DoorDash now warns you that your food might get cold if you don’t tip::The app-based delivery service is alerting customers that drivers may not take their order in a timely manner if there is no tip included upfront.
They should also warn that they’ll spit in your food too.
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Just go get the food yourself. Forget these delivery companies.
Underrated comment
It’s definitely not, it’s very recent and rapidly gaining upvotes.
Lazy people are downvoting because they want to waste their money on Door Dash.
People are free to spend their hard earned money on whatever they enjoy, it doesn’t mean they are lazy either.
If someone is rich, then I agree. A millennial or zoomer making between $40-80k doesn’t have the money to be blowing on their unwillingness to leave their house, or even to be going out all the time.
If they want to spend what little disposable income they have on it, they should be free and happy to do so.
I guess, but is it really wise for them to spend it that way?
You’re ignoring the main problem and point of the post here, but you’re also ignoring some people’s needs and how “just go get it” is often not an option. This isn’t a useful comment and it also doesn’t make any discussion.
If you can’t go get the food, eat what you have at home. If you’re not at home, bring something with you to eat later or plan better.
For some it’s often not as simple as just eat what you have at home and that’s often not an option.
Wow, how did people survive before food delivery to your door was commonplace?
Obviously by being forced to either do it anyways, get help or skipping that meal?
We lasted so long without uber eats. We can do it again
We can, but everyone should always have the choice to do what they want, not keep having others tell them what they should or should not do. Whether or not you like these services doesn’t mean others can’t. I don’t care for certain clothing items, it doesn’t mean I should tell people not to wear them or do what they like because it isn’t my choice.
Also, in my experience, an tip doesn’t even guarantee warm food lol
I used door dash maybe 5 times ever, tipped 20% and still got cold AND wrong food everytime.
Similar experience with GrubHub as well.
My mom sent food to my house one time and it sat out for probably 20 minutes because they were too afraid to knock on the door.
The apps default to “leave at door” and most people don’t expect a knock since they are the ones who ordered and have an app that will notify them food was delivered (if they weren’t following along every step of the way like most people do)… Has nothing to do with being “scared”.
That makes sense.
I used DD a lot during the course of the pandemic and I’d say it was completely botched at least 70% of the time. Part of the reason I used it so much was that they were giving me a ton of money to use in credit due as a resolution to the constant issues. This actually made it very cheap overall so it was hard to complain. I always gave above average tips too
HOW MUCH?! General sales tax here is 20% and food sales tax is 10%! It is double of food sales tax.
People who waste their money on DoorDash deserve to lose it. Learn to make your own food or pick it up your damn self. At least order from places that do their own delivery.
You’re acting like that is an option for everyone and you’re blaming the people who order from DoorDash which is both pointless and ignorant and helps absolutely no one.
“Mrrrm, I HAVE to order McDonald’s at DoorDash, I can’t be expected to do for myself as an adult Mrrrrrrrm”
That’s how you sound right now.
Not quite, there’s a lot of health issues and other things that can impact someone’s ability to cook on their own or get help at that current moment. DoorDash is oftentimes great for scenarios like that and the people aren’t to blame.
Mockery instead of trying to think of reasons why my point could be valid is also a very low blow to make.
Outside of emergency situations where you’re physically unable to go out and your power is out so you cannot cook and have nothing edible without being cooked, there is no reason a food delivery service is necessary. Food can be delivered from grocery stores and can be cooked.
I’d like to just link my other comment but I’ll rewrite my point, there’s a lot of health conditions and other scenarios where someone may be unable to cook or get help in that moment.
If you have the income for it, DoorDash is an amazing option for this in the US. It’s a lot simpler where I live where you can just get ready to eat fresh food from supermarkets and the restaurants deliver things themselves, but people themselves are not to blame for using DoorDash.
If they are unable to prepare meals themselves, how are they getting up and answering the door? You’re describing a very narrow niche that likely doesn’t really exist. The vast vast majority of people who use these services are capable but unwilling to get it themselves.
I don’t support any of these gig-economy services for various reasons, but this isn’t on DoorDash. This is the reality of the situation, and the consumer isn’t being screwed.
My comment is more or less focused on mental health, where there can be huge blockades to go and prepare food and it’s quite common. I do understand that a huge chunk of people are simply unwilling though.
Over here things like delivery is more of a fun thing you do every 2 weeks, and not a common occurrence which is ideally how it should be. I find comments targetting people like the original quite lame as it accomplishes nothing, and the root cause is how corporations and education in the US works.
DD is just explaining that it’s a bidding system. Few if any drivers are going to want to drive out of their way to pick it up and deliver it to you for little or no guaranteed tip listed up front and high chance of someone bailing on it anyway. Food sits at the restaurant for a long time
Pretty sure if I were to put a $20 tip I’d have no problems getting someone to accept the order immediately.
The problem, and the reason we’ve stopped using Doordash completely, is that your big tip means your order will get stacked with the low/no tippers to incentive the driver to pick them all up. And your food will sit there getting cold while the driver waits to pick up the others.
This has become universally true over the last year or two in Chicago at least. We are good tippers and every single time we’d see our food get picked up then watch the driver wait to pick up some other order – sometime waiting 30 minutes or more with our food in their car less than a block from our home.
It’s been four years since I lived there (Bucktown) but I started seeing that somewhat. We always tip pretty decent. Obviously it’s best we avoid apps like these whenever possible but it has its utility still.
It’s true everywhere. My wife and I both placed separate orders. I placed mine first and watched the driver wait 30 minutes, after picking up my order, until her order was ready. Then they got confused that both orders were coming to my house and didn’t drop my order off. They figured it out after a few minutes and came back, but after 45 minutes of sitting in a car nachos are pretty fucking gross.
I would have said go pick it up yourself but lol your parking situation.
Yeah we have one car and mostly don’t drive unless we’re visiting family out of town. But we are lucky and have a lot of restaurants within walking distance from which we can pick up, which is pretty much how we order these days. Also we have one of the best public transit systems in the US (at least we did pre-pandemic) but taking public transit to pick up food is still a PITA.
But there are lots of others in the city who don’t own a car at all because the CTA is enough to get to work, and may live in a food desert without much around.
If they see the tip before taking the job I could see that making sense.
Cold food would be an improvement over the last three times I ordered food with DoorDash. Last three times, the driver stole my food. I’ll never use them again.
Did you report it? I imagine they take that seriously but they also don’t have any way of knowing if someone is just being psychopathic.
We’ve had multiple orders delivered to the wrong address. We get confirmation pictures of our food sitting on someone else’s doorstep. Has happened with all of the services. We live in a regular neighborhood with houses and streets pretty much laid out on a grid and signs everywhere so I don’t get the problem but it happens about 50% of the time. None of the places with employee delivery have trouble finding us.
Grub hub was the last one we hadn’t canceled since we get discounted delivery fees through something ( a credit card bonus I think?) Ordered dinner two weeks ago, and got another wrong address delivery, so my husband calls customer service for a refund and they insist on trying order again first. They got it right, but we got food 2.5 hours after we’d ordered.
We’ve canceled all delivery services now.
How lazy and dependent people are if they can be “blackmailed” by the food delivery service and that service doesn’t fear a significant loos of customers!
I hate Doorsdash so fucking much but I’m pretty sure I’m addicted to it. It’s one of those terrible destructive relationships and I find myself screaming at the app every time I use it. I recently discovered a neat trick though, where if I order from the website then the app won’t spam me with the double-dash popup but I’ll still get my delivery statuses.
Learn to cook. This is why everyone became broke and fat. It is scary how fast you lose money this way. A single meal for one person can be the same as a family of four food budget for a week and the food you get is loaded with salt and calories.
My rule for eating out is simple: it has to be food I can’t resonably make at home. I love Indian food but it wouldn’t be realistic for me to start cooking it.
I know how to cook, but sometimes I don’t want to cook. I don’t see why this is such a hard concept to grasp, and I don’t know why everyone is so hostile towards people who choose to spend their money on this
Because it is hard to feel bad about someone complaining about a luxury that caters to human laziness being slightly more expensive. There is about a billion people on earth who don’t have enough to eat or don’t have access to a good diet and you people are whining about spending 41 dollar laziness premium vs a 38 dollars laziness premium.
Try using a bicycle, maybe you will lose some weight.
People are “whining” about an out of control tipping culture. Doesn’t matter if you like the service or not, tips are fucking ridiculous right now.
Just stop tipping in that case?
I know how to cook, but only in a commercial kitchen and only when I’m making 150+ servings of something.
As someone who doesn’t use it* I’m curious, why is it so addicting?
*My wife used it once when we were out of state for a wedding but only because I was stuck inside due to illness.
It’s a time saver for sure. My husband and I use it a lot though over the past 2 months we’ve made conscious efforts to cook at home more for both money saving (it’s fucking expensive) and to reduce our calorie intake.
That being said, it’s really nice to just press a quick button, and then start sweeping, doing laundry, vacuuming, taking out the trash, etc, and then food just shows up that can now be conveniently cleaned up quickly as well.
Cooking yourself not only takes away time from the other chores kicking them to getting done later, but also now adds chores as well with the dishes.
I reason that something has to give between work, fitness, chores, schooling, sleep, and downtime. So far it’s been my sleep, but I don’t feel guilty using food delivery services to get some gaming/social time back in as well.
Thanks, that does make sense. I just finished raking leaves, walked 2 miles today for fitness, cooked dinner, and cleaned up. And there’s still more to do…
If it wasn’t for the tip I would honestly do it too. But I hate tipping non-wait staff so I’ll go pick a pizza up just to avoid it.
I stopped using DoorDash when their fees and overall cost doubled what it should be.
I’ll walk down and get it myself.
It’s fucking ridiculous…they all are. Uber, Grubhub, I mean if some of that went to the drivers then fine, we could talk. But we all know they don’t.
Just another reason to avoid Door Dash: Best to get off your ass and get food. Better yet: Cook your own food!
Exactly. It’s crazy how quickly this type of services get the “can’t live without it” status. One day people are cooking their own food, calling taxis and walking around and next they will starve to death if someone can’t bring them their BigMac and can’t get anywhere without Uber or electric scooter.
It’s just frustrating because almost all the restaurants that used to have their own delivery drivers now just do Uber or Door Dash
my friends cannot fathom the fact i walk everywhere in my college
im like come walk with me “but its so far” its a 15 minute walk you probably need it.
Nothing wrong with scooters (shout out to !, but bikes are better IMO. I agree with the rest of your sentiment though.
You’d be amazed with the number of millennials who need someone to get food for them. One of my friends from high school is a neckbeard who doesn’t work and his parents literally bring all his food into his apartment and he’s rude about it because they interrupt him playing video games.
I am a millennial lol. Not that I don’t use delivery, but going to get food and cooking my own is pretty routine.
I know people of all ages who can’t cook.
‘Food might get cold’ is a euphemism for getting spat into.
Nah, just that they won’t pick up your order if the driver sees that there’s a real possibility they’ll only get paid $2 to drive your starbucks order across the city.
Porque no los dos?
Which is why tipping culture is turning into extortion.
It boggles my mind that people use apps like these
I sit there at work sometimes, and people are ordering food from takeaways ten minutes walk up the road, paying easily three times what you’d pay to go and get it yourself.
It just doesn’t seem to occur to them that they can go and fetch it.
Only time I ever used DoorDash was when I was too high to feel confident about my ability to put my shoes on. Too bad I didn’t think about how unlikely it was that I would open my door.
It occurs to them, but sometimes you just don’t want to.
I brownbag lunch and we do a group lunch once a week at work at a restaurant.
The only real reason I can see people using apps like these regularly is if they’re disabled or otherwise unable to drive and can’t easily go out to get it themselves.
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No, it’s a bid for service. Think auction house restaurant where the only people going to serve you are the ones who think your pay is worth it.
Tips should always be made after service is rendered, not before.
I always heard tips started as “To Insure Prompt Service” or something. Which is basically what you’re doing here with Door dash, so we’ve gone back to the root of tips.
Nah, that’s a Backronym (added to fit the name after the fact.) Tip comes from English slang, meaning “to give”. You can give tips for money or information.
“that’s a nice lunch you got there. It’d be a shame if something happened to it” - door dash mobster
More like blackmail, specially after this warning.