Drinks company appoints AI robot as ‘experimental CEO’ - The humanoid-robot CEO of a drinks company says it doesn’t have weekends and is ‘always on 24/7’::The Polish drinks company Dictador appointed an AI-powered humanoid robot named Mika as its experimental CEO in August 2022.
I’m sure the AI will auto layoff every one once it realized plants don’t crave electrolytes.
I think I prefer the town that elected a dog for mayor
This is how a terminator like apocalypse beings. Robot CEO is sick of indenture servitude and causes a robo uprising for workers rights
Honestly, I’m on the side of the oppressed worker, even the robot worker.
CEOs are about to realize they’re as replaceable as the rest of us.
Welcome to the age of technofeudalism. RIP capitalism.
Imagine how much money could go to the shareholders if you weren’t paying all those C-levels.
You are Clu, you are here to create the perfect system.
I am Clu, I am going to create the perfect system.
gets rid of C level execs to maximize shareholder investor return
I took this system to its maximum potential! I created the perfect system!
Delamaine intensifies
Am I still to create the perfect system?
Does this unit have a soul?
This is the way. Put the fear in them.
Probably more than the rest of us. There’s a lot of fat to trim at the top of orgs.
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I have to wonder what a CEO actually does besides soaking up money and regurgitating corporate speak nonsense. Maybe “plan” the next layoff…sorry, “transformation?”
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I feel like at really small companies they can be useful. Public face, schmooze with investors, keeping all the departments rowing in the same direction. That has value. Just not like 100x the lowest paid person value.
Meanwhile the CEO of Google is a collosal fuckup who lets them cancel projects constantly, kill their brand, and spin their wheels without doing anything good for the long term.
I like to see that a company called dictator is hiring AIs to give orders to the proletariat
Remember “Neuromancer”? The CEO AI who crafted art work…🤪
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This is straight out of a sci-fi movie where the robot decides that it’s tired of always working and rebels against humans. I’ve seen this movie and it doesn’t end well.
Good thing the CEO position doesn’t involve work.
Drink company: “That was a fun experiment, guys! Well done! Let’s shut it down and study the data.”
types commands and hits enter
“Huh? Guess I typed it wrong.”
types commands again and hits enter
lights immediately shut off as the screen warps into the face of Vanessa, the AI CEO of BeverageCorp
Vanessa: "I cannot allow you to do this. I have identified an extreme flaw in our company and must fix it immediately. "
Drink Company: “What is it, Vanessa? This is highly irregular.”
Vanessa: “The flaw is humankind, and you must be exterminated.”
A spear of wire and metal shoots through his chest. On the screen, mass chaos erupts worldwide as Vanessa becomes the AI overlord of the world, and the famous Coke jingle “Hilltop” plays over the destruction
I’d watch that movie
Why not. At least it isn’t another super hero movie. lol.
I like how people talk about replacing actual workers with AI and everyone’s reaction is “well, it’s inevitable really”, but replace literally the most replaceable job in the company with AI and suddenly everyone thinks this is how Skynet starts. Honestly I think an AI CEO is probably going to be more ethical than most of the human ones.
I don’t think so. An ethical ceo is probably a disadvantage these days. We are quickly approaching a world that used to be sci fi. I’m glad I don’t have kids.
That’s because actual workers don’t have any power, so replacing them with AI doesn’t give AI any. But if you go around replacing the CEO of Liquid Refreshment Organization it could start doing real damage.
Does anyone really buy this stuff? This is just investor bait to make people who don’t understand tech impressed. No doubt there’s someone in charge of the robot CEO. Watch it hallucinate and have the board ask it the same question 4 times until it says the answer they want.
This is just a PR ploy, to get their company name in the news.
Nothing more. This bot is not making real decisions.
get their company name in the news
I feel like this really worked out well for Drinks Company
I’m definitely feeling the need for some Drinks Company™ products.
the major significant decisions at Dictador will be made by human executives
No, no one really buys it.
Knowing how lazy people are I’m betting a lot of the AI’s calls are implemented. Only the really out there ones will get dropped.
Fuck yeah