Russian trolling is pretty well documented at this point. They overthrew several Baltic nations and bought a lot of breathing room during the 2016 election.
I feel like it’d be hard to buy a phone that didn’t do everything you’d want it to do in 2023. I don’t feel like we’ve advanced the way that we’re using them or what we’re using them for in years.
I guess aside from how to serve us ads, in which case they should be paying us.
China has the infrastructure to produce, the population to produce it, and the government to build more. I don’t think there’s really anybody that can compete with that.
Tech is the post regulation industry. It was born after we Reaganomics the business landscape. Other areas are just further behind as they had pesky regulators for most of their history.
I drove a beater with no note for like twenty years and just rented for car trips.
Having two or three car payments a year is cheaper than twelve.
It’s unconventional, but plenty of people do it.