the whole chart showing exactly what would be paid by who. Their original post was designed not to be confusing and it wasn’t.
The confusion is that they want more money and are confused why developers don’t want to give them more money.
I read it, it’s clearly not an apology. Companies don’t ever apologise. Ever.
Nobody in charge there is sorry whatsoever, they’re just looking out for their wallets.
They’re busy trying to figure out the best way to spin this to get what they want. That’s it.
Dominos apologized for having shitty pizza and using misleading product photos, then improved their quality and nearly doubled their market share.
I’m sure it was motivated by profit and PR, but that doesn’t change the fact that it had all the hallmarks of a genuine apology.
That really upset me. Domino’s was my favorite pizza, but then after they changed it. I don’t like it anymore. ☺️
Customer taste preferences are definitely odd. I liked their pizza before the change, and really liked it afterwards.
If you haven’t tried their “Brooklyn Style” crust, I’d give it a try. I don’t like their new regular crust at all. Brooklyn Style only comes in large and extra-large, though.