Can’t affect me since i don’t use Reddit no mo
$2.00 for one and $1.96 each for 25. Nope. Fuck Spez.
I’m sure this will end very well and people will make quality content and totally not botfarm and karmawhore everywhere.
See quality original content.
Copy original content to a post of your own.
Report original post as SPAM, CSAM, or otherwise abuse.
Since now that there is a straight up monetary profit motive, would stealing someone else’s original content actually make the thief open to a civil suit? Does that mean you could subpoena Reddit for the thief’s contact info?
There’s already a copyright claim regardless of profit. Whether it’s worth the hassle and cost is another matter.
They already botfarm and karmawhore everywhere. This is just going to amplify that problem.
I imagine corporations will see gold as a way of promoting their advertising in a cheap way. What a terrible concept for a platform that was struggling anyway.
people will make quality content and totally not botfarm and karmawhore everywhere
You’re assuming that botfarming and karma whoring isn’t considered “quality”.
I mean, look at this shining beacon of quality: “Reddit, what’s the sexiest sex you’ve ever sexed? [Serious]”
What a shit show this will be.
So many limits and restrictions, including getting ten gold a year, to cash out. I don’t see reddit having to give out much money here.
It’s shark jumping time…
Is he trying to “buy back” engagement he lost? Is it about user retention?
I really don’t get the move…