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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Even the newest “64-bit” cpus are really just 48-bit (or 36-bit on low end) or if bleeding edge 56-bit physical adressing processors. This is the maximum amount of virtual memory a process can have access to. You could memory map all your hard disks an still have room to map more physical memory to VMA.

  • JATthtoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    So, now they are slowly (or immediately and forever, I don’t know the time span) injecting propaganda into their clone of wikipedia and they are simultaneously thus admitting they are doing it. (to further brainwash the russian citizens)

    So lettme repeat: FUCK PUTIN, and stuff your rubber clones in your ass. (which there are many of)

  • JATthtoTechnology@lemmy.worldUnsmart a smart TV
    111 year ago

    The in-rush of endorphins when the modded LCD thing actually worked probably knocked you out?

    A bit of a side story: I disassemble probably 1–5 panels in a week. (For recycling, it takes about 20-45min per panel.) The flat cables alone are so flimsy, I would say just assembling a display again from known, matched and functional parts would take days. I would triple or quadruple that to assemble a display from random parts. Considering this, that modded panel is quite amazing to me.

    In standalone panels, the PSU has a chance of killing you: the main capacitors can hold multiple joules worth of nope, charged to about 400v. So, if the main caps are not allowed to discharge (if they discharge at all that is), there is a possibility of death when disassembling a panel with an integrated PSU. Waiting “5min” is bad; a PSU needs to be unplugged for a day or two at least before the charge drains out.

  • I would highly recommend Curve25519, etc., just because such keys are faster and less common than RSA public-private keys in today’s world. RSA 2048-bit keys are considered weak today, while the Curve25519 256-bit keys remain stronger. Also, the ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher has an interesting backstory and doesn’t necessarily need hardware acceleration (which, in theory, could be borked by the HW-vendor) to obtain good performance.

    Unfortunately, some SSH front-ends don’t play nice with Curve25519 public-private keys yet… (I’m pointing at the putty SSH client, but that may have improved from the last time I had to use it)

  • This was an yet another glorious episode from veritasium.

    I hope we get well past UVC LEDs. (i.e., shorter wavelengths) UV LEDs are already available. Unfortunately, this progress will stop before X-ray light. With +1 KeV energy, you pretty much must blast off the electrons from the atoms to emit X-rays, which an x-ray tube already does. Or by peeling off a piece of scotch tape.

  • The attack is spread via iMessage. A vulnerable device merely needs to receive a bad message with PDF attachment. --> A Remote code execution. No user interaction.

    Yikes. Indeed.

    The attack entry point is via bad TrueType font + PDF attachment that only needs to processed once. Once a process touches that, the attack vector begins and exploits are chained until they get kernel mode access. After getting kernel mode access all hope is lost, the attacker owns the device.

    Only sliver of hope is that fixing the attack entry point blocks the current attack. And that bug is:

    This attachment exploits the remote code execution vulnerability CVE-2023-41990 in the undocumented, Apple-only ADJUST TrueType font instruction. This instruction had existed since the early nineties before a patch removed it.

    But unless all the CVEs are patched, it is just matter of time a new attack entry point is found.

  • Shorter version: Operating systems set up hardware locks and protections to confine processes, and once set up, they cannot be undone. (the hardware + OS denies modifications to the security policy)

    • Attacker broke out from the app sandbox. (attacker can run code in the infected process)
    • Broke out of the process. (gained root access; attacker can run anything)
    • Broke into the kernel space (gained 100% control over the hardware)
    • Corrupted some kernel memory via a damm magic MMIO accesses nobody knows (hardware vulnerable)
    • Bypassed protections that kernel set up earlier such that it cannot accidentally modify itself.
    • Finally broke the kernel via hardware exploit thus the attacker got rootkit level access.

    Getting arbitrary code execution and root access is one thing, but breaking out from the damm kernel configured hardware protections is insane.

    They basically managed to flip a “read-only” switch to “modify-as-much-as-you-like”. The infected device at this point is broken beyond repair, as the firmware(s) may have been tampered with. End result is a terrestrial spy brick.

  • Quantum computing is going to make it possible to solve problems that normal computers simply cannot do.

    Most of these are optimizing problems like “compute the best solution to traveling salesman” or “find a molecule that binds to this receptor”.

    On normal computers solving such problems “perfectly” takesexponential amount of computing time vs. the size of the problem.

    Quantum computers are going to chop down that exponential thing a little, so we can see the results before the sun burns out. The reason QCs are theoretically able to do this is that each added qubit improves the machines performance exponentially.

    However, the qubit state is so fragile that we need hundreds of them to make a single “stable” logical qubit that can do operations repeatedly. What the quantum computer uses as qubit (photons, super-conducting wire) is irrelevant as long as the system can do useful work.

    Because of the fragility, the results are gathered using thousands of runs on the quantum machine and measured statistically.

    We are not quite there yet to solve any useful sized problems.

  • Based on the article the satellites are not staying 100% on their intended spectrum spec and are bleeding some unintended interfere noise. I hope the starlink cloud doesn’t interfere so much that it excludes possibility of some research. On earth, if you transmit even slightly out-of-spec radio signals, the government agencies will get mad and really really fast.

    ELI5: Low earth orbit is becoming over crowed “FM radio station”, with regulation lacking who can broadcast and at what frequency.