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Developers of indie puzzle game Orgynizer have claimed that Unity said organisations like Planned Parenthood are “not valid charities” and are instead “political groups.”

In a blog post, the EU-based developer LizardFactory said the plans to charge developers up to $0.20 per install if they reach certain thresholds would cost them “around 30% of the funds we have gathered and already sent to charity.”

As Unity clarified the runtime fee will not apply to charity games, LizardFactory reached out to the company to clarify their game would be exempt from the plan.

However, Unity reportedly said their partners were not “valid charities” and were viewed as “political groups.”

Profits made from the game go directly to non-profit organisation Planned Parenthood and C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, Michigan.

“We did this to raise money for a good cause, not to line the coffers of greedy scumbags,” the developers wrote in a blog post. “We have been solid Unity fanboys for over ten years, but the trust is scattered all over the floor.”

The developers are considering a move to open-source game engine Godot, “but we will have to recode our entire game because we refuse to give you a dime,” they wrote. “This is a mafia-style shakedown, nothing more, nothing less.”

Today, Unity responded to the ongoing backlash and apologised, acknowledging the “confusion and angst” surrounding the runtime fee policy.

The company has promised that changes to the policy will be shared in “a couple of days.”

      2 years ago

      Unity was “cancelled” the very second they introduced this fee. Nobody wants or will ever want to publish their game in Unity anymore. Studios planning to develop a game in Unity have already decided on moving to Unreal as we speak.

      Unity is now irrelevant, and a product to recommend against. Unity is legacy software to abandon. If this doesn’t mean it’s cancelled I don’t know what does.

    582 years ago

    Either those entities are registed as charities or they’re not. From a quick google it seems they are, so Unity is (again) talking shit.

    732 years ago

    Ah yes, because women’s healthcare is considered contraversial by Republicans. The grand majority of Planned parenthood’s services are focused on cancer screenings and STI treatment and prevention.

    They almost exclusively treat those who can’t afford mainstream healthcare. While some men use the services, women make up 87% of those who receive care.

    The twisted people who target this organizion are evil.

      2 years ago

      Care to explain this then?

      “Although we’ve traditionally dedicated 97 percent of our resources to other important services such as contraception distribution, cancer screening, and STD testing, this new complex allows us to devote our full attention to what has always been our true passion: abortion,” said Richards, standing under a banner emblazoned with Planned Parenthood’s new slogan, “No Life Is Sacred.”

      EDIT: LOL at y’all calling me stupid. My god, do you really think anyone is dumb enough to fall for a 12-yo Onion article?! That one’s hilariously over-the-top, even for The Onion.

      Guess I have to spell out the most obvious joke. Or I could leave it and let you think you’re smarter, feed your self righteousness. Honestly, I’m a bit embarrassed for you guys.

    • FaceDeer
      122 years ago

      People in America contribute to charities that do work trying to improve the lives of the destitute and oppressed in other countries all the time, what’s weird about someone in Europe trying to help the destitute and oppressed of America?

    2 years ago

    Planned parenthood I understand due to how it is demonized, but how is a children’s hospital not a valid charity?

    152 years ago

    I wonder if they consider the NRA? It would be weird to exclude 501C3s but not 501c4s and PP operates separately as both.

  • flux
    942 years ago

    I don’t see an official statement but it would be really amazing for a company that is asking everyone to follow the new rules to ignore the well established laws at the same time. They can have whatever opinions they want but these places are recognized as such.

    “Some organizations must also file a request with the Internal Revenue Service to gain status as a tax-exempt non-profit charitable organization under section 501©(3) of the US tax code.”

    “Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc is a nonprofit organization It is a tax-exempt corporation under Internal Revenue Code section 501©(3)”

    • Kichae
      92 years ago

      it would be really amazing for a company that is asking everyone to follow the new rules to ignore the well established laws at the same time

      Eh. The whole foundational element of capital is “I own it, therefore I get to make the rules”. The laws are for us “human capital”, who exist to do what the rich want. This is what they think of us, and they behave in perfect coherence with this line of thinking.

      772 years ago

      I would bet money that soon something will leak along the lines, CEO of Unity said that they will not support woke charities.

      The whole board of Unity is currently a bunch of right wing nutjobs.

    122 years ago

    If I find out these are the people responsible for the removal of the 3.5 headphone jack, I’m devoting my life to dismantling this company. Like, how do they keep getting worse?

      52 years ago

      That’s much easier said than done. For game developers that already have games based on unity released or in development, changing to another engine is an expensive and time consuming development effort.

  • Jaysyn
    482 years ago

    Devs may as well bite the bullet & switch engines mid development now, because I’m not buying any new games made in Unity.

      302 years ago

      That’s a huge ask. As a former game dev, reading things like that would break me if I was one of the affected ones.

      Remember the devs are people. You’re asking them to redo a lot of work with very little upside.

        142 years ago

        Imagine you’re a few years in and almost ready to release. I’d be in tears due to stress.

      • FaceDeer
        82 years ago

        Well, there is an upside; they’ll no longer be beholden to Unity and their arbitrary fees.

        I’m a game dev myself so I do understand you can’t simply “swap engines”, it’s a lot of work. But it’s likely less work than creating a game from scratch (disclaimer: not familiar with Unity or Godot in particular), and one must be careful not to fall for the sunk cost fallacy. If it takes an extra year to swap to Godot but as a result you get to keep 100% of your revenues (minus Steam’s cut of course, if you’re going that route) it may actually be worth it.

          72 years ago

          if it takes an extra year to swap to Godot but as a result you get to keep 100% of your revenues (minus Steam’s cut of course, if you’re going that route) it may actually be worth it.

          Not if that’s a year you don’t have income and can’t eat - then it’s not a choice at all.

          If you’re doing this as a side job, and it’s extra income on the side, sure. But many small studios and indie devs do this as their primary income, and kicking their paycheck a year down the road is a non starter for many orgs. And with the demographics of unity devs, that’s probably more than norm than it is the exception.

          • FaceDeer
            52 years ago

            I did say it may be worth it. Each team is going to be different.

      • gregorum
        62 years ago

        It is a huge ask. Sadly, unity made it necessary.

      72 years ago

      It seems more fair to say we shouldn’t buy Unity games a few years from now. Some games may be closer to completion, and they may have gone through years of development.