Put it on your phone. It runs inside a container, so on top of stock android. All your normal phone stuff is still there and running. Worth noting android has good support for mouse and keyboard.
Edit: user below pointed out that this does not appear to be an app, which kinda makes it a weird choice? Seems like there are still better solutions like Userland, Andronix, and LinuxDeploy
I think you’re making assumptions that aren’t fair but maybe aren’t obvious either. Honestly I’m only thinking about this because I just watched the contrapoints video on twilight, and so I’ll use her example, though she’s talking about a slightly different topic. Gonna paraphrase like a mofo:
Weird Power dynamics between partners in a fantasy, like twilight, or say porn since we are being obvious here, is normal because self image often requires women to present one way while hiding their desires for sex. It’s absolution of a sort, and is ostensibly healthy to explore in this way. That said… Some examples such as race play in fantasies may dehumanize the “other” in super not cool ways and reinforce negative racial stereotypes.
If we take that and extend it to pedophiles, normalization of the thought process leading to that sort of disfunction/disorder seems like a not great thing, but yeah, we’d need to study to learn more and that seems both difficult and likely undesirable for the researchers.
Appreciate the offer. I managed to get it running full screen on a sever I can vnc into, just like steam link except not slow.
Note: SL may not be slow, but the server it’s on aty place is a potato. Doing DF and steam (goddamnit I’d love to kill steam webhelper) and steam link will make you crazy.