Top Apple analyst says MacBook demand has fallen ‘significantly’::A top Apple analyst said Wednesday that shipments for MacBook computers will decline around 30% year over year.
I was out when they did the thunderbolt only thing. and of course when they realized it was a mistake, they not only fixed it but also added a massive unnecessary notch in the display to make it match the iphone. it’s like the joke writes itself in my case.
New MacBook: M1 RISC 8GB RAM 250 SSD 1440x900 resolution Touchbar that prevents touch typing? No touch screen $2200+
Decline in demand is sooooo mysterious.
Weird take.
Even the lowest end MacBook Air is 2560x1600. The touch bar got dropped years ago when they transitioned away from Intel. Pricing for the specs you listed starts at $999.
There plenty to criticise. No need to make shit up.
Weird take indeed, but I personally don’t understand why macs don’t have touch screens yet. I’m using laptops with touchscreens for over 8 years now and can’t imagine using one without it.
1400x900 what? I though they all have those Retina displays something?
But in general yeah. A time to throw away stones and a time to gather stones.
First they’ve been building reputation and product image, then those became so strong that their actions, useful or harmful, had no apparent effect, and then it turns out they no longer know how to build reputation, product image and the product itself.
It’s funny how many things can be explained just in control theory terms, with feedback loops, response times, sensitivity etc.
1440x900 is the native resolution of a brand new MacBook. I don’t follow gibberish terms used in Macintosh hardware. Retina is eye tissue.
Even the lowest end MacBook Air is 2560x1600.
I meant that’s a 2k display. I may agree about eye tissue, but we humans often repeat terms used by others so to not explain ourselves every time.
I always hated the UI/UX of Mac. I find it annoying and ineffective to work on without heavy modification and third party tools.
I stopped using Macs years ago because with every update I lost more control over the computer, making even basic configurations difficult. It felt like walls closing in.
If all specialized software would work there, I’d be 100% in Linux now because it’s just the superior OS - stable, easy to use, flexible and accessible (aside from Wine).
I was the same way… It’s been about 20 years since I last owned a mac. I skipped the intel years entirely. I was given an M1 mbp for my current job though and its honestly fantastic… One of the best machines I’ve used in years. The chip is a huge part of it.
Since there are so many developers on mac these days, there is a ton of tooling around there to customize the UI enough to be flexible. I’m quite happy on it.
Hah. I’m still running my MacBook Air from 2013.
Similar. MacBook pro from mid 2014 for personal stuff
Ha Lenovo T430 here! But I’ve probably needed to upgrade mine way more than the MacBook over the years 🤔
The cause could be that they’re lasting longer. Or it could be the fact that they’re not repairable, don’t support virtual machines or windows, have cut corners internally to increase profits margins and for the most part don’t play games. The company I work for, previous the ARM CPU switch bought MacBooks exclusively and either ran windows in parallels or used boot camp. We can no longer do that to run any of the tools we use for machine programming or troubleshooting so we buy razer blade 15s now. That battery isn’t as great but they’re powerhouses and have awesome repairability.
Why can’t you run Parallels?
We can use parallels, just not to run x86 windows.
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This is hilariously wrong. I have run virtual machines on Apple Silicon myself. They literally built a virtualization framework for the product in question.
For the same reason you can’t run Windows 11 Pro on your phone. The chip architecture.
You might want to tell that to the people who make Parallels.
As weird as it sounds you can (with poor performance). With something like Limbo or Termux you can actually get Windows or any x86 OS running underneath Android on a phone.
Fun project maybe, but not really utilitarian though. Never used apple so can’t actually report on how well their emulation and/or translation layer is working on Arm.
You can run Windows on Apple Silicon in a VM. These people are just wrong. Also Windows for ARM exists.
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You can run virtual machines on Apple Silicon. I have done it myself. Also Razer are known for bad reliability.
You can run virtual machines on Apple Silicon
You can, but with emulationb for anything needing x86 (like Windows). Which means it’s slow and unusable
Nope, they use Windows for ARM
Right which still isn’t the x86 version of windows that basically every vendor I’ve come across requires for tooling software and machine programming. It’s okay to be wrong fan boy.
My god you’re calling me a fanboy long after I sold the only Apple device I owned. Like it’s actually hilarious in how off the mark you are. It wasn’t long ago I was getting downvoted on Reddit for suggesting someone not buy their girlfriend a macbook.
I am well aware of the compatibility issues, it’s why I sold my M1 machine. The thing is you were specifically talking about Windows as an example of something that needs emulation, which it doesn’t. It’s specific applications that need “emulation”, which isn’t even a normal emulator. For macOS applications they mainly use static recompilation, and for Windows apps dynamic recompilation (dynarec) is used. Windows for ARM translation layer basically acts like a JIT compiler.
Apple’s implementation is actually shockingly good because they built an x86 like memory coherency mode into the M family SoCs (specifically in the performance cores) and because they are using the static recompilation that I mentioned. Apps running in a Windows for ARM VM couldn’t use that last time I owned a MacBook.
We’ve had no problems with them so far and the fact that they can be easily dusted and cleaned has made them more reliable than the MBPs we were using. In a dirty environment they fill with dust and don’t live long.
Yeah Apple products aren’t exactly durable. Still I hope you have a service contract with razor.
They should make hardware people want to buy.
Hardware that’s worth the price.
Lately they failed on both counts and failed 1st means never had a chance at 2nd.
Exactly. The price keeps inching upward and the last generation of MacBooks was awful. After getting burned by one of those things I’m not about to buy another one even if the new processor is awesome.
Not to mention, the OS has become junk over the years. It used to be great for developers. They still ship crusty old versions of programming languages, window management sucks, and it’s just a pain in the ass to work with. These days, I would rather be on a Linux machine. Plus, most games work on Linux now, which is something Apple still hasn’t figured out.
Hmm. What ide do you use? I develop mostly C#, and I use rider on an m1 MBP (not my main pc of course, but nice for not sitting at my desk my whole life) and I’ve got access to the latest .Net framework (which is still old as MS has stopped releasing framework versions) as well as .Net 7 and the .Net 8 RC.
Again I pretty much only develop with C# .Net and JS/TS, but I’ve not had issues with support for current development.
I use Linux for home and Mac for work. My Mac is older Intel based with software bar for F keys. If in the past 10 years ago I was into Mac and owned one… I no longer see the reason for Mac.
Hardware choices are not a selling point
Context bar makes it harder to use for programming. It is not a sell for me.
Mouse pad frequently jumps cursor.
Keyboard feedback is cheap.
Software is not impressive either
Usability wise Gnome is better than OS X for me. No ctrl key on right side is terrible.
Due to Windows subsystem for Linux v2 I am starting to think Windows is better for Linux development than Mac.
MAC M1, M2 laptops have good battery life going for them.
The keyboard’s on macs have always been crap. They’re even crap on desktop, they’ve taken their awful, but I suppose understandable, laptop keyboard and stuck it on a desktop keyboard base. Why?
Why are Apple allergic to the concept of keys having three dimensions to them, why are they all flat with zero travel.
They’ve been a form over function company since the iMac days with the round mouse with a single button completed with PC mice thatwere commonly two button with scroll wheel and in a shape that fit the hand and let you know which way it was oriented.
Apple was known for the one-button mouse in 1983, 15 years before the iMac
Yeah but the iMac was when they introduced the completely symmetrical mouse that you couldn’t tell which was it was pointing without looking for where the cord was. The previous one-button mice were just lacking functionality but looked as bad as most mice did in those days. The round one-button mice looked nicer but functioned worse, hence form over function.
That said, I should have probably added an “at least” to my original statement.
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Yes and no.
Yes, one can buy at least mouse.
No, when I take laptop I don’t want to carry 2 additional devices. Extra keyboard for laptop is a ton of extra space, which makes if harder to use laptop on smaller desk.
Laptop no longer can be used on my lap. The core use case is broken. Thus, it is not the hardware I want to use.
By the way, I have no issues like that on Asus laptop that was much cheaper to buy. To be fair it has its own set of issues, but those don’t bother me as much.
By lately, do you mean the M2 chip compared to M1?
My M2 laptop with 8GB of ram?
My wife’s 3 years old MacBook with the software bar is such a nightmare to use. I get really pissed off whenever I get close to this thing. Between the poorly placed bar and the weird touchpad, never again.
i mean i want the m2 Chip but like the reasonable person i am, i wait for the competition to catch up and then buy it at a fair price, and install an actual OS on it. like holy hell… they make decent hardware and then on top of that totally ignore that vulkan is the best thing that happened to graphics apis in 20 years
Tech companies aren’t hiring. They’re firing.
I this case, they are probably suffering from success. Shitty manufacturing and unrepairability aside, the M macbooks are the first competent macbooks in quite a while, so most people probably bought the first versions and now they have no desire to upgrade, because why would they? I have an M1 Pro and aside from gaming performance there is absolutely no reason for me to upgrade.
But if they’re that good,why don’t people buy 2 or 3 of them? Don’t they like apple anymore?
They are expensive for the general public. But the M1 chip is actually very performant.
Istn that the case for every notebook these days?
I have the same model, use it for music production and it’s the sound of my piano via Pianoteq and my synth via Arturia Pigments. It’s going great.
Oh no, does Tim Apple know???
Part of a manufactured recession is that everyone goes broke from getting laid off or suppressed wages, and they can’t afford to buy your shit. Whodathunk?
Oh no people can’t afford anything how can we fix this? Maybe more pizza parties? Or how about forcing people to come back to the office and burn their own money in gas and other expenses? Maybe try raising prices more while keeping wages low, that will fix it!
I’ve never seen companies do more user- and employee-hostile shit than in the last couple of years.
These companies, who stayed afloat because almost everyone worked from home during the pandemic and got shit done while millions of humans died, are now trying to say WFH doesn’t work. Let me just check your earnings reports. Oh look, billions and billions of dollars per quarter while you lay off staff to bump your bottom line.
This shit makes me so angry.
If the Mac were half as repairable as a Framework and could run Windows VMs without crashing when they run my default tools, I might be interested in one again.
I’ve never had any issues running windows VMs on any of my macs. And our office is full of developers running windows VMs on Macs.
I ain’t paying for Apple R&D. I’ll consider them when they are cheap.
The M1 Air is the best deal in computing.
I wonder how this compares to PC sales, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this is an industry-wide decline.
Laptop sales are expected to rise year on year.
This is an Apple problem, likely because of their price point. Apple’s previous advantage was usability, but they pivoted to luxury. Luxury demand goes down when markets are surpressed, but the demand for utility does not.
No, most computer sales are way down this year compared to last year.
IDC shows Apple’s sales are down 23% year over year this most recent quarter (Q3 2023), worse than the overall market of down 7.6%.
But in Q2 2023, the last quarter before that, Apple was the only manufacturer to show an increase, up 10.3% when the overall market was down 13.4%.
In Q1 2023, Apple’s shipments dropped 40.5%, while the market as a whole dropped 29%.
Q4 2022, Apple was down 2.1% while the industry as a whole was down 28.1%
If I were at a computer I’d be able to pull these things up more comprehensively, but you get the point. Apple is in a weird position because they released a big change right in the middle of the pandemic when demand for computers was already through the roof, but they’re still in the same basic boat as everyone else, with the booms of 2021 to 2022 giving less demand for upgrades so soon afterward.
I was looking at total revenue, for the global market, but you’re right that I probably should have been looking at units.
Slightly different picture it seems.
I’ve been wanting to buy one for a while, but they are a bit too expensive.
If the base model had at least 512gb ssd and 16gb ram, then I would have purchased one. I just keep waiting to buy until this is the case.
I’ll be that guy: MacBooks are PCs.
But yes it’s industry wide. There was a huge boom of computer and computer accessory sales during the pandemic due to work from home and other factors. Now a lot of people have stuff that’s only 2 or 3 years old and they have no need to upgrade.
Why be so unnecessarily pedantic though? Mac/PC has been a ubiquitous colloquial distinction for 20+ years, and it’s one that both Mac and non-Mac vendors have leaned into for a very long time. This is in no way a new trend, and you’re not going to change a single person’s vernacular with this ackchyually, so why go out of your way to be that guy? Sometimes language evolves in ways that defy logic. Just accept it and move on.
Because sometimes prople don’t want to play into biggest corp’s in the world marketing scheme. It is a personal computer.
That’s revisionist history. “Mac” and “Linux machine” were used to distinguish them from the overwhelming majority of windows computers that were commonly referred to as PCs years before the “I’m a Mac/Im a PC” ads. As I said, Apple simply leaned into that already established trend. I remember when I was in high school around the turn of the Millenium, vendors like CompUSA would have an Apple section separate from the PC section. Apple was nowhere close to the largest corp in the world back then, and they did not have the selling power to make any retailer follow their ample propaganda until much much later.
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Meanwhile prices only seem to go up and wages stagnate.