At a minimum, one should be able to cut off access to the internet so a company can’t EoS killswitch it/pull a Nintendo and send an EoS fuck you update that breaks any attempts to put control in the user’s hands
Mind, that’s a really fucking low bar, and would be depressing if that’s all regulation guaranteed
Generally, when I consider uploading my conciousness, I imagine being able to store it in an offline device connected to my body and used more to bypass slow organic breakdown
Any cybernetic upgrades that you can’t, at a minimum, shut the connection to the internet off is not an upgrade because, well, they can send a killswitch or any other number of things
One thing which actually scares me with AI ia we get one chance. And there are a bunch who don’t think of repercussions, just profit/war/etc.
A group can be as careful as possible but it doesn’t mean shit if their Smarter Than Human AI isn’t also the first one out because as soon as it can improve itself, nothing is catching up
EDIT: This is also with the assumption of any groups doing so being dumb enough to give it capabilities to build its own body, obviously yes one that can’t jump to hardware capable of creating and assembling new parts is much less of a threat, as the thread points out
A non Roku Smart TV that you just don’t connect to the internet at all, ever