YouTube is increasing Premium prices in multiple countries, right after an ad-blocker crackdown | You either pay rightfully for the video content you consume, or you live with the ads.::Google is increasing the prices of YouTube Premium and YouTube Music Premium subscriptions in some regions, right after blocking ad-blockers.

    241 year ago

    I will be stone cold dead before I pay a single dollar/euro to Google for THEM to harvest MY DATA to resell.

  • Punkie
    281 year ago

    The stupid thing is that they could have approached this in a much less dickish manner. Seriously. First, they are making money off us as it is with their demographics and the fact they are not utilizing this cash cow as before means they have gotten too greedy for their own good, or mismanaging funds which is a completely unrelated problem. Long ads, unskippable ads, expensive premium. This is the beginning of the end of something they used to offer as free, resting on their laurels as a monopoly, like the airline industry. When they are now practically forcing the cobra effect. Eventually, it will get so silly, it will go the way of the dod like Angelfire. AOL, and Geocities. Or, soon, Netflix.

    I would have started it similar to Patreon, like, “by donating $1/mo, you can support artists like this,” and incentivize the publishers with monetary gain and higher search results. Nobody is gonna miss $1 or $12/year. You multiply that by millions of viewers, that’s millions of dollars on top of their demographics. Second, they could have had a 5 second bumper, similar to PBS, like “This and other find content is brought to you by Exxon and the Chubb group” or whatever. Five seconds. Front and back. Not enough to cause outrage. Skippable, but not so annoying, everyone skips.

    • Queen HawlSera
      31 year ago

      God imagine SML allowing Jeffy to ask if Mario is “fucking high” again?

      Pretty hyped for the death of Youtube.

    121 year ago

    I will do everything within my power to take from them as much and give back as little as I can.

  • a rose for me
    451 year ago

    I will never watch 20 ads in a 15 minutes video, it’s worse than television.

    Make it a reasonable number of ads and I might consider it

    Some youtubers are so greedy it’s unreal, you barely see the red line because it’s way too filled with yellow spaces

    271 year ago

    If ads werent accompanied by malware, scams and right wing propaganda farms I might have considered not blocking them but as it is, no.

      31 year ago

      The right-wing propaganda thing has been odd for me. I’m a liberal gun nut and watch tons of gun related stuff. You would think I would be run over by BS, but I’m not. Can’t explain it.

      OTOH, if one has a soft mind, I can see the rabbit holes they might fall into. Perhaps we shore up education so even the idiots know enough not to fall in?

    91 year ago

    I’d even be willing to consider paying them, if it was not as pricey and came with less bullshit.

    Obviously, even compared to yt premium, third party Foss solutions are by far superior, but to support the creators, it would be okay.

    Yet, when they higher the already ridiculous price further, I’m noting out.

    -21 year ago

    Seems like this could be turned around if enough people would just consciously refuse to patronize anything they saw advertised on youtube.

      31 year ago

      That seems like it could work, and I would love to say you’re right, but many of the companies advertising—especially as we’re seeing more and more of the big players—have a really diverse ad spend budget so their dollars are all over the place. Because so many ads aren’t looking for a direct sale but rather increase your awareness when you DO want to buy, say, laundry detergent, there’s no way to tie your purchase to having seen an ad (though marketers LOVE to try and draw lines to efforts, many are hazy at best). So seeing ads and consciously not buying what you’re seeing could in theory lead to a dip in sales, but the watch numbers are high, so no adveriser would be able to tell that dip is because of youtube, or podcasts or… uh… radio?.

      So sadly the best way to hurt the system is to a) keep blocking the ads so the watch level is low and the advertisers want out or b) drop the watch level naturally by picking another platform.

      Source: a lot of time in advertising.

    101 year ago

    I don’t need YouTube that much. It’s competing with books, more traditional TV shows and movies, and Nebula / Curiosity Stream and Wondrium / LinkedIn Learning. I guess I might miss some reaction videos, but oh well.

    501 year ago

    Still haven’t gotten any on Firefox with Ublock Origin. The usual explanation is that it rolls out in stages, but I’ve nothing weeks later.

      281 year ago

      Nah there was an article that said that it’s fully deployed now.

      Your ad block solution must be filtering it out appropriately.

      I’ve had to do the full purge and refresh filters thing.

        • Gunpachi
          1 year ago

          You can use a rss reader app that works on the desktop like Fluent Reader or if you want to go all out - setup something like freshrss / miniflux on a selfhosted server.

          As for getting Rss feeds from Youtube. I think there are some browser extensions you can use. If you have the newpipe app on android , you can visit any Youtube channel and it will have an option to get the Rss feed on the top right. You can copy that link to your RSS reader and it will start showing new videos.

    171 year ago

    They’ve already calculated, how high and in how many increments, they can rise their prices, while still coming out ahead. For every country specifically.

    931 year ago

    Aww. Are the greedy megacorporations upset that consumers are being greedy in return? Poor megacorporations. :c

    151 year ago

    I still maintain that YT Premium is a great service if you’re like a lot of people and YT is the majority of your online video consumption. From a price to use comparison standpoint, it’s unbeaten. Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, etc all pale in comparison.

    But their insistence on bumping up prices, bundling YT Music and their war on ad blockers now is making it really hard to try to keep it. Hopefully now that Google is trying to cash in, we get some real competitors. Because right now when it comes to the sheer amount of content, visual quality and reliability of streaming nothing compares.

      81 year ago

      The problem is that, as I understand, YouTube still loses money.

      They could probably break even if they screwed over their creators like other platforms, but their creators are their moat.

        11 year ago

        I’ve heard that too, but I don’t know the details. It seems to me that their massive compute, storage and bandwidth requirements would be the culprits. If they’re paying creators so much that they’re unprofitable, that would make them very unsaavy with their money.